Finding an Initial Stopping Place aka The First Goal Weight

NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
Some of this thread will just me just posting my thoughts. I welcome any discussion.

Goal weight. There is an idea that baffles me. I do not know what that number is. Since weight is really a range not a specific number I am not sure what the goal range is either.

But I do not have to know. At least not now. There is no rule that says I can't or won't change my mind after I decide on an initial stopping place. In fact, I think I definitely will resume weight loss after a year or two at maintenance.

So where/when I do decide to stop with the "chainsaw" portion of my weight loss? If I am sure I will not be done how do I decide?

Many say I will know in the mirror. But I don't believe *I* will know. I do think a year or more of maintenance, some modest muscle building, definite more toning will give me a better idea of how I want to look in the mirror. I am willing to bet good money that will mean some additional fat loss but it would be the "scalpel" portion/vanity pounds.

You don't lose as much weight as I have without losing muscle too. No matter what you do to slow it down and prevent it there is still loss. So my body composition will still have a higher fat percentage than what would be "normal" for my weight. The only way to really fix it is to stop losing weight and concentrate on body composition only then when I lose the next time go really slow with many breaks. I would probably even consider 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.

It will not be until I am under 200 though and probably far enough to give me normal weight fluctuation insurance. I can't do much about the occasional 20 pound water gains but I can avoid seeing the 2 again (most of the time) if I get to 193ish.

That seems arbitrary but with health not being a real factor anymore my "healthy" weight range seems arbitrary too. The next few pounds may remove some of the fat I do not like seeing in the mirror or it may not. Trying to lose that fat without body composition work could mean going too far and risking even more muscle.

I have mentioned this to a few people and they gasp at the idea that I wouldn't finish but they don't fully appreciate that for one thing there is no actual finish and the other I don't believe I can. Hitting pause in the near future seems to be the wiser course of action. Yes it will mean facing more weight loss and at a grueling slow pace but I don't think I care.



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I get this. I've thought about goal weight and have a huge milestone weight that I'm aiming for now and another that I'm flirting with, but I've never been successful enough with weight loss to really contemplate actual maintenance eating before; I always seem to get off track somewhere along the way and lose the ground that I had gained. This is actually the closest I've ever been.

    The part of me that is the rules follower won't be happy unless I get under that magic BMI of 25 and get into the official "healthy" range. Even though the realistic part of me understands that's not a necessary goal and really, with my mindset and willpower, it is extremely doubtful I could ever get that low anyway. But I know that even if I achieved 180 lbs or even 170 lbs and stopped there, there will be a part of me that will consider it a failure. However, I'll live with that part because I have all my life and know that there is no satisfying that part of me; it will never be happy.

    I have started really noticing the strength loss. I'm still fairly strong in my own mind - I can pick up the front of my riding lawn mower and set it on a cinder block when I need to get under the deck, but things that were fairly easy before I have noticed are a little harder and take more effort. course that could just be age, too...... I don't even know where to start with weight lifting and don't have the time or the money to afford a gym membership for free weights training. I can do a little here at home, but I also am very much concerned about trying to do it myself and potentially injuring myself because of using the wrong form.

    I am aware that there is a fundamental difference between a person who has gone from obese to healthy size and someone who was never obese at the same weight; there will be body composition differences which will last even after the few years of normalization that the body's hormones go through. I accept that I will likely have to remain acutely aware of my weight and monitor it closely and count calories for the rest of my life; I know I have poor concept of portion sizes and if I don't keep a close eye on it, I'll be undoing all my work.

    Further still, with my will power issues, I can't see myself ever really hitting an ultimate goal weight; its more of hoping I can get to a certain range and knowing that eventually, I'm going to hit the point where the minimum calories I can sustainably eat per day is going to come close to my daily needs number, at which point I'll just be maintaining and not losing. I don't know where to judge that point to be, however, and suppose I'll find it when I get there and just sincerely hope that it doesn't hit before at least 190 lbs.

    I also know that using the mirror as a guide and going by my appearance won't work for me due to my poor self image. I'm not a vain person at all and consider myself to be a plain Jane - I'm not a beauty and don't really consider myself to be pretty, either. I don't think I'm horribly ugly, but not really attractive, either. And with the starting weight I was at, I'm fully aware that there is going to be scars and baggage left over; I have horribly flabby arms and nothing short of surgery is going to fix that. I will have the hanging skin on the front, sides, and bottom; it can't be helped. No cream, no amount of exercise is going to make that extra skin go away. I don't know if I'd be able to afford the surgery to remove it, and even if I did, there will be surgery scars in their place, though I would consider surgery scars worth being able to find clothes that actually fit, especially since even now, I'm starting to run into the problem where the smaller sizes I need for my waist size are uncomfortable because the sleeves and legs are too tight due to all the extra skin on my biceps and thighs. Even now I have a hard time seeing the weight loss I have achieved because of the skin issues.

    The one biggest challenge for me I know will be dealing with the judgmental part of my brain. My doctor will be happy no matter where I end up stopping; she knows where I started. I really do want to at least get into the overweight BMI category and out of the obese category. Beyond that I just don't know. It would be nice to finally be "healthy" but is it achievable? Probably not. But even if the rational part of me can acknowledge it probably isn't achievable, will I be able to convince the judgmental side of me to accept a weight higher than 160 lbs? Probably doubtful, and if i can't convince my judgmental side to accept that, then will I be able to truly say I'm done losing weight? Meaning will there really ever be a point where I can say I've reached my ultimate goal, or will I find myself continually striving for that last 10 or 20 lbs? I know that's probably not a healthy mental state to be in, but I also know myself and my own weaknesses in that regard. What will likely happen with me is that the battlefront will need to shift from fighting to lose weight to fighting to accept whatever weight I end up at and allowing myself to feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement; it will be a fight for me to consider myself to be a winner and successful.

    But that's nothing new for me, either *shrugs*
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I really don’t have a FINAL goal...I would love to be in the ONES but I am taking it one day at a time...we will see where I am at by the end of this year!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member

    I am unconcerned with being "healthy". I have no idea how to even define that for myself. "Healthier" is a definition I can define. I am healthier than I was. As far as can be surmised losing more weight will not help with overall health outside of helping me keep my original knees a little longer. That might change as I get older.

    I am also, for now, unconcerned with being "thin". Same deal. I am thinner than I was. I can wear clothes off the rack. I can move more easily. I can sit in a booth. I can board a plane without converting people to religion as they pray that I do not try to sit next to them.

    I have never had a goal weight but I have had a goal of being healthier and thinner. I accomplished these goals each day I was in a deficit. I never had an idea of where it would lead and I am still not sure. I have been putting the process first and allowing the other goals appear on the horizon. It is kind of like walking. When it looked like I could walk half a mile that became a goal. After I could do a half mile easily then I decided to go for a mile. Then more.

    For me success and accomplishment are always about today and never about the larger scope. I want to leave those out of my reach. I want tomorrow to be the next hill to climb whether it is losing or maintaining. If I maintain for 20 years I want to ask the question "Can I maintain for 20 years and 1 day?" I don't want to be completely satisfied with how far I have come... ever.

    I may not be a winner but when I can do a lot of things that I could not do before I definitely feel like I am winning.

    Aesthetically I think I look decent in clothes so I guess that checks a box that was not originally even on my list. Undressed is going to require more work and a lot of the heavy lifting (pun intended) will come with improving composition. After that weight loss will be a factor again to tune the results.

    One of the reasons this is coming up now is because of clothing. I will have to replace most of my wardrobe once more in this latest round of loss but after that I want to stop for awhile. I am tired of evaluating all my clothing purchases on how long I will be in them. Even sticking mostly too clearance and second-hand clothing it is expensive and it overshadows all my decisions. If I see a shirt I like and it is above what my average has been on similar it doesn't matter how much I like it because the answer has to be no. The only exception I made to that rule was buying a souvenir shirt last year because for so very long I would never even bother to look at them because it was impossible they had my size... so NSV value. Funny thing about that story is that I am picky so for a little while it looked like it would not happen but everyone I was with got invested in me buying one so they all started scavenging for possibilities.

    The main thing is I have a checkup coming up with my plastic surgeon so I need to get him to weigh in on this decision.
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,333 Member
    I don't really have an ultimate goal weight in mind, because like bmeadows, this is the farthest I've ever come. I figure I'll start to think about it when and if I get under 200. For now, my goal is simply to keep going, keep tracking, keep attempting to improve on my eating behaviors, and keep losing, however slowly.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    For years I've had 150 in my mind but recently I've been loking at the BMI scales and that would still be overweight for me so now I'm still thinking 150 and when I get there adjust as necessary.
  • Ccricfo
    Ccricfo Posts: 156 Member
    My long term goal is 185. I was at that weight in my mid-thirties, and with a large body frame and lots of weight lifting I carried that weight well. Frankly, just getting down to 230 would give me a huge "new" wardrobe of clothes I've been hanging on to forever for when I finally lost the weight.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    In the very back of my mind I have had 250 ish lbs as my first big goal weight which would be a loss of 100 my present 260 lbs and a 90 lb loss, that goal is approaching.....I have no idea what my final goal will be...I will worry about that later on.....right now I am swimming 6 days a week and really excited seeing how much stronger I am and how much more endurance I have in the water...still not so much on dry land but it is getting better....I haven’t had a binge for a while and I am feeling more confident but the fear of a binge is always with me...I don’t know if or when or how to take a break...I don’t want to gain any weight back by doing anything crazy...I know I am going to have surgery on my foot in early October and I will be stuck in bed a while until I can walk on it...should I wait until then or take a mini one week break now?...I am not overly hungry presently and not craving fact everything for me is good right what should I do?...

    Presently I am set for 2 lbs a week and I get 1220 calories a day....I am burning 1000 calories by MFP standards which I don’t think are accurate and eating back 250 exercise calories so I am eating 1470 to 1500 calories a day...I thought the pounds would be falling off but they aren’t....
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    In the very back of my mind I have had 250 ish lbs as my first big goal weight which would be a loss of 100 my present 260 lbs and a 90 lb loss, that goal is approaching.....I have no idea what my final goal will be...I will worry about that later on.....right now I am swimming 6 days a week and really excited seeing how much stronger I am and how much more endurance I have in the water...still not so much on dry land but it is getting better....I haven’t had a binge for a while and I am feeling more confident but the fear of a binge is always with me...I don’t know if or when or how to take a break...I don’t want to gain any weight back by doing anything crazy...I know I am going to have surgery on my foot in early October and I will be stuck in bed a while until I can walk on it...should I wait until then or take a mini one week break now?...I am not overly hungry presently and not craving fact everything for me is good right what should I do?...

    Presently I am set for 2 lbs a week and I get 1220 calories a day....I am burning 1000 calories by MFP standards which I don’t think are accurate and eating back 250 exercise calories so I am eating 1470 to 1500 calories a day...I thought the pounds would be falling off but they aren’t....

    The fat pounds may be falling off. The fact that the scale is not showing it yet is not a good indication one way or the other.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    In the very back of my mind I have had 250 ish lbs as my first big goal weight which would be a loss of 100 my present 260 lbs and a 90 lb loss, that goal is approaching.....I have no idea what my final goal will be...I will worry about that later on.....right now I am swimming 6 days a week and really excited seeing how much stronger I am and how much more endurance I have in the water...still not so much on dry land but it is getting better....I haven’t had a binge for a while and I am feeling more confident but the fear of a binge is always with me...I don’t know if or when or how to take a break...I don’t want to gain any weight back by doing anything crazy...I know I am going to have surgery on my foot in early October and I will be stuck in bed a while until I can walk on it...should I wait until then or take a mini one week break now?...I am not overly hungry presently and not craving fact everything for me is good right what should I do?...

    Presently I am set for 2 lbs a week and I get 1220 calories a day....I am burning 1000 calories by MFP standards which I don’t think are accurate and eating back 250 exercise calories so I am eating 1470 to 1500 calories a day...I thought the pounds would be falling off but they aren’t....

    The fat pounds may be falling off. The fact that the scale is not showing it yet is not a good indication one way or the other.

    Do you think it’s time I start planning a break or wait until Fall?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    In the very back of my mind I have had 250 ish lbs as my first big goal weight which would be a loss of 100 my present 260 lbs and a 90 lb loss, that goal is approaching.....I have no idea what my final goal will be...I will worry about that later on.....right now I am swimming 6 days a week and really excited seeing how much stronger I am and how much more endurance I have in the water...still not so much on dry land but it is getting better....I haven’t had a binge for a while and I am feeling more confident but the fear of a binge is always with me...I don’t know if or when or how to take a break...I don’t want to gain any weight back by doing anything crazy...I know I am going to have surgery on my foot in early October and I will be stuck in bed a while until I can walk on it...should I wait until then or take a mini one week break now?...I am not overly hungry presently and not craving fact everything for me is good right what should I do?...

    Presently I am set for 2 lbs a week and I get 1220 calories a day....I am burning 1000 calories by MFP standards which I don’t think are accurate and eating back 250 exercise calories so I am eating 1470 to 1500 calories a day...I thought the pounds would be falling off but they aren’t....

    The fat pounds may be falling off. The fact that the scale is not showing it yet is not a good indication one way or the other.

    Do you think it’s time I start planning a break or wait until Fall?


    I can only guide you enough to say that I believe you are close to ready because you keep bringing it up. I remember a time that the notion of it was beyond what you thought you could handle. With that said, being ready or ready-ish doesn't mean that it will be uneventful.

    At some point you will need to pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you. Remember that the whole idea is to learn how to manage ourselves and that involves some risk and even some negative outcomes.

    Why don't you try it over an upcoming weekend first? It might be a good idea to pre-log most of what you intend to eat. I say most because it might help to leave a little room for flexibility. Don't do it if you think that will engage your perfection/imperfection trigger if you change your mind on a meal.

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I agree it is time to “ pull the trigger”... this will work for me or not...and yes, a while back I never imagined in a million years I would be thinking of a break...I have gotten so much stronger mentally and emotionally the past year and of course physically!...I am on my third day of close to binges but finding it really hard to eat so many calories...thank goodness BMeadows has also helped me sort through these numbers...You are both very patient!
  • deafenbaugh
    deafenbaugh Posts: 39 Member
    Could you explain for the newbe's here what you mean when you say that it is good to take a break or that "at some point you will need t pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you" Thanks, Luann
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Could you explain for the newbe's here what you mean when you say that it is good to take a break or that "at some point you will need t pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you" Thanks, Luann


    Certainly. @conniewilkins56 has been concerned for some time that eating more food at maintenance might trigger a binge. However the end of weight loss is maintenance and so at some point she should run some experimental periods at maintenance so she can work out how to manage herself during.

    Beyond that I am a believer in the importance of diet/deficit breaks. I have taken one about every 6 months and more often now that I am nearing some form of a stopping place.

    The LL discussion of why to take breaks is here:

    The main MFP discussion with more technical information is here:
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    And on the main MFP discussion page, don't be put off by the number of pages of posts - the first entry has what you need so you don't need to sort it all out :)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Could you explain for the newbe's here what you mean when you say that it is good to take a break or that "at some point you will need t pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you" Thanks, Luann


    Certainly. @conniewilkins56 has been concerned for some time that eating more food at maintenance might trigger a binge. However the end of weight loss is maintenance and so at some point she should run some experimental periods at maintenance so she can work out how to manage herself during.

    Beyond that I am a believer in the importance of diet/deficit breaks. I have taken one about every 6 months and more often now that I am nearing some form of a stopping place.

    The LL discussion of why to take breaks is here:

    The main MFP discussion with more technical information is here:

    I read these again and found them really helpful...I also saw my comment about never taking a break and had to laugh...I never in a million years thought I would still be here and still losing weight and still be motivated and excited!....what a wonderful group of people we have in this group!...

    I am on Day 4 of my “ break “ and settling in better...the first few days I was surprised how difficult it was to consume so many more calories!...I am still swimming 1 1/2 hours each day and can feel myself getting so much stronger...I went to the grocery store this morning and found a couple of individual desserts I had been thinking about, specifically Key Lime Pie and Cherry Cheesecake....

    I was down a pound from yesterday but I think it’s because I ate salty foods over the weekend....

    So far so good with no crazy binge...I have been so satisfied I haven’t thought much about binging ....I don’t want to be over confident because I still have ten more days but so far so good and I am glad I decided to do this and I will be glad to get my journey back on track again when my break is finished!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Could you explain for the newbe's here what you mean when you say that it is good to take a break or that "at some point you will need t pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you" Thanks, Luann


    Certainly. @conniewilkins56 has been concerned for some time that eating more food at maintenance might trigger a binge. However the end of weight loss is maintenance and so at some point she should run some experimental periods at maintenance so she can work out how to manage herself during.

    Beyond that I am a believer in the importance of diet/deficit breaks. I have taken one about every 6 months and more often now that I am nearing some form of a stopping place.

    The LL discussion of why to take breaks is here:

    The main MFP discussion with more technical information is here:

    I read these again and found them really helpful...I also saw my comment about never taking a break and had to laugh...I never in a million years thought I would still be here and still losing weight and still be motivated and excited!....what a wonderful group of people we have in this group!...

    I am on Day 4 of my “ break “ and settling in better...the first few days I was surprised how difficult it was to consume so many more calories!...I am still swimming 1 1/2 hours each day and can feel myself getting so much stronger...I went to the grocery store this morning and found a couple of individual desserts I had been thinking about, specifically Key Lime Pie and Cherry Cheesecake....

    I was down a pound from yesterday but I think it’s because I ate salty foods over the weekend....

    So far so good with no crazy binge...I have been so satisfied I haven’t thought much about binging ....I don’t want to be over confident because I still have ten more days but so far so good and I am glad I decided to do this and I will be glad to get my journey back on track again when my break is finished!

    Great going! Little steps still get you there; in fact if you're like me, you focus so much on your footing that when you finally look up, you're amazed at where you are :)

    Wait until you get to the point where you can't wait to get back to a deficit *laughs*
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Could you explain for the newbe's here what you mean when you say that it is good to take a break or that "at some point you will need t pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you" Thanks, Luann


    Certainly. @conniewilkins56 has been concerned for some time that eating more food at maintenance might trigger a binge. However the end of weight loss is maintenance and so at some point she should run some experimental periods at maintenance so she can work out how to manage herself during.

    Beyond that I am a believer in the importance of diet/deficit breaks. I have taken one about every 6 months and more often now that I am nearing some form of a stopping place.

    The LL discussion of why to take breaks is here:

    The main MFP discussion with more technical information is here:

    I read these again and found them really helpful...I also saw my comment about never taking a break and had to laugh...I never in a million years thought I would still be here and still losing weight and still be motivated and excited!....what a wonderful group of people we have in this group!...

    I am on Day 4 of my “ break “ and settling in better...the first few days I was surprised how difficult it was to consume so many more calories!...I am still swimming 1 1/2 hours each day and can feel myself getting so much stronger...I went to the grocery store this morning and found a couple of individual desserts I had been thinking about, specifically Key Lime Pie and Cherry Cheesecake....

    I was down a pound from yesterday but I think it’s because I ate salty foods over the weekend....

    So far so good with no crazy binge...I have been so satisfied I haven’t thought much about binging ....I don’t want to be over confident because I still have ten more days but so far so good and I am glad I decided to do this and I will be glad to get my journey back on track again when my break is finished!

    A lot of people lose a little weight early in the break period. The common theory is that the extra food relaxes you a little and the release of stress releases water weight. It might be the salty weekend food too...

    You have definitely grown in stability and confidence while you have been shrinking in size. That suggests you aren't just changing numbers on the scale but fundamentally improving overall. I would like to think I am a bigger person now that I am a smaller person too.

    You are a great asset to this group.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Could you explain for the newbe's here what you mean when you say that it is good to take a break or that "at some point you will need t pull the trigger or maintenance will sneak up on you" Thanks, Luann


    Certainly. @conniewilkins56 has been concerned for some time that eating more food at maintenance might trigger a binge. However the end of weight loss is maintenance and so at some point she should run some experimental periods at maintenance so she can work out how to manage herself during.

    Beyond that I am a believer in the importance of diet/deficit breaks. I have taken one about every 6 months and more often now that I am nearing some form of a stopping place.

    The LL discussion of why to take breaks is here:

    The main MFP discussion with more technical information is here:

    I read these again and found them really helpful...I also saw my comment about never taking a break and had to laugh...I never in a million years thought I would still be here and still losing weight and still be motivated and excited!....what a wonderful group of people we have in this group!...

    I am on Day 4 of my “ break “ and settling in better...the first few days I was surprised how difficult it was to consume so many more calories!...I am still swimming 1 1/2 hours each day and can feel myself getting so much stronger...I went to the grocery store this morning and found a couple of individual desserts I had been thinking about, specifically Key Lime Pie and Cherry Cheesecake....

    I was down a pound from yesterday but I think it’s because I ate salty foods over the weekend....

    So far so good with no crazy binge...I have been so satisfied I haven’t thought much about binging ....I don’t want to be over confident because I still have ten more days but so far so good and I am glad I decided to do this and I will be glad to get my journey back on track again when my break is finished!

    Great going! Little steps still get you there; in fact if you're like me, you focus so much on your footing that when you finally look up, you're amazed at where you are :)

    Wait until you get to the point where you can't wait to get back to a deficit *laughs*

    Definitely this. My first break it was about the 5th day. My second break I was ready in 3. That makes sense because I had not gotten my balance quite right yet after 6 months of loss. I was doing the weekly maintenance day but the days before it were a little more stark than they needed to be. It wasn't harsh but it could have been softer.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I am on Day 6 of my break and I am feeling pretty bad...I am up 11 pounds and I feel lethargic,bloated and yukky...I know the gain is most likely water weight but I feel like I am undoing all of my hard work...I have been eating junk and I need to concentrate on some wholesome food is scary how quickly years of bad habits binges though so that is a good thing...I am still glad I am taking this break and I am glad I waited to take it until I felt mentally strong enough to semi control it!...not sure how I will feel in another week if I keep gaining!...but I am doing this and learning a lot...especially that the extra food isn’t as much fun as I had thought it would be!