am i alone?

nikki_att84 Posts: 152 Member
i had my sleeve in may 2018. i went down to 158 as my lowest . i gained 10 pounds in the last yr. i work out between 3-5 days a week on my nordictrack cycling bike i do half hour classes on there. my problem is food..i dont necesseraly eat bad but i have the tendency of always being hungry or eating when im not hungry just out of boredom,. or out of habit.
as anyone experienced this? i need help


  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I bet lots of us are in that boat, I found myself slipping back that way a bit the last few months. I wish I had a magic answer lol, the best I can say is log before you eat sometimes it will make you double think a snack, and eat high protein foods. I find i preplan all my snacks during the day and do great then make different choices at home when I don’t have the structure
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I think it's really important to learn to distinguish the difference between real hunger and head hunger. Sounds like you are dealing with that a bit, I think a lot of us have had to learn that, and you are not alone. If you think its out of boredom, when you feel that head hunger coming on, have a plan to dodge it - sometimes I just walk into another room to put my head into a different place to be able to judge clearly if it's actual hunger or head hunger. Just be mindful and you'll notice it and be able to control it better.