10 Day Aug 22-31 Rejuvenation



  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    For me I started Yin Yoga and I find it very rewarding both physically and mentally.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Hey @supercpa999 !!

    That’s wonderful! Do you do Yin Yoga at home, on-line, etc?

    Thanks for an important reminder. Yoga is lovely!

  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Hey @supercpa999 !!

    That’s wonderful! Do you do Yin Yoga at home, on-line, etc?

    Thanks for an important reminder. Yoga is lovely!


    Hi Maddie

    I do Yoga at home online. I hope to eventually get into a studio. I wish I had found it sooner🤠
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @supercpa999 Hi! I have read and heard so many good things about yoga in general. I don't know about the Yin Yoga but will Google it. My daughter gave me a yogo DVD for Christmas and I've only done it a couple of times. I've been such a slacker this year! I actually have "do yoga 2X a week" on my list of I Wills for September.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    I have a resistance to yoga — EVEN THOUGH every time I do it, I feel great physically & mentally - with a great Swansea of strength/peace.

    I’m going to consider a baby step into yoga for Sept. too.

    I know my resistance is about lack of flexibility - since I was a kid. Time to let that go!!! 💪🏻❤️
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    I looked for a yoga group on MFP that was active and couldn’t find one. I think that would be nice.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 My resistence to yoga has to do with my lack of flexibility as well. I avoid the floor like the plague since my knee replacements and I never achieved great flexibility after them. Strange thinking (mine is based on fear) since yoga is meant to increase flexibility. :D I looked up Yin Yoga and it looks AMAZING!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Ok here’s an idea from the tiny habits world.

    I’m going to begin with:
    Today 8/27 Decide upon a place to leave my yoga mat permanently unrolled
    8/28 Research Yin Yoga
    8/29 watch some Yoga YouTube videos
    8/30 decide on 1 or 2 to use
    8/31 put a couple of items in space to make it more welcoming.
    Sept 1-7
    get into yoga appropriate clothing, go to space, lay down on mat, do 5 rounds deep breathing, massage my temples. Think of 3 things I’m grateful for. Ultravolt. Get up & change back to regular clothing, if needed.
    Sept 8-14
    All of above & do guided body scan after Ultravolt.
    Sept 15-21
    Same as 1st week + 1 plank & 3 stretches my PT gave me. Then listen to one Simple Habit. Then Ultravolt
    Sept 22-28
    Same as 1st week + 1 plank, 3 PT stretches + 4 mins yoga. Listen to one guided meditation. Ultravolt.

    Sept 29 on
    Add 2 mins of yoga or PT exercises to precious week’s daily each week.

    Likely I will go faster than this, but it helps me to have an easier, detailed plan when beginning!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Ok this may go much faster than I thought lol
    I think I know I need this

    Top ten Yin Yoga classes on YT - 2019

  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Here is a class I did today which I enjoyed ...
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,879 Member
    When I was 15 my Dad and I used to go to yoga classes. It was quite interesting. I have very little recall of it except we did it a few times. My sister likes "hot" yoga whatever that may be. I am too impatient to do more than just normal stretches before and after I work out. Because well - ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz happens. LOL. Great discussion~
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Great let me know if there is any interest in forming a yoga group
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Here is a class I did today which I enjoyed ...

    Thanks @supercpa999 !

    I got my space set up today after doing a complete “spring cleaning” of the room. Omgosh!

    Arranged some paintings I’ve done & put out a lotus candle holder & a small Buddha.

    I lay down & did 3-4 rounds of deep breathing. Funnily enough my heart rate went up for each round. I did some stretches (hips & hamstrings are my issues & an ankle lol). Did a downward dog & Several bridges & some hip stretches/rotations...and a knee plank which was actually easy. I didn’t overdo it. I sent good out into the world & watched a turkey vulture circling over the tree tops. Then I used the Ultravolt to loosen hips, quads, hamstrings more. I’m definitely tighter than normal.

    I might be interested in a yoga group. I’m going to try it for awhile, though, before I commit! Thank you for the link!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,972 Member
    August 26 - I did my meditation outside in the cool of the evening listening to the crickets - very relaxing. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes enjoyed my meditation a bit too much. 🤣

    August 27 - a bunch of things today 1)Wore fun new running socks, 2) shared a favorite poem, and 3) finished reading Persuasion- the next to last chapter may be a absolutely favorite chapter in all literature.

    The poem:
    Knowing that Nature never did betray
    The heart that loved her; 'tis her privilege,
    Through all the years of this our life, to lead
    From joy to joy: for she can so inform
    The mind that is within us, so impress
    With quietness and beauty, and so feed
    With lofty thoughts, that neither evil tongues,
    Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men,
    Nor greetings where no kindness is, nor all
    The dreary intercourse of daily life,
    Shall e'er prevail against us, or disturb
    Our cheerful faith, that all which we behold
    Is full of blessings. ...

    From Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Aug 28
    Drew & painted a copy of a coloringBook page for my September Tracker. Took hours & brought great peace. #Self
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Aug 26. Took a short mule ride to the field where I sat and took in the sights and smells of summer.
    Aug 27 (Took allergy meds)! I started making a quilted table centerpiece but it ended up being a small plate holder. I was able to free motion quilt easily... definitely need more practice but I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out better than usual. Maybe the fabric and batting combo was just right? and I learned that I need to spray baste my layers together so one doesn’t slide. Learning is fun!
    Aug 28 I was looking for a pattern for a table runner and actually took the time to look through my quilting books. So many cute ideas! I found a pattern in a binder that I keep small patterns and ideas in. I had been wondering where a Christmas pattern was that I want to try and I found that, too. Then I started cutting out the table runner using bright pumpkins and sunflowers fabric. The fabric makes me happy😊
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    ALLoc this soundsSO FUN!!
    And Learning is awesome!!!

    TY for letting me know there is spray baste!!
    I had no idea.
    Is there a brand you recommend?!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,879 Member
    @nebslp you have mules?!!!!!!! How fun. @77tes that poem is just wonderful. Nature truly has the ability to heal our souls I believe.

    Such inspirational self care ideas here. Thank you everyone.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier We have A mule😂 but it’s first name is Kawasaki! It’s a four wheeler that we use around the place for hauling things or just having fun🙂
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,103 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @SummerSkier We have A mule😂 but it’s first name is Kawasaki! It’s a four wheeler that we use around the place for hauling things or just having fun🙂
