Greetings and Salutations!

New Years Health Goals - A prescription
Eat well
Exercise every
Day Exercise Hard 3-4 x weekly
Drink the water not the wine
Be grateful and mindful
Hug the Pup (or kitty, or bun-bun or piggle) PRN


  • annedougherty
    annedougherty Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there...thought I'd join this group for some community. I turned 50 last year and in the previous four years I put on 20lbs. Nothing changed - not my exercise habits, not my eating habits - just aging.

    The medical community's reaction to this has been the equivalent of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm not content with that. I know our bodies change as we age but all this extra weight is deeply uncomfortable.

    Any thoughts anyone has are most welcomed. I look forward to sharing my journey!