10 pound challenge ROUND TWO: December 24-January 21st

evasultan Posts: 28 Member
This is round TWO!
Lets do this!

10 pounds in 4 weeks
Watch your food/Log, Exercise, Sleep, REPEAT! Every day for 4 weeks!

It works! Be committed!

Please post your comments!


  • evasultan
    evasultan Posts: 28 Member
    You can join any time. But we would like to restart every 4 weeks
    Log in your start date.
    Check in every day to let us know your food was logged. Create discussions for support!
    Weigh-In every monday of the week.
    Log your food every day!
    Lose 1-3 pds a week.
    Try to remain within caloric goals (with small deficit) to lose weight. You can look up what calories you need in order to lose 1-2 pds a week.
    Some form of physical activity preferable 3x week.