Newbie looking for advice


Hi all. Newbie here. Day 6. Feeling pretty good except for insomnia. I feel wired (like I’m high on speed for lack of a better description). I feel exhausted but can’t shut off. Keeping up in my macros, TONS of water. I also feel heart flutters but my BPM is perfect. Supplementing sodium, mag, and potassium. Any suggestions, thoughts or anyone w similar issues I’d love to hear.


  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Careful with the tons of water....not sure what sort of amount that might mean, but it is possible to be drinking too much and losing your electrolytes quicker than you are topping them up. You might want to review this pinned thread at the top of the notice board for help with levels of minerals needed while LC/Keto:
    Try taking your magnesium before bed, or better yet do a warm epsom salts bath just before bed to help relax and top off your levels via skin absorption.
    The speed/insomnia will pass, but it can certainly be disconcerting.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    Also not sure how much potassium you are supplementing with, but I had the same sort of heart fluttering(racing) issues when I was taking potassium. It scared me a bit and so I decided to focus on getting my magnesium and other electrolytes in line and hoped the potassium would sort itself out.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    swezeytba wrote: »
    Also not sure how much potassium you are supplementing with, but I had the same sort of heart fluttering(racing) issues when I was taking potassium. It scared me a bit and so I decided to focus on getting my magnesium and other electrolytes in line and hoped the potassium would sort itself out.[/quote]

    Generally speaking it usually does.
    I personally need to supplement potassium a tad, which I do with shakes of potassium salt into my ketoade, but I have Sjogren's and my body is wonky as hades. Most people once they get that sodium level in line, will reup their potassium levels via food naturally and don't need to supplement it.

    And I second the mag before bed.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    Options apparently you can't edit posts right now. :rage: Sorry about the quote tag mess.