Insanity Workouts Calorie Burn

mrswine Posts: 263 Member
Hi all,

Sorry If this post is redundant. I did look in the group threads and didnt see the information. I am new to bodymedia fit. I am currently doing Insanity month 2, which for those that don't know are 50-60 minute workouts doing cardio and body resistance exercise. I was previously using my heart rate monitor and showing a burn of 500-600 calories per workout, but I was told that was 40-50% more than my burns probably were as Insanity is a lot of strength training for which heart rate monitors are notoriously inaccurate. However my heart rate was always in the top of my range or above for 40 minutes of this workout. The last week I have been using my BMF for my workouts. It's showing burns of only 260 calories and showing only 9 of those minutes as vigorous - all of which showed up in the first 15 minutes of my workout which is a very movement heavy (ie jumping jacks, jogging, jumping) warm up.

My concern is that because a lot of the exercises are floor exercises (plank, running man, ski abs, burpees, pushups) the BMF is not accurately logging my calories or activity level. At the very least I would expect that the time spent in my upper heart rate levels would be considered vigorous.

So.... All that to say, do you all think it would be reasonable to add push-ups or calisthenics of some sort manually to get a better idea of the actual burn? Should I manually add some vigorous activity to reflect what my HRM says at least? How would you try to adjust? What are your thoughts?


  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I think you are right. I have the body media and i hear that it is inaccurate with things you are on the ground for or riding a bicycle. I am sure you are burning more than 250 calories. I would think that 450-600 would be about right.
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    Thanks for the response. My heart rate monitor says my burns are bigger, but insanity users in the forums said no. I tend to think its less, just because otherwise I should have been dropping weight based on my deficit and I am not. Not sure what to go with or if I should adjust my BMF.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I think that it also is only going to count as activity times when you are hitting a cardio zone. Did you set the trip and get the number that way, or is that just what my fitness pal showed as your burn?

    I ask because today I was riding a bike, and it wasn't showing as activity, however when I looked at my calorie burn graph, I saw that during that time my calorie burn was still higher than usual, it was something 0.1 mets below what it took to count as moderate activity. So I'm wondering if you tried checking that out.