Has people told you that you looked better heavier?

Like you aiming for your goal and some people tell you that you don't need to lose weight or don't lose no more weight!
Has people ever tried to sabotage you weight loss? Has anyone told you you looked better before?

What is your starting, current and goal weight?


  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    I have had people comment that I "never needed to lose weight" when I was 20 pounds more than I am now (currently 120). And yeah, they were right- I looked fine, but I didn't feel good. I love the healthy habits that I have now that I didn't before, and sometimes people don't understand I have a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet. I don't think people intentionally "try to sabotage" me, but often my loved ones encourage me to indulge when they do, which can be frustrating. Food is very communal, I don't blame them for wanting me to enjoy it with them, but learning to graciously say no is now a part of my vocabulary.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    My boyfriend pulls this constantly. It's just because he likes it when my chest is bigger, haha. I'm 5'4", started at about 140, am currently 117, and gave a goal of 110. I don't care if my breasts disappear, honestly, but they're a 28F right now so I don't know what his problem actually is. It's not sabotage in his case, he's just a boob guy. He'd rather I have a bit more body fat just for the sake of giant ta-tas.

    Plenty of other friends etc. have said the polite "you look great, you're thin enough, just eat this, have a treat" stuff but it's not unexpected now because I'm getting near the bottom of my healthy range. I just want to lose a few more for vanity's sake, so those comments aren't wrong or anything. But I just smile and say "thank you" or "no thank you" and leave it at that.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    I've had chubby-chasers here tell me to gain weight when I've already been close to my heaviest. That's about it. This is Miami, and the majority Hispanic population tends to prefer a thicker build on a woman. But it means nothing to me. My Cuban grandma always wanted me to weigh about 150, but fat chance I was going to take that advice - her BMI was in the mid-30s and her triglyceride count was astronomical.

    Other than that, everyone told me to gain weight when I weighed 108. I looked sickly and all my bones showed. My periods had stopped. I'm not interested in being that size again. I'm aiming for the weight at which I've gotten the most compliments.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    A girl at my work saw one of my "before" pictures a few weeks ago, and made the comment that I look better heavier.

    No way in seven hells do I believe this to be true, but whatever. I love who I am today much more than I did then, for multiple reasons - it's not just aesthetics
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I love who I am today much more than I did then, for multiple reasons - it's not just aesthetics


    People assume it's all about looks when really I just felt great. I had energy, I could move freely, it was a great feeling. That's what I'm trying to get back to.
  • CheerfulPinkFlower
    CheerfulPinkFlower Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, they have and I did not understand their comments either. A few years ago I lost 20 pounds and eventually got down to a 138 pounds. I am 5'5", so this was not out of line. My response to my co-worker was: "You'll have to talk too my fitness coach about this because he said I am doing just fine at this weigh, doing very well with my accomplishments and I'm very healthy."

    The thing of it was this co-worker was what appeared anorexic and overused tanning beds all the time. I could have shot a few comments back to her, but felt that her comment was easily offset by so many of the positive comments that I received. I think if I were to deal with this type of person again. I would abruptly interrupt what she is saying by bringing up a whole new topic. Such as how are your kids doing? Have you seen your son lately? Since she has attacked you personally, then this leaves an open door for the same to be done to her If changing the subject doesn't work, then walk away. There is no reason to let someone use put-downs for their own self gain. I find this type of person is usually very insecure and just trying to feel good about themselves.
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    haha yeh a year ago i was about 12 stone (im quite tall 5'9'') and even then people were like your fine as you are, although if i was a couple pounds heavier I wouldve been classed as overweight. Im just under 10 and a half stone now but would like to get to 10 stone.I know im not huge but I would feel healthier and more confident with a few pounds gone!Quite a few people seem to think I dont need to bother with the weightloss but this isnt about other peoples opinions its something I wannna do for me :)