my super duper, top secret, no holds barred, top 10 tips for losing weight

10in30fitness Posts: 14 Member
Here is my super duper, top secret, no holds barred, top 10 tips for losing weight.
  1. Don't eat more than you burn per day. This means you have to know how many you need to stay the same, then not go over. To lose weight, eat a little less.
  2. Don't eat too little. Eating too little will make you weak, tired, and lacking energy. Your workouts will suck and you will be miserable.
  3. Eat more protein. Aim for a minimum of .8 grams per pound of bodyweight. Protein will build muscle which burns body fat all by itself and it give your body form.
  4. Don't be afraid of carbs! Carbs aren't the devil. Over eating is. Carbs fuel your workouts and your muscles need carbs for energy.
  5. Don't be afraid of fat! Dietary fat that is. Eating fat does not make you fat. But fats have more than twice the calories of carbs and protein so eating too much fat can make you ruin tip #1.
  6. Run first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Moderate intensity. Empty stomach so you use your body fat for fuel. Then, eat protein, carbs, and fats. (eggs, ham and potatoes?)
  7. Lift weights. Intensely 3-4 days a week. Make sure you hit all muscle groups so you are in balance. Building muscle will help get rid of excess body fat and give you nice form.
  8. Do HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training. Do a high intensity exercise like squat jumps followed by a low intensity activity like walking 'til your heart rate comes back down. Then repeat. This raises your metabolism and helps you burn fat throughout the day with the "afterburn effect".
  9. Ditch the scale. What, are you weighing in for your UFC fight? Instead, get a fat monitor like this one and track your body fat %. Aim for 10% for men and 17% for women.
  10. Sleep. Since you are putting your body through war, you will need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep to recover. Not doing this will sabotage your fat loss because under-sleeping raises cortisol, the stress hormone.

How many of these do you already do? Which ones will you start doing? What's your favorite breakfast cereal?