Power 90 Week 1 done! On to week 2!

I completed my sixth workout of Sculpt Power 90 on Saturday. Took a nice 1 mile walk yesterday with the dog. Now today, it's back to Power 90, week 2! Not feeling well at all this morning, so I hope I can make through today's workout. It's gonna be a big struggle, but gonna do my best.


  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member

    That is great to hear (the progress). Did you find it get a little bit easier as the week went along? If you are really feeling weak take a break. In my almost 3 months at it I've had four times where I stopped. Three were one day layoffs - either back ache or a couple of short illnesses. I even had a spell early on were my back was so out of whack that I took an entire week off. For that one I just shifted the 90 day schedule one week so that I could work towards the whole 90 day commitment. I have also had a bunch of days where I was beat, really tired, but I pushed play and did the required workout. A couple of those were, in hindsight, almost laughable - I was really dogging it. But I felt good afterwards knowing I had done it, and the next day seemed much better.

    All the best - to what ever you decide.
