Step it up September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    That's a cute waffle maker, Austin. And not so huge. I got rid of a lot of kitchen gadgets just to clear my kitchen out, but that would be easy to store.

    Secretary doesn't have covid, yay! But she's still sick so it will probably be another day or two before she gets back. Just a miserable cold/flu. Who thought we'd ever be grateful for a regular old flu?

    Good WFPB kinda day... almost
    B - oats with blueberrries
    L - leftover cooked veggies with brown rice
    D - big ol' salad
    S - vega bar... oh my goodness haven't had one in a while and they are supremely decadent... will not be buying more. Like a gigantic candy bar and 290 calories! Ugh! I'm really not that into sweets, but once in a while I do like a little dark chocolate or a cookie. Much better off having a little bit of that than a big calorie bomb bar.

    I have a little work to do tonight so I best get at it.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member

    Good morning!

    A huge HURRAY to your secretary not having COVID! That is great news!

    Yes, the waffle maker doesn't take up much room. I am not a big fan of kitchen gadgets, but this is one I do like and use!

    My day went well. I was over calories, but all the foods wee good Dr F choices.

    Thanks for the reminder about avoiding bars. I am headed to the store and mentally putting those on the "no" list!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Austin, the bars "seem" so healthy don't they? But when you really look at them they are not so WFPB. I do like the lara cashew cookie bars. Nothing weird in those and WFPB, but still too high in calories and fat with all the nuts. Best to avoid the darn things.

    Pretty good day!

    B - oats with blueberries and a little almond milk (I almost always eat my oats raw just let them soak for a couple minutes to soften a bit. I also usually just use water but I had opened a container of almond milk to make unhoney mustard dressing so I want to use it up.)
    L - big ol' salad with unhoney mustard dressing
    D - will be a veggie sammich (ezekiel, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, brown mustard)

    Worked late and still have a couple things to get emailed out tonight before dinner so I best get at it.

    Oh, and I managed to get on the treadmill for 15 minutes this morning. I am really really going to try to make this a habit. It is so hard for me to work out at night most of the time. Never know when I'm getting out of the office and I'm always so tired. I felt great today just getting that little bit of treadmill time in this morning. Going to try for half an hour every morning, and then I just have to work in some strength training a few evenings a week.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I got sidetracked... meant to give a shout out to Shred... hope all is well in your world! And Magic... we miss you!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Ladies ...back in October! Miss you, tooo!💜👻🎃👻💜
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Magic! Glad to see you. Hope all is well. Good to see Lulu's little face there.

    Busy busy day as usual. I hope tomorrow will be a bit less crazed.

    B - oats with blueberries and a little almond milk
    L - Dr. McD soup, 2 Lundberg rice thin crackers, an apple
    D - big ol' salad with chickpeas

    Day 2 of getting treadmill in before my morning shower. Put in 20 minutes. Yay! Strength training this weekend and at least twice in the evening next week. I sure feel better when I treadmill in the morning. Loosens up my back and I'm just more energetic through the day.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I forgot to mention. I put a bunch of WFPB youtube videos on my watch list so I will watch those while I treadmill in the mornings. I have all the big WFPB docs and a couple people like Chef AJ, but hit me with any other recommendations y'all have.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Day 3 of getting on that treadmill first thing. Did 20 minutes. I am so happy! I really want to make this a habit. I'm not breaking any speed records or really even trying to get in a real workout. I just want to get in some movement first thing in the morning. As time goes by I'm sure I will increase speed and make it more of a workout, but right now just want to build the habit. I watched a Dr. Greger video on youtube this morning while on the treadmill.

    B - oats with blueberries and a little almond milk
    L - Amy's enchilada
    D - big ol' salad with chickpeas

    Work to do tonight so off to get at it!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Good evening Plant Friends: I tend to swing between: I've got this, I don't need any support to holy crap, these a relatively new habits, and who am I kidding...I need all the support I can get!

    Austin: I feel for you, as for your husband. I was not an easy patient, and I detested bed rest. I did find myself watching a heap of videos on prescription drug addiction since I was given one nice big bottle of oxy and I could with having to deal with the pain understand how very easy it would be to get addicted.

    I had to see the orthopedic surgeon weekly for the first few weeks, and I got to know people who had had up to 5 shoulder surgeries. I couldn't imagine that, and I couldn't imagine that recovery.

    I may have mentioned that I nicknamed my physical therapist The Destroyer..not cause she was rough, but because she seemed to make it her personal mission to vanquish the limited range of motion I had.

    I'm enjoying WW...I'm just shoring up my new habits every way I can.

    I'm finally able to go back to the gym. Our state has opened gyms up, and my gym got enough business stimulus money to create "pods" around every piece of cardio equipment (shields and air filters), distance equipment, move classes to the roof deck, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

    It has been 6 months since I've done more than walk and 15 minutes of free weights at home. My cardiovascular condition isn't bad, but oh, there is squish where before there was no squish.

    Also, I'm taking an on-line/zoom class on Creative Nonfiction Writing. It has been eons since I've taken a class, so this will be a challenge.

    Hope you've been well. Take care, and all the best!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Oops, I tend to block out stuff I don't want to think about...but I had a couple of weeks of shortness of breath, and getting down on all fours in the living room and having our son pound on my back. No fever, and I could smell just fine (and oh, teen boys seem to be founts of odors!).

    I don't know if it was Covid, or what, but if that was mild Covid, I can't imagine the discomfort of a less mild version. Having to rest when I reached the top of one flight of stairs was frightening.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Shred, good to see you. I am glad you are feeling better now. I had something back in early February that was killer. I mean I coughed myself nearly to death and at one point couldn't breathe to the point I went to an urgent care. They tested for flu and did a chest x-ray and just said it was bronchitis, gave me some meds. I think there's a good possibility that I had Covid then. A lot of people I know were really sick around then and got tested for flu and negative. I really do wonder if it was already running rampant.

    Day 4 of morning treadmill. I overslept and was going to blow it off but reminded myself there are NO EXCUSES and I got on there. Only 10 minutes as I didn't have much time, but I think it is incredibly important that I develop this habit no matter what. NO EXCUSES!

    We need to get an October thread going... I will put some thought into a topic if nobody else gets around to starting it by tomorrow. I have had a headache for two days and thinking about a topic makes it worse. LOL

    B - oats with blueberries
    L - Amy's enchilada
    D - big ol' salad
    S - got into the peanut butter pretzels... I was tired and not feeling well and that always seems to trigger eating things I shouldn't be eating. For me fatigue = hunger. But I could make good choices even then. Could have had some fruit or some veggies. Shoulda coulda. Will work on those better choices!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Mihani: I'm with you on habit. I made a vow to go to the gym every day this month without excuses. Even if it is for 20 minutes, which is just about what I can do with a 6 month hiatus.

    And, that does sound very Covid like. I think I'm aware of the most widespread symptoms, but what you described, what I experienced and similar symptoms with other friends sound Covid like.

    I find myself eating skinny popcorn and skinny cows...not overeating, but eating them while my mind is saying: Grrrrrrl, why are you doing this! I need to noodle on a "treat" between lunch and dinner that I actually feel good about eating.

    My annual physical is at the end of October, it will be interesting to see what 6 months of eating McDougall has done for my blood work. I have been feeling excessively tired lately, and I don't know if it is the shift in my life due to the pandemic or that I'm not consuming sufficient protein. I'm averaging about 50 grams a day.

    Take care, lovely people!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Hey computer is totally messed up...having a horrible time even getting here...was going to try and set up October...but can't even do that...I am struggling right now...lots going on in my life...knee replacement set for early spring...wrestling with the idea of adopting another dog...only because Lulu is alone so many hours at a time...she would be a puppy...that's a whole other story. Once I get this stupid program off my computer that is blocking me from doing my normal thing...I will be back...sorry this is so all over the place, but want to get it all in before I get kicked off.

    Still plant based but using Gardein products to help...fresh produce along with Gardein. Anyway, to you all later.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Magic! Sorry you are struggling. I hope the knee replacement will help a lot to get you feeling better. Oh, I hope you do adopt another pup! You're such a good dog mom.

    Shred, are you getting enough good sleep? If I eat later in the evening I don't seem to sleep as well.

    Austin, hope all is well with you and your husband is still recovering well.

    I need to set up my salads and make salad dressing, finish laundry, run to the grocery, and try to get in a few hours of work this evening.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Magic: That's so much going on. Sometimes everything personal has to be chaotic cause everything in the world is the same!

    It may well be the sleep. I have a good family, but my whole outside social support network..even those little incidental social interactions...are gone now, and I think I feel down the most at night, turn to watching mindless YouTube videos, and then before I know it is is 1 a.m.!

    Then, the next day I'm unfocused, store up a big load of guilt, and then my mind is running around in circles...

    So, not good...this week's focus is on breaking that cycle!