New to group

dani_ella Posts: 7 Member
hello...I am new to this group. I had my bypass in February... I am down 70 lbs. in looking at everyone's stats both here and on facebook I realize that my loss has not been so great... I am not saying it isn't substantial, because it is, but I know I have struggled with this. I have struggled with my brain more than anything else...I can not seem to change my habits enough. I really want to... I really want to do better. I feel hungry... I am feeling very frustrated right now because I have such a difficult time making my daily protein. It is the toughest thing ever... and keeping under 800 calories is really hard for me too... wow...this took a weird turn...I was really just introducing myself...Anyway, so I am 46 years old, my start weight was 299 lbs. and my weight now is 228. I am 5'3.5" tall. I have 2 children and 2 dogs and a husband who is very supportive but has been skinny all his life. He actually just joined this app because he has a few lbs. to lose...and for the first time ever is thinking about what he is eating. I co-run a small preschool/elementary school and am working toward my PhD. in special education. I am currently on a 2-month leave from college because things were a little too much. I teach full time while co-directing. I generally love what I do and the way things are in my life... obviously not perfect, but definitely mostly good stuff. I have taken up running (mainly interval running...I am now able to get up to 7 or 7.5 mph for 30-second runs). I find that I even crave running at times and it tends to make me feel better when I have had an emotionally draining day at work... If you would have told me that I would enjoy running at any point I would have thought you were crazy...but here I am... I am determined to get to my goal eventually...but I guess for now it is slow... how do I make myself less hungry??? How do I get the protein in??? How do I stay under 800 calories??? AHHH :)

Anyway, I look forward to supporting and being supported and to getting to know you all...


  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm sorry I dont understand why your under 800 calories a day especially if your running. I think your hungry cause your not eating enough.

    I am 16 months out and eat about 1500 calories and 80 plus grams of protein a day. This is what my doctor set me at for maintaining! Some days my broken brain tries to tell me I failed because I didnt get under 200 like I originally wanted but then I run up and down the stairs at work or go for a 5 km walk with my dogs and I realize I'm pretty happy!

  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I agree that 800 cal seems low for how far out you are. I'm 3 yrs post op next month and I eat in the 1200 to 1300 range most days, 1500ish on gym days. I eat 90gto 100g of protein per day from food. Because you're eating such a low amount it's possible your body is holding on to everything because your not feeding it enough. Maybe check with your dietitian.
  • atmdaddy
    atmdaddy Posts: 51 Member
    I think that the required protein 60 grams minimum and 90 grams max is more important. That keeps your energy and muscles up. Had my surgery in October and sometimes getting in 700-800 calories is difficult. Right now I'm closer to 1000 on most days. Lost 88 lbs so far. Any exercise is good too. I can't run because of an Arthritic Knee but walk alot. Gym time or home gym time is great too!