

  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Yay for all the ladies on here about to turn 40!! Me too! I'll be 40 on Oct 13th...big motivator.

    I have been struggling with my weight for what seems like an soon as I hit 25, I realized that my body was no longer the metabolic machine it had once been...that those cookies and pizza were actually mattering.

    I've lost significant amounts of weight before, after two babies it is much harder. I got married in the spring and it was a huge motivation for me to lose weight...and I did, but then I got my wedding pictures back and instead of a motivator, it spiraled me into a big depression of over how fat I still was and how much more I still had to lose and that I would have to be doing this the rest of my life. I gained everything back. I hate my wedding photos, they are so terrible.

    Through all this, i still managed to make it to my weekly trainer sessions at the Y and still work out now and then. I think that is my saving grace, and still staying on MFP.

    I don't want to use turning 40 as another inspiration that I work so hard to get to, then once there abandon ship...I know this needs to be a forever change.

    Good luck to everyone and thanks to Pam & Mimi for being such rock-solid inspirations!

    :blushing: You are the inspiration Mazarith!! I rock my 40th birthday this next Friday (the 30th). Mazarith, I have seen your wedding picture in your profile and you are beautiful. I think you are probably your own worst critic. Why is it us women do that to ourselves? I don't think men do that!! Lol You are lovely inside and out... don't you forget that Mrs.!!!:wink:
  • slacker75
    slacker75 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Everyone... My name is Sandy, I'm 38 years old, married and mother of 2 boys (6 yrs and 11 mos). I'm currently in school part-time along with working full time.

    I struggle everyday to find balance between my family , work/school obligation and me - and over the past we will say 8 years (since i got married), I have neglected myself enough to add about 75 pounds and it's time it comes off. I struggle to keep at it. I have to remember it took me 10 years to gain it, so I need to be patient.

    I'm hoping this challenge will help me work towards getting in a little exercise (even if only 20 mins a day) since anything is better than nothing. I need a ton of motivation - so I hope I can get some of that here too.

    Good Luck to everyone in this challenge.

  • aliciagudino
    aliciagudino Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Alicia. I'm 27 years old and live in Oregon, have my whole life. It is beautiful here :) I have a pretty boring and empty life as of now, no kids or partner :( I have never been too overweight but have always been super uncomfortable with my body. Growing up I never hung out with friends because I always felt like the "ugly" or "fat" one. I missed out on a lot because of self conscious issues, argh! I just want to be comfortable in my own skin for once. Unfortunately, I sometimes lack motivation. I work part time, have no kids, take online classes, so I really have NO excuses to be overweight or out of shape. I am hoping this group can really get me excited and motivated! My highest weight was last July at around 200 lbs, I am now around 183 and am hoping to get to 160 eventually. Lowest I have been is around 170 (I use to think I was so fat, but looking at pictures from then, I think I wil be okay with that weight, too!) Good luck to everyone!!

    I am 5'9" tall

    SW:200 LBS July 2012
    CW: 183
    GW: 170
  • phyl303
    phyl303 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am phyl or Phyllis. This is my second mfp challenge and I need the motivation!

    I downloaded mfp back in March intending to log my food but not make any changes initially. I wanted a benchmark. However, I found that it was hard to eat things knowing I had to log it! So I jumped right in March 22nd at 209 pounds. I'm fluttering around 180 right now. I'm researching TDEE-20% rather than the mfp-driven calorie goals. I haven't settled on a plan but that's where my head is.

    Other things about me: My favorite color is green - especially naturally occurring greens outside. I turned 40 eleven years ago (got a few on you, Mimi! :wink: ) I have two children who think they are grown but they think they know everything. We have two dogs, one cat, 50 gallons of angel fish and tetras, two ponds full of plants, comets, and goldfish, and one hive of honey bees. We love to travel, especially in our RV. I think we've logged about 30 trips mostly to state parks in SC so far in 2013.

    A little over a year ago, the company I work for moved us to Charlotte, NC from a SC town about an hour and a half away. This timing coincided with my younger child graduating high school. He decided to stay in his home town to go to community school and work and be near all his buddies. My older child had moved out a few years earlier but that's a completely different tale. Anyway, at that time my bf/fiancé/ SO and I had been living together for 6-7 years. We eloped last Labor Day. The most common response upon spilling the beans was "It's about time." We've been friends for over sixteen years now.

    We took the opportunity of this move to pare down a lot of things. We bought a house half the size AND price. We gave the kids a lot of hand me down furniture and kitchen stuff. We live out in the country instead of the burbs. We have to take our garage to the dump we are so far out. We find that we waste a lot less and eat a lot better because it takes such an effort to go out compared to when everything was right around the corner. I probably lost about ten pounds in the first six months of living here just from eating at home more.

    I'm proud of being 30 pounds down now and not burned out on "dieting" like I have been in the past. I don't feel like I am "dieting" the way I have in the past; I'm trying to stay focused on portion control instead of denial. I'm trying to do it right and be patient but I wish the pounds would melt faster!! Lately, my worst stumbling blocks is staying motivated to exercise and late night snacking. Oh, and the libations consumed when we meet our friends around the campfire, too! I'm hoping this challenge will help me get back on track!

    Thanks for including me!!!
  • momofrugrats
    momofrugrats Posts: 30 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Gloria. I have been on MFP for approximately 2 months now and I like the support I have received thus far from my fellow members. I live in a south suburb of Chicago. I am a single divorced mom of three (22,16,12) adult/children and they all keep me busy! I am a stay at home mom but when it comes to my children my occupations are: chauffeur, cook, housekeeper, nurse, educator, referee and whatever else that day requires. I am looking forward to this challenge!!!

    CW: 189.8
    GW : 184
  • solymarmarengo
    solymarmarengo Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Soly, 34 (almost 35) and live in Tampa Bay, FL. Originally from Ohio and have always struggled with my weight. Prior to moving to FL I had lost approximately 60 lbs, but then had some personal issues and didn't deal with them very well, so slowly over the years the weight came back on. I was my heaviest at 213, and last year when I started using MFP I was at 203. With watching what I ate and working out I was able to get down to 172. But then I stopped focusing, and slowly gained back about 15 lbs. I jumped back on the wagon about 2 months ago and going strong.

    I actually just got done with another weight loss challenge over the past 6 weeks and I am down 12.4 lbs and 7.5 inches. It feels great and I can't wait to keep going and reach my goal weight of 150. I have an outfit that I must fit back into! LOL

    Recently, I've had several friends tell me that them seeing me accomplish my goals, is motivation to them. It feels wonderful to be an inspiration to people and help them achieve their goals. It keeps me motivated to keep up the hard work. Eating right and working out isn't something you do for a few months to loose weight, its a lifestyle change to become a healthier you. We all have those days, sometimes a weekend, that we regress; and that's ok as long as you don't keep going in that direction. Brush your shoulders off and keep up the good work that you have already achieved. Every morning that you wake up is a another day to get it right!!

    CW: 176.4
    Challenge GW: 168
    Ultimate GW: 150

    If anyone wants to be friends, please feel free to add me so we can keep each other motivated and on track. I'll be posting my progress pictures soon...and would love to see others pictures to stay motivated!! Keep up the great work everyone and lets get back on and stay on track!!

  • solymarmarengo
    solymarmarengo Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Soly, 34 (almost 35) and live in Tampa Bay, FL. Originally from Ohio and have always struggled with my weight. Prior to moving to FL I had lost approximately 60 lbs, but then had some personal issues and didn't deal with them very well, so slowly over the years the weight came back on. I was my heaviest at 213, and last year when I started using MFP I was at 203. With watching what I ate and working out I was able to get down to 172. But then I stopped focusing, and slowly gained back about 15 lbs. I jumped back on the wagon about 2 months ago and going strong.

    I actually just got done with another weight loss challenge over the past 6 weeks and I am down 12.4 lbs and 7.5 inches. It feels great and I can't wait to keep going and reach my goal weight of 150. I have an outfit that I must fit back into! LOL

    Recently, I've had several friends tell me that them seeing me accomplish my goals, is motivation to them. It feels wonderful to be an inspiration to people and help them achieve their goals. It keeps me motivated to keep up the hard work. Eating right and working out isn't something you do for a few months to loose weight, its a lifestyle change to become a healthier you. We all have those days, sometimes a weekend, that we regress; and that's ok as long as you don't keep going in that direction. Brush your shoulders off and keep up the good work that you have already achieved. Every morning that you wake up is a another day to get it right!!

    CW: 176.4
    Challenge GW: 168
    Ultimate GW: 150

    If anyone wants to be friends, please feel free to add me so we can keep each other motivated and on track. I'll be posting my progress pictures soon...and would love to see others pictures to stay motivated!! Keep up the great work everyone and lets get back on and stay on track!!

  • DomesticDiva78
    Hi! I'm Paige, not sure when this weight crept up on me, but here I am. Ready to look like the fabulous person I feel like inside. Challenge: accepted. :smile:
  • ajrich1
    ajrich1 Posts: 94 Member
    Hello my name is Alicia I live in Indiana and am 42 (43 in Oct) married no children. I have lost about 50 pounds but have to admit I have not been very consistent with my weight loss effort. I have a friend who has done wonderfully and lost 120 plus pounds and she helps keep me going, but I need to start doing my own heavy to speak. I have tried to focus on logging and staying close to if not under my calorie goal for the day and have been doing fairly well with that. So I figure with this challenge it is time to add the exercise portion. I have not been heavy all my life but the pounds had steadily been creeping on for the last 15 years so it is time to stop adding and start subtracting. Hopefully this challenge will help me get to a regular exercise routine.

    SW 340
    CW 292.6
    BOTC GW 175

    UGW 160ish
  • ajrich1
    ajrich1 Posts: 94 Member
    Day one not time got around to viewing the challenge was very late
    Logged all my food was over..should have only had one cheeseburger
    Water got in 16 cups=128oz
    no exercise today plan to start on Saturday since I am just getting over being sick with possibly the flu

    When I started trying to drink more water I set an alarm to go off at different times of the day to remind me to
    drink water. Plus I also have a 52 oz. cup that I use at work so I try to get in two of those before the end of the
    day. I heard if you sip a little at a time instead of gulp down a bunch at one time you will pee less. Not sure if
    that is true or not as some days it feels like I pee very 5 minutes and others every few hours. Good luck to all!
  • lcast89
    lcast89 Posts: 43 Member
  • NicksWTB
    NicksWTB Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Pam

    Is it too late to join your challenge? I'm getting married on 30 November and need to lose a stone. I am at work at the moment so I can't weigh myself in but I'm about 175 lbs.

    I've had a little look through the threads and have sort of assumed we need to drink loads of water and do stomach crunches, plus all the good healthy eating and exercise etc etc. Am I on the right lines?

    My name is Justine and I really want to shift this stone before I get married. I love to run and am just returning from mild achillies tendonitis so am gradually building myself back up again. I fell off the wagon for just over a week and keep getting tempted by lovely biscuits which I really need to learn to resist

    I need something to keep me on track and this challenge sounds perfect.

    thanks Pam!

  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    Im Zoe im 25 i have a 4yr old boy, i live in the UK currently goinging through messy divorce and trying to find time for myself as well as stay healthy and happy for my boy.
    I cant access the spreadsheet as i only use MFP either on my iphone or through work and the spreadsheet wont open up at work :( grrrr haha
    if you can add me in though that would be great
    Height 5'4
    CW 131lbs
    GW 126lbs
    if you need any other info just let me know

    Thanking you
    also brilliant and really motivational utube clip fab!

  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah thats pretty much it Justine. Glad to hear your on the mend.
    Stay away from the lovely biscuits :)

  • gingerFLA
    gingerFLA Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Group,
    I wanted to invite you to join me in reading the "Made to Crave: 21 Day Challenge" daily devotional on

    I'm incorporating this in with all of my new daily habits during the BOTChallenge!

    God Bless,