July 2020 Move Your @$$ Challenge



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Please put me down for 20 miles.


    I'm hoping to be out there walking this month. Seems I've been grounded forever!

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:


    More boarding the GOAL train for June tonight!! @TAHM42, K80FLEC, @BELLE_74, and @JANET!! :star: Great job!!

    And @LAMLAMSMAKEOVER - You were so close again, but even though you didn't make goal, you still had a killer month again! You should still be proud of that! :+1:

    @BELLE_74 - Good for you for upping your goal! No need to match me...you can run your own race! :smile:

    @JOEMO - And good for you for upping yours as well! AND for getting your resting heartrate down in the 50's! I hear that means a strong, healthy heart! At least I hope so because that's where my HR usually is when I check my blood pressure every morning. Keep at this moving thing and the rest will improve too. I have made a dramatic change in my body just by getting active again! :+1:

    @DEAN - I "re-mathed" your last June entry for you....I figured you'd rather have the 346 miles instead of 146. :wink: And you got SNOW yesterday?!?!?!?!?!? Crazy!!

    @K80FLEC - You've got that right! And I'm glad this group worked for you, too! :smiley::flowerforyou:

    @LEANZ!! - Of COURSE you can come back!! Great to see you again, WELCOME!! Are you just starting your winter right now or are you right in the thick of it? Wish I could send both you and Dean some of our heat!! :sweat_smile:

    @KAR328 - ONE DAY?!? - That's incredible news! Good for you! Crossing my fingers the rest goes smoothly and quickly!

    @JANET - Yeah, as warm as it is this far north, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be in Florida for the Summer!

    @DJMICHEALS - I hope you're starting to feel better! :flowerforyou:

    Holy cow, I sure am chatty tonight!! :lol:

  • rockann16
    rockann16 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2020
    Please put me down for 50 miles in July. Starting off with 2 miles.


  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited July 2020
    @darkrider42 - loving your chattiness <3

    @kar328 - WoW, one day! That’s fantastic! .... and a reflection of how lovely your home is.

    @djmichaels | hope you haven’t been too unwell, but have been fortunate enough to acquire antibodies

    @Leanz - welcome back. Oooh, enjoy your parkrun on Saturday ~ I hope you have one nearby to go to.

    I’ve also had issues with the app over June :'( . I use the recipe builder - A LOT - and it has quite regularly been a pain whilst I’ve been preparing our evening meal ( how can I eat if I don’t know how many calories it contains :D ). On other occasions, I’ve not been able to access the community :'(



    2020 - July - 150

    1st: 5 miles, 1.75 m running, 3.25 m purposeful walking - MTD 5

    To celebrate a friends’ birthday we set off on a socially distanced, 3 mile run. It included a short downhill section - where I developed an awful pain in my knee. We had a lovely walk and natter as we returned home for birthday cake.
    By the end of the day there wasn’t even the slightest discomfort, but I shan’t run again until Saturday - just to be safe!

  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hoping to do better in July so going for 75 miles. Stay safe everyone
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Started with 4 miles July 1st
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    4.1kms to give 6.2/80 kms
    Winter full on here in NZ. In Oamaru where I live we rarely get snow but we get the cold and winds - all the pain none of the fun.

    @k80flec there is no park run near here - I need to keep myself motivated. 🤪
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,947 Member
    Another short run this morning puts me at 5/50.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    In for 100 again.
    I've done 7 miles of walking so far.


  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,856 Member


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @Dave - Enjoying all the updates and “Chatty” news. I like it. :smile:
    @K80flec - Protect that knee. Good decision to give it a rest.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Starting July with 14 miles for 14 out of 300.

    @Dave - Look! I was successful on my math on this one. :lol:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Adding 20 miles for 34 out of 300.
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Goal: 400.0 miles

    07/01 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer
    07/02 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 50.0 miles


  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:


    And that was GOAL in JUNE for @ROCKANN16! :star:

    @DEAN - :lol:

    Headed out on a long day ride on the motorcycle tomorrow. Hoping to get some miles in when I get home in the evening and after it's cooled down considerably. :blush:

    See you all tomorrow!!

  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    1st July walked 4.92 miles
    2nd July walked 4.74 miles

    Total walked to date 9.66 milea
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    July 2
    3.6 miles
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited July 2020


    2020 - July - 150

    1st: 5 miles, 1.75 m running, 3.25 m purposeful walking - MTD 5
    2nd: 5.64 miles, 3.8 m stationary bike, 1.84 m purposeful walking - MTD 10.64

    It’s hard to believe that the UK was in the grip of a heatwave as I listen to the squalls of rain. A walk in the park on Tuesday saw debris from trees as the canopies are at risk from the high winds.
    I may need to put the central heating back on.

    @Leanz - ooh, I’ve just looked on a map. You could have a lovely parkrun on the Promenade. It looks like Dunedin might be a bit too far to travel. :'(

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Went out for a 14.5 mile bike ride before it got too hot this morning!!
    I opened our cabin with mowing, weedeating, getting deck furniture set up etc on Wed but I chose to not go for the weekend because the son with his family were going. Sorry but I've had enough cooking, cleaning & NOISE during the week from these guys.
    I hope whatever you choose to do this weekend is enjoyable!!


  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,851 Member
    28.90 miles
    74.72 miles MTD
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