Monthly Post December 2019



  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Ha! Kate... lol on paying my plane fare... ! :D too funny!

    Meghan your outfit sounds so cute!!! I can imagine it, and you do rock!!!

    The daughter is moving from one apartment to another.... DECEMBER 31st!!!!!!! Oh just perfect for the stress level of everyone involved... key point... 3rd floor of a building with NO ELEVATOR!!!

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    I survived my holiday luncheon yesterday with no issues. I drank A LOT of water and had one cocktail - vodka with club soda and lime. On the menu was antipasto appetizers (mozzarella, peppers, mushrooms, olives, eggplant, salami, Parmesan cheese), calamari, and stuffed mushrooms. I stuck with the antipasto stuff that was keto friendly. I skipped the stuffed mushrooms since they were made using breadcrumbs. We sat down and were given a Caesar salad with croutons on top. Skipped the croutons. Next came a plate of penne a la vodka. I skipped that. Drank a lot of water while everybody was eating their pasta. Entree was delish. Filet mignon with a light peppercorn cream sauce and some green beans and potatoes on the side. Skipped the potatoes! Dessert was a chocolate mousse cake. Skipped that and had some coffee with half and half. All good! Ate normal dinner last night.

    Not much else going on here. Just the usual wrapping up year and stuff. Going to be heading down to Florida to see my family from Wednesday, 12/18 to Saturday, 12/28. Please send your positive vibes that my Mom doesn't drive me bananas the whole time! :p

    Tried on my bathing suit last night and it looks fine! Sticking with the one I wore this past summer as it doesn't look too big and I am comfy in it.

    LOL @mamainthekitchen good luck with your daughter's move! Brings back memories. My ex husband and I lived in a fourth floor walk up (no elevator) and oh boy was that fun! Grocery shopping was the worst. We lasted a year and then went elsewhere. The good thing is I was in my late 20's and even though I was overweight, I benefited from all those steps for sure. :)

    Have a good one and see you soon!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    edited December 2019
    Thanks for the comments on the banner everyone...I like it too. ;)

    Oh boy had to go ahead and list off all the dishes :| . Yum. Nice job getting out clean. Enjoy your Christmas vacation <positive vibes sent>.

    Hey Kate, I guess that payoff (student appreciation) is what keeps you coming back. Congrats.

    Mama, ugh...yeah, I feel daughter did the same thing at college. My part...I'll load it in my truck and drive it there, but y'all need to get it up the stairs, lol.

    In case I don't "see" y'all tomorrow...have a good weekend.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am down 2.2 lbs this week! Not bad for a week with a holiday lunch thrown in! :) I don't plan on weighing again until Friday, January 3. I plan on sticking to my Keto WOE over the holidays, but it will a little different of a schedule since we will be away for a good chunk of that. Definitely will be traveling with our food scale this year! Total loss of just under 30 lbs since starting Keto. A little slow at times

    @orlcam sorry if I tempted you at all by listing those dishes. :( Thanks for the positive vibes, much appreciated!

    Kate and Mama - hope all is good! I may or may not pop in over the weekend, but I am here in spirit!

    See you soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
    About to have some eggs for mid-day breakfast. :p
    Chat soon.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Good morning and happy fun day fun day Monday :s

    @Meghan509 wow, another big drop...and in the middle of the holidays. You're gonna own 2020. We (wife and I) hope to be there with you.

    Let's try something...tell us a little about food style...

    What's your dish? ...meaning, what's the dish that everyone wants you to bring for the holidays...that they always love and look forward to? (if that's not your thing, then what's the dish you crave most for the holidays?)

    For me it's mac-n-cheese. It was my mom's recipe initially, but over the years I've changed/added this or that and since 2000 or so it's expected that if I'm invited somewhere, I have to bring the mac. When we had the bbq restaurant open, it was also the 2nd favorite side (kids love curly fries.) Anyway, it's cheesy and tangy...I use a little cayenne, dill weed, creole mustard, blue cheese and sour cream. I've already done it for Thanksgiving and I'll be making it 4 more times by New Year's day. It's also my favorite side dish, so I never get tired of it, and it keeps me connected to my mom.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    I got all graduated yesterday! And today is a snow day!

    @orlcam I love that you have that connection with your mom. <3 People would prefer that I *not* cook. But I do love to bake. My favorite is making French bread and garlic butter. I make the butter myself, brown the garlic in a little bit of the butter, then add a little freshly grated real Parmesan cheese. If I am feeling really skippy, I spread it on the loaf and then add mozzarella and toast it under the broiler for a few.

    Off to watch Netflix and fold laundry. We finally got the tree up yesterday. I think I will make something in the crockpot for dinner. And maybe some French bread, too. :smile:
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Hmmm cheesy garlic bread, yum!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Congratulations Kate!!! Was thinking of you!! Ahhh now think of all the free time you’re going to have!! Lol on people wanting you to ‘not’ cook!!! :D

    Oh my god Orlcam your Mac& cheese sounds amazing!!!!!!!!! I also love the connection with your mom! <3

    Hmmmm... well since I make the entire dinner, I’d say the stuffing though... am working on perfecting a gluten free addition this year! Also my butter tarts with real Canadian maple syrup!! I could eat a platter of those and skip the turkey!! My connection to the butter tarts is with my grandma who lived to see 100! It’s her recipe but I did tweak by removing the walnuts!

    Meghan you Must be getting compliments from everyone!! You’re going to look fabulous in your bathing suit on your vacation!!! Way To Go!!

    I’ve been busy... cleaning, digging out stored stuff the daughter may want... making more of a mess initially but we got lots done on the weekend.

    I have to admit... I’ve wrapped all my gifts!! Except when I was folding my sons long sleeved t shirt out of the dryer yesterday I thought hey, wait a minute.. didn’t I just wrap this!??? Sure enough, after carefully unwrapping his gift I realized he already has this same long sleeved t shirt!!!!!! Omg!! Now I’ve got to return it and keep looking! He needs a hobby so I can buy more than clothes!!!

    I drank a little too much red wine last night so I’ve had a good solid dinner of meatloaf and mashed cauliflower & some zucchini for dinner followed by some sliced fresh ginger in hot water to sip... I’m feeling better now- too old for that silliness!!! Lol

    Have a great Tuesday people!

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    Came by yesterday and had a post started and then everything hit the fan - busy day! LOL

    So here we are, Tuesday in the house! We were supposed to get three to five inches of snow between last night and this morning. Woke up to some freezing rain and ice stuck to the car. Roads were fine. Schools are still closed, so the roads were nice and quiet. Last day in the office until 2020 whoot! Supposed to have another luncheon today but she is probably going to cancel due to people not being in and the nasty weather. She said she may order pizza, but I thought ahead and brought food just in case!

    Loving all these yummy dishes! For me, my family lives farther away so I don't really have a "dish" I bring a lot of places. But, I do have an amazing spaghetti sauce recipe that everybody seems to love! It is my Mom's recipe with a few mods. I like crushed tomatoes and fresh basil and other Italian seasonings. I make with ground beef or ground turkey. I have made it mostly for family and it is typically requested at the holidays. But, since we don't eat pasta I am not planning on making it this year! Sure, it does work on top of zucchini noodles but still kinda has a lot of sugar in it.

    Another food item that gets a lot of requests is my salad! Zzzz I know. I make a mean Mediterranean salad! Lettuce, mozzarella, sliced olives, sliced artichoke hearts, tomato, and if you are not low carbing - Garbanzo beans, or sliced turkey pepperoni if low carbing. Could also add some pepperoncini peppers for little kick. Some oil and vinegar on top and done!

    @orlcam your mac and cheese sounds amazing! I do miss pasta, there I said it. LOL

    @KateNkognito yummy cheesy garlic bread! CONGRATS on graduation! Wishing you nothing but the best and sending positive vibes for an amazing job opportunity.

    @mamainthekitchen your tarts sound amazing too!

    Okay I have to run! In transit tomorrow and on vacation rest of the year. Will pop in an out over the next two weeks. See you soon!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    edited December 2019
    @KateNkognito Man...I saw the post about graduating and then saw the cheesy bread and everything else vanished from my brain! ...congratulations on that, huge accomplishment. Pressure's off now hopefully for some rest and relaxation...hopefully.

    @mamainthekitchen OK, I'm a dummy... mama in the KITCHEN...say it out loud now. You're on the next got game! Butter tarts with maple syrup..."real"..."Canadian" mouth is watering. Your grandma, a full century...and your parents, y'all need to figure out what that is and bottle it. The t-shirt :o ...funny, and sad at the same time. My wife is the same, returning the shirt is part of the re-purchase...even during the holidays when customer service lines are crazy. I'm like...find somebody else to give the shirt to. :#

    @Meghan509 Weather sucks, but a nice long break for the holidays...that's gotta be nice. That salad sounds killer; my wife misses Sicily, she talks about it daily...and the food. I'm to the point, I'm like...screw Sicily, lol...I'm tired of hearing about how magical her life/meals have been while I was back here eating tuna on crackers. If you need a roommate, she's your gal. The sauce would further seal the deal. But seriously, we miss pasta too (see mac), and your sauce...yum.

    I've come to the realization that my sub-conscious must be purely evil...I'm sitting here asking everyone to talk about their best recipe...the ones they crave the most...the ones we usually go to for comfort...and we're on a fitness a group dedicated to fasting. I'm so twisted!

    Enjoy B)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    @orlcam, you crack me up!!

    @mamainthekitchen, seriously, come to my house! I need your organizing services! LOL

    @Meghan509, enjoy the time off!

    Three more alarms for me. I will seriously need the New Year reset. I have been SO off the wagon lately. Will hop back on when school is out and family has left. I am going to schedule an appointment with my chiropractor, who is also a nutritionist, to figure some stuff out and make a plan. I have some things going on that are complicating weight loss. Have a great rest of the week!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hysterical laughter over here Orlcam!!! :D:D I just hope those genes carried through!! 87 yr old parents vacay in Barbados each year and grandma ate one apple everyday plus put her feet up after lunch!! No kidding people... she’d either lie down for 20 mins or prop her feet up while reclining and just rest!! EVERY DAY!!! Her mother made her eat an apple everyday and she never stopped! So if she started at age 5 that’s well over 34,000 apples!!!! Can you imagine??
    If butter tarts would survive a mailing i’d mail you all some... the maple syrup is the bomb!!

    Kate I’m sure that all your school work and the balancing act of juggling your boys & all that comes with being a mom takes a huge toll on your system.... I hope your dr tells you to sit and relax in a hot tub and get a massage then sleep for a week!!! Good luck I hope you feel better!! :)

    I liked your question Orlcam, it’s good to shake things up again, I feel we’re all in the same mood lately... but Meghan is going strong!! And now I’m in the mood for her Mediterranean salad!! Oh yum!

    I returned the shirt today, sales staff and 2 customers had quite the laugh at my expense... all good, it is kinda funny!

    Chores tomorrow and I’ve hard boiled a couple of eggs to tie me over until dinner!!! Woohoo... k, that’s not that exciting, but I’m thrilled I’ve planned ahead!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hello from er, rainy Florida! Traveled down yesterday from the NY area. Flight was delayed and got in much later than expected but hey we made it safe! Managed to grab a pretty nice rental car for us. My company offers discounts via National and Enterprise. Nabbed a fly white convertable Camero! Whoot!

    You guys always crack me up around here! LOL Sounds like you are doing well.

    See you real soon! :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    edited December 2019
    Woohoo Meghan I can see it now and you look fabulous cruisin’ with the top down!!!! Haha..... except the rain part! Hope that weather cooperates!!

    I’ve been off the wagon this week! Did great with my pre planned boiled eggs then dinner... except for the entire box of fudge I had... feeling quite toxic now and in need of an intervention at the moment!! The husband is also starting to get annoyed with all those hallmark movies I’m watching on the ‘other’ tv.... he has hockey to watch so I figure this is a win win... but apparently no one is winning here. Tried to explain they’re on until Christmas... one more week!!

    Off to slice some ginger for my hot water - maybe it’ll help cut the sugar in my system! There goes my neighbor’s gift!!

    Hope all is well with you people!!
    It’s Friday! Be good!!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    What? Are you not entertained? ...I thought I was getting paid for this.

    Quick stop in...everyone getting a little R&R I see. Mama and Meghan getting started early...nice discipline. Kate, I'm with you...lots of family things from here to 2020. Just got back from shopping; doing oyster dressing and double size mac&cheese Sunday, rib-eye roast and mac & cheese for Christmas eve, and ham and double mac & cheese Christmas day...and I'm sure I'm cooking something Jan 1 also :D gonna be fun. I currently have 3 lbs butter, 2 dozen eggs, 20+ lbs of cheese, 1/2 gallon oysters, and 25+ lbs of various meats....whoah mama!

    Enjoy the weekend, and happy Festivus if I don't see you Monday.

  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    oh yeah...Camaro...nice.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    Did my shopping today. Cleaning the house tomorrow. People will be in and out for about a week and a half. I am really looking forward to the new year and a fresh start.
    @orlcam That is a LOT of food! I am headed to your house! LOL

    @Meghan509 I am so jealous of your car and the potential for fabulous weather!

    @mamainthekitchen Have a great week! At least you tried, that is way more than I have done lately. :)

    To everyone: Happy-Merry-Everything! I hope you all have had a great year and will have a fabulous new year!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Merry Christmas my fasting friends <3:*
    Enjoy your celebrations
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a fabulous day!