Baby #5 with GD, Started LCHF 3rd Trimester, Now Clean Keto

itsmethao Posts: 39 Member
Hi! I’d like to introduce myself to the MFP Keto community. I’m a 38 year old Mommy of DD 14yrs, DS 11yrs, DS 6 yrs and DS 3yrs. I’m currently pregnant with Baby #5 (30th week) and yes, this is also the 5th time that I’m a Gestationally Diabetic OB patient. I had third trimester onset with my 1st (25 lbs weight gain, delivered at 165 lbs) and 2nd (19 lbs weight gain, delivered at 210 lbs) pregnancies, controlled blood sugars with diet and exercise management. My 3rd pregnancy (2 lbs weight gain, delivered at 189 lbs) as instant onset, managed with glyburide pills mostly and insulin injections for the last few weeks. My 4th pregnancy (40.5 lbs weight gain, delivered at 196 lbs), instant onset with some glyburide pills and mostly insulin injections. This 5th and current pregnancy, I’m failing the nutrition guidelines for diet and exercise once again and my OB recently prescribed me insulin injections to administer at bedtime for dawn glucose numbers. Based on my past experiences with severe side effects of hypoglycemia, I opted to decline medical advice and took matters into my own hands.

On Christmas Eve, I accidentally pressed on Dr. Ken Berry’s interview on Diet Doctor’s YT channel and a few other related videos. Even though this lchf/keto/carnivore content was going against the grain of my childhood foundation of nutrition belief, it made sense to me and I absorbed it. This was the day I started dirty lchf as a lifestyle.

Keep in mind that I also had successful weight loss experiences in 2015 and 2018 with the help of IF from Dr. Jason Fung. Of course, I didn’t remain successful for long as I was still stuck on the CICO notion, and couldn’t maintain my gains in times of high stress. Over the course of the next few weeks and research on keto/carnivore pregnant women, I transitioned into clean keto. I admit it was a rough start with the keto flu that exacerbated my migraines (long history) and I had a sinus infection for the first time in my life. Even worse, it morphed into a sinus teeth infection. There were also a few ‘carby weaknesses over the holidays, family parties and friends’ events — and the sufferings felt overwhelming.

What helped me remain steadfast in this new lifestyle was that my glucose blood tests results were all controlled with little to no exercise. Today marks my 40th day of dedication. It’s been nearly 6 weeks and I’m finally feeling the full benefits of bursts of energy, rested sleep, waking without mental fog, mind clarity, clearing of 8yrs head dandruff, gum bleed mostly gone, 11yrs IBS issues resolved, 4yrs of left joint knee pain gone.

Prior to this pregnancy, I had nearly a year of work-related stress that caused me to steadily pack on the weight again. The overflowing bra, belly pooch and love handles made me depressed. Then I gained 8 lbs during the first two trimesters of this pregnancy on salty carbs, the only foods that I could keep down amidst the morning sickness from all cleaning products, hygiene products, the shower, the dishwasher, washer/dryer and trash bags/bins. As of nearly 3 weeks ago, I weighed 1 lb less at my last OB visit than my first OB appt. I currently love my body shape as I’m all belly now. My next OB visit will be in a few days so I’ll see if I’ve lost more weight or not. I’m mostly focused on being healthy since my last blood results showed an iron deficiency. This has happened before in prior pregnancies in the last trimester. Instead of taking advises iron supplements, I now eat 1/2 lb of liver nearly everyday.

I am enjoying this new journey of eliminating toxic foods and nourishing myself with nutritious foods. Baby #5 is baking healthily inside me and I’m slowly incorporating higher proteins and goods fats onto my children’s plates. Hubby might not join me anytime soon as he loves his rice noodles and beer too much. Will I continue this lifestyle after I meet my baby and no longer have GD? Although unfortunate that I didn’t start this sooner in my life, I’m positive I would continue since the wealth of knowledge that I’ve gained is enough to drive me to stay healthy for my family. I ask this in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ!


  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Good work! I don't know if I would have chosen to have so many children if I had the GD problems you've had, but then that's just me.
    Hugs, girl, you got this!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,956 Member
    I don't have time to type up an exhaustive reply right now, but I had GD with my last pregnancy. I went lower carb (<120g) and was able to just take glyburide and not have to take any insulin. Baby boy was born healthy as can be. I however went back to the SAD after the birth, but my GD stuck around. At 6 months after, I went back on the lower-carb diet but as I began to not care about the white carbs, I eliminated them and all fruits after a bout a month. I was pretty much keto at that point though I didn't know what that was then. I breastfed my son, no supply issues, and lost weight. But most importantly, my A1c dropped from 6.4 down to 5.7 quickly and dropped further still, though I don't remember the value. This kid we are talking about is turning 9 on Friday, so that was many moons ago. He breastfed until he was 21 month, the little stink. So if I had to do it again, and I had known what keto was, I would have done keto or maybe less strict and do LCHF during that pregnancy to avoid any meds whatsoever. I, however, back then was an idiot so once my A1c went down and my Dr said, "congrats you're diabetes is cured," I went back to eating like crap. And regained everything. Reaching goal weight came many years later when I discovered keto. I intended to stay keto for life after that when I hit goal, but my health went bonkers, and I developed Sjogren's, which in my case hates ketosis so I'm made miserable with really low carbs. I am still low carb (<100g) though.

    ANNNNYWAY....blah blah blah :lol:

    So, my advice is to make sure you eat enough to maintain and keep those electrolytes on-point for your health. Baby will take what he/she needs from you, so you need to get enough cals and electrolytes and water. Best wishes for you and baby! :heart: