In need of some serious motivation

I have needed some serious motivation to get back on the exercise wagon......I'm tired of making excuses....I know that NO weight is going to be lost if I don't do the work. Please add me.....I want to be accountable to someone other than myself.

I have about 60 pounds to lose, not only to LOOK better but so that i can feel better and live better. i KNOW that when I exercise that I have more energy and want to do more physical activities with my daughter. What good am I to her if I'm lazing (is that a word?) around because I'm too tired because I'm too fat? I KNOW that answer is...NONE.


  • jmoliveson
    jmoliveson Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me for support. You're right it is hard to stay committed. The hardest thing I have had to learn is to eat to fuel my body otherwise I have no energy to workout. Good luck on your journey!
  • CheleeneWence
    CheleeneWence Posts: 4 Member
    Hello!! I feel the same way sometimes but then I look at my daughter and know I have to kick my but into gear for her and me. Add me if you like!!

    You can do this, good luck!!
  • camdoyle8906
    camdoyle8906 Posts: 19 Member
    I find it hard to get motivation for actual work outs. I am trying to find things like yard work or other chores that require a lot of body movements. I find myself spending a lot of time cleaning or other duties that help burn calories without it feeling like a workout. I have found myself getting a little more energy and I feel accomplished when I complete a chore.
  • toomanireasons
    Feel free to add me ! I actually started on my life style change before I found MFP so I am currently about 65 pounds down. MFP support has helped me so much ! It has become my social media of choice. I was here several months, watching others and reading the different challenges that others were taking part in and watching them celebrate their accomplishments. This is the first month I had given myself any kind of challenge and I have pushed thru and am successful for May and looking forward to how I will increase the challenge and what the results will be in June! One day at a time, one choice at a time! I am here for you !