Weight No More Team Chat- August 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't believe there's been any cases linked to gyms here either.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,475 Member
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Happy Anniversary!

    Yes, I do believe it's safe going to the gym. If it wasn't no gyms would be would open in any state or country.

    I would at least like the option of choosing to go or not.

    I do understand about it being more concerning for those who are immune compromised. I'm pretty far behind in posts so I don't know if you've updated on your health lately(you probably have and I've missed it) I hope you are doing well.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've found that 54 hours seems to be plenty for me. I did figure out my take home pay on 72 hours. It would be a wonderful check but I don't think my body could handle it. I feel like all I'm doing now is working and sleeping and that's on 54 hours.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I tried to respond to everyone individually on my post about gyms. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone.

    I just want everyone to know that I don't want the gyms open just so I can go (although obviously I do.😊)

    I know the owner of my gym personally and I feel for him and the employees. I also feel for the movie theaters and bowling alleys owners and employees who depend on being open for their livelihoods.

    These places still have to pay property taxes, rent and many other things with no income. They've been closed for almost 6 months and if they don't open soon, a lot of them will close permanently and several gyms and small businesses have already closed permanently.

    The original plan was supposed to "flatten the curve" so the hospital's didn't get overwhelmed and was supposed to be a few weeks and these owners were fine with that.

    I know that everyone has different views on all of this and that's ok. We can disagree and still be friends.😁
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I understand about taking a break but we will miss you!

    I agree with you about @Mrsbell8well I never felt she pushed anything on anyone, just doing what she thought was best for her and shared what worked for her because she was excited about it.
    Angelina, you will be missed!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think I missed your birthday. Happy belated birthday! Hope it was great!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I am doing very well in spite of the cancer treatments. Most people I see are surprised at how good I look and act. I haven't suffered with nausea and vomiting (maybe twice since April) and I kept my hair until about a month ago (still have a thin layer). My appetite is still good and I don't get fatigued easily. Pretty much still feeling normal.
    Thanks for asking about that.
  • Melzz19
    Melzz19 Posts: 39 Member
    PW 222.8
    CW 219.2

    So so happy with this after last weeks gain 😍 wasn’t too sure what I was going to be at today didn’t have the best dinner and was only driving for work today. Ready for an awesome weekend. I’m going to a nearby city. Well almost a three hour drive there but that’s nothing for me. One of my co workers is going with me to pick out a dress for my fiancé’s best friends wedding in September. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn a dress I live in jeans and button ups both at work and on the weekends. I’m excited to get all dressed up though. Going to be doing one boot camp online class and one yoga class too this weekend.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    I am doing very well in spite of the cancer treatments. Most people I see are surprised at how good I look and act. I haven't suffered with nausea and vomiting (maybe twice since April) and I kept my hair until about a month ago (still have a thin layer). My appetite is still good and I don't get fatigued easily. Pretty much still feeling normal.
    Thanks for asking about that.

    Glad you are doing so well. Prayers that the treatments work for you and that you continue to do well with them.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    hope002 wrote: »
    Wow! Impressive! I'm not at that level for sure.

    Is that a home gym or are gyms open where you are? I miss my gym!

    My home gym. I've had it for over 3 years and I love it. I'm not comfortable lifting in front of others, I hate being judged

    That's great that you have a home gym! Even if I had the space for it I don't know how motivated I would be to actually use it.

    I understand about not being comfortable lifting in front of others. The small gym that I'm a member of actually has great members. Everyone is pretty encouraging of everyone else and supports each other.

    Quite some time ago I was working out on my own doing one of my trainer's workouts with dumbells. There were a couple of guys doing a workout the trainer developed for them. They were lifting heavy weights and there I was with 15 pound dumbells.

    I laughed and told them I felt like a little kid next to them with my tiny dumbells. They were so encouraging and told me I was doing great and to keep it up. They also said that anyone who walks into a gym to try and better themselves is doing something good, it doesn't matter what size you are or what level you are starting out at.
    My gym has some pretty great members.
  • Melzz19
    Melzz19 Posts: 39 Member
    @tryingagain5 I can’t imagine what small businesses owners are going through right now. Or towns that are still mostly shut down. I’ve been fortunate being in a state where we don’t have the population density as many other states. We are almost back to being open and haven’t had any major spikes. I know one thing I’ve noticed since a lot of companies here shut down the offices to the crews, mine included is people’s moral is at an all time low because we aren’t getting the social aspect. Being in a small town and working mainly on my own throughout the day I looked forward to the morning meetings at the office getting to talk and laugh with co workers. My fiancé has noticed it too at his company where everyone is kinda down. The companies here were like families and they are losing that. I don’t think the bust we had helped any either I still know lots of people who were laid off and I had a guy asking me today if my company was hiring and they aren’t right now. It’s finally starting to pick up but between losing the social aspect and seeing so much of the field shut down ( I think they shut in almost 7,000 wells just here in North Dakota) it was a ghost town it’s been hard on the people here. The shut down and the virus has been so hard on so many people and business.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    It's got to be so tough for them. My gym's owner just posted something on Facebook today that 40% of them either didn't (meaning they already closed permanently) or when they can open they won't make it. It's really sad. The other thing that has so many people frustrated is that the governor is using something from 1945 and she is making all these decisions in her own, instead of it being a joint decision with others in leadership.

    You're right on the social aspect. I was off work for 3 weeks and it was tough. I live alone and the only person I saw regularly while off was the neighbor who I walked with. I'm actually more of an introvert but I do like being around other people too.

    I live in a smaller town but it has grown quite a bit since I was young. I still live in the town I grew up in.

    That's really sad about the businesses. I work in a factory that produces car mirrors. We went back to work after Easter and it was pretty slow. They would often send people home early. It's gotten much better now. We went from not enough work to so much that they are allowing employees in the plant to work 72 hours a week if they choose to do so. Of course, a lot of people did get laid off or took the voluntary layoff earlier. From what I understand we are about 500 people short company wide. No wonder we're working so much overtime.
  • Melzz19
    Melzz19 Posts: 39 Member
    @tryingagain5 i can’t imagine working 72 hours in a week I put in a 64 hour week before and it was brutal. I love being in a small town but I’m a long way from home and been here almost two years but so many people move in and out of North Dakota. I’m glad it’s gotten better there though we are slowing getting busy again. I’m a line locator for the oilfield so I mark out lines to make sure they don’t get hit and watch pipeline crossings kinda as a supervisor and as construction shut down they needed less locates. My division alone we had 16 locators and went down to 4 and we have hired one person back and aren’t hiring anymore right now. I don’t think my work will really pick up until spring. Summer is when locators make their money, winter we have maybe enough work for 4-6 hours a day. Summer we normally do 14-16 hours a day but this week I think I only got around 30 hours. I’m staying positive though work is picking up and more people are out and about.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all;

    Steps for me, I think this brings me up to date. I finally got my new phone mostly straight.

    Today, Aug 28 - 13885
    Aug 27 - no steps (forgot to put on my fit bit!)
    Aug 26 - 13338
    Aug 25 - 16799
    Aug 24 - 14488
    Aug 23 - 11102

    @Mrsbell8well you will be missed. Take care!

    @minstrelofsarcasm Glad to have you as a new captain and looking forward to knowing you better! I have been enjoying your posts and happy belated birthday!

    @Cafelelia thank you for the welcome this month and for your leadership and engagement. Happy to hear you will be staying on.

    @Melzz19 nice loss! I have my fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow for myself...your weekend plans sound fabulous!

    @pacsnc6 your day out at the boutique sounds so nice. Enjoy the new wig and happy anniversary! : D

    @1theresamcvean beautiful memories of your grandma. She sounds like such a special person. hugs to you and your family.

  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Little dog is Trixie. She is my walking pal.


    Big dog is Cooper, my hubs was walking him.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 425 Member
    20,278 steps 8/28
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    08/28 steps 10242

    Maintenance weigh in 133.6
This discussion has been closed.