New Years Resolution

Adamneuf Posts: 1 Member
I plan on starting Keto as a New Years present to myself. I’m worth it. I am using the month of December to educate myself and make preparations. Joining this group is part of that effort. Lifestyle changes are hard, and I’m glad I feel I can get some motivation and inspiration and maybe a hug along the way. Would love any tidbits on starting out.


  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,584 Member
    I have been keto for almost three years. Keep the sodium intake up. Think of carbs as a limit and protein as a goal. The fat is not a goal, and this seems to be a common fixation by those starting.

    Enjoy yourself! It has been a great WOE for me.
  • ploomka
    ploomka Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome, @Adamneuf!

    There is a ton of information out there, and lots of options. It can get overwhelming, so it's great that you are doing your research to prepare yourself!

    I spent a few months reducing my carbs before going full keto. I cut out sugar first, then flour (pasta, bread), but didn't cut out whole food carbs such as fruit, starch vegetables, and whole grains (like quinoa, brown rice, and farro) until later, and only one at a time. This worked well for me, and I found the transition to keto to be seamless and simple, and I have found it easy to stick to because I established my habits in steps.

    Of course, my method is not for everyone, as there are many who feel that making small changes over time is not as helpful as making a major change in one go. You know yourself best!