What's on your mind today?



  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,577 Member
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with logging food in the iPhone app? I went to search foods I ate while out with friends and nothing was pulling up. I then tried to search for a piece of fruit (Apple), and again, nothing showed up.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with logging food in the iPhone app? I went to search foods I ate while out with friends and nothing was pulling up. I then tried to search for a piece of fruit (Apple), and again, nothing showed up.

    Android app doing the same thing to me.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    @juliemouse83 I find that it is the protein levels of my breakfast that determine my daily energy, not the carbs. Just something to consider.

    Hi, Dory❣️

    I’m gobbling lots of eggs for protein each morning, and lean toward bacon, but thinking about adding some whole wheat toast with peanut butter, grits, or a healthy muffin instead of the bacon. My habits lean toward Keto, but I also know that I’m lacking in the carbs department, lol.

    Do you have any good breakfast protein recommendations? I have access to the cafeteria, because it’s fast, and breakfast is a rushed affair at work. I’m considering getting up a bit earlier and making spinach and berry smoothies with chia seeds to drink on the way in.

    Lunch gives me lots of protein choices, and I do that most days, although my fondness for grilled cheese has gotten the better of me lately. 😂

  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Eggs are great. My go to breakfast on work days is either a smoothie (I always add protein powder to that) or overnight oats which I also add protein powder too.
    I personally use a brand of vegan protein powder which my housemate sells, because it's delicious, a variety of flavours, not full of chemicals and easier on your kidneys (not because I'm vegan which I'm not). Protein powders are a great way to boost protein and finding one that works for you is the trick. You can also add a scoop to a shot of espresso and mix it up for a quick and yummy option (although this doesn't work with my vegan one).
  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    I love the idea of recording goals in here!

    For me I want to:
    1) Lose about two lb before going on vacation July 25
    2) Follow my plan to take a break from alcohol July 16-24 (the day after my wedding anniversary until leaving for vacai)
    3) Continue taking a least 5 walks for week and staying on my exercise plan, even in the hot weather
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Goal 4. Make a dent in my mending pile.
    • One sewing-machine project finished in a snap last night - easily re-closed side-seam.
    • One pant-leg hem plus one pair gloves (one finger on each) repaired (for both, only straightforward hand-sewing was all that was needed.)
    • Three other straightforward hand-sewing repairs remaining.
    • Most of the rest will need some degree of machine sewing and also need closer examination before deciding on difficulty of repair vs. my sewing ability.

    ONLY after all are cleared (either done or discarded as beyond help by me) -
    • One simple a-line solid-colour skirt (already cut out to now-too-large a size) will be recut to the right size and finished
    • Two simple skirts using the same basic pattern and print material will be cut out and assembled IF I can get my hands on 7 inch zippers (no fabric stores in my neighorhood, and personally not yet choosing to go farther away than I can walk back to yet .... maybe my sewing-friend has some the right length and colour in her stash .... )
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    Focusing on shifting the last couple of lbs and I’ve stalled. I am also working on improving my stamina, strength and flexibility.
    Weekly goals:
    • 35 + mins of HIIT walk/jog > 3 days 3/3
    • 15 mins of strength training > 3 days 3/3
    • 15 mins of Yoga/Pilates/Tai Chi > 3 days 3/3
    • Stay in the green = 7 days 6/7
        Not much outside time today because of rain. Tomorrow will be the same.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with logging food in the iPhone app? I went to search foods I ate while out with friends and nothing was pulling up. I then tried to search for a piece of fruit (Apple), and again, nothing showed up.

    Android app doing the same thing to me.

    Same here for me. App has not been synching with the laptop for quite some time now. I've gone through the customer support and logging on & off, deleting the app & reinstalling it, etc. Still I have the same issues. Now I pretty much just use the laptop & not the app at all.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I'm in too. Some of my goals will be non-MFP related (and I think this idea for "if you want to name a specific goal or two", yet not actually impacting the 3 X yes/no Pass setup of the main Challenge" is a great idea!)

    2. (on week one) ... get Pintrest reactivated or create a brand new account - it's been YEARS .... and explore upper body workouts for seniors (ugg) / over-60 crowd that use either body weight or resistance bands or a combination. I already own those.

    Sooooo ... It has apparently been 5 years since I last "pinned" anything ... I know this because I managed to get myself back on today, and do some "UNpinning" of things no longer relevant.

    If anyone wants to point me towards some upper body or abs "good for senior females" type pins, let me know. These are relatively weak areas for me, yet my cardio-vascular endurance and legs are plenty strong

    DH refuses to register the word "senior" as applies to us - at most he will concede "upper-middle aged" (I will be 62 in the fall / he has had his 64th bday this year already)
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    @BMcC9 I would definitely look at some yoga for that kind of thing. It really builds good strength and is low impact. I don't do Pinterest but on YouTube I would recommend Yoga with Adrienne.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Goal update:
    1. Although I dropped below 75kg once, I've bounced back up. Still working to get down consistently.
    2. Run was tough on Friday but the time was much better than I expected. Going out today then Wednesday will try the easier route and see what time I get.
    3. Haven't touched the book this month yet. Need to prioritise.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
    "snuck" in first 5 minutes of exercise for the day by taking a 5 min basement-bike-break. Will repeat through the day for a higher total-cals-burned credit even before walking.

    GOTTA start thinking of "work at home" as "foreseeable for indefinite future" (regardless of general /retail & recreational options slowly resuming around me) and adjust daily work-NEAT-burning habits accordingly!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    Focusing on shifting the last couple of lbs and I’ve stalled. I am also working on improving my stamina, strength and flexibility.
    Weekly goals: Week 1 Update
    Managing quite well with these goals. Weight is still not where I want it to be, but I will get there.
    • 35 + mins of HIIT walk/jog > 3 days 5/3
    • 15 mins of strength training > 3 days 3/3
    • 15 mins of Yoga/Pilates/Tai Chi > 3 days 3/3
    • Stay in the green = 7 days 7/7
    • BMcC9
      BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
      BMcC9 wrote: »
      "snuck" in first 5 minutes of exercise for the day by taking a 5 min basement-bike-break. Will repeat through the day for a higher total-cals-burned credit even before walking.

      GOTTA start thinking of "work at home" as "foreseeable for indefinite future" (regardless of general /retail & recreational options slowly resuming around me) and adjust daily work-NEAT-burning habits accordingly!

      2 x 5 minutes bike plus long evening walk
    • BMcC9
      BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
      Dory_42 wrote: »
      @BMcC9 I would definitely look at some yoga for that kind of thing. It really builds good strength and is low impact. I don't do Pinterest but on YouTube I would recommend Yoga with Adrienne.

      So i took a few minutes along with my morning coffee and now my Youtube history has three new easy-to-find-again entries ....
      • 5 minute Morning Yoga with Adrienne (there is also a 10 minute one) / previewed
      • 5 basic "must-do-if-senior" (scapular, hip bridge, squats, heel raises, grapevine) / previewed
      • 30 minutes standing Pilates specifically for seniors / check out after work

        and I did 4 "straight leg / hands on surface 10 inches from floor" let-downs aka Pre-beginner pushups. Can't push back up yet.
    • Dory_42
      Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
      BMcC9 wrote: »
      Dory_42 wrote: »
      @BMcC9 I would definitely look at some yoga for that kind of thing. It really builds good strength and is low impact. I don't do Pinterest but on YouTube I would recommend Yoga with Adrienne.

      So i took a few minutes along with my morning coffee and now my Youtube history has three new easy-to-find-again entries ....
      • 5 minute Morning Yoga with Adrienne (there is also a 10 minute one) / previewed
      • 5 basic "must-do-if-senior" (scapular, hip bridge, squats, heel raises, grapevine) / previewed
      • 30 minutes standing Pilates specifically for seniors / check out after work

        and I did 4 "straight leg / hands on surface 10 inches from floor" let-downs aka Pre-beginner pushups. Can't push back up yet.

      That's a great start! It's actually harder to do exercises like the push up or any variation of it in a slow and controlled manner, but that is where you get the most benefit. Doing 1 properly is better than smashing out 10 quick ones incorrectly.
    • BMcC9
      BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
      Dory_42 wrote: »

      That's a great start! It's actually harder to do exercises like the push up or any variation of it in a slow and controlled manner, but that is where you get the most benefit. Doing 1 properly is better than smashing out 10 quick ones incorrectly.

      That's something I learned a long time ago in connection with dancing. Learn a sequence of weight-changes / foot work at one quarter-speed; then at half-speed adding arms to build on the muscle memory, then full-speed, and only THEN start laying in the nuance-flourishes. Dancing is really just "falling with style off your center of balance .. while misdirecting the audience's attention with level changes and arm flourishes."

      Slower DOES take more control.

      Fortunately, I am a personality who is very aware (both in self and when observing performers / athletes) of bio-mechanics, where the center of gravity / balance point TRULY is, and how it is being disguised as if it is somewhere else. Everything else is personal degree of training / range of motion etc.

      Knowlege: 12 out of 10 (or better)
      Ability (current): 1.2 out of 10 (or worse .... but I may be being a weee bit harsh there .... that only applies to my upper body, not whole body / endurance)
    • BMcC9
      BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
      As the city gradually opens up more around me .... does any one else find it .... almost oddly disconcerting .... that the car-traffic on the main street through the suburb is getting busier again as one goes for the nearly-sundown evening walk?
    • readyornot1234
      readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
      BMcC9 wrote: »
      As the city gradually opens up more around me .... does any one else find it .... almost oddly disconcerting .... that the car-traffic on the main street through the suburb is getting busier again as one goes for the nearly-sundown evening walk?

      Very much so. I find myself being on high alert while driving as I’m not used to so much traffic now.