Week 2 Review
Posts: 4 Member
I have a lot of thoughts about the 3 scriptures we went over on Tuesday , so I'll try to keep it brief. Regarding 1 Corinthians 6:12 - to me, it seems like the people who used that statement used it more like an excuse to be able to abuse God's grace. Yes, I should be thankful for God's grace, but should I really take advantage of it in a poor manner? After all, we all know that everyone will reap what is sown (Gal 6:2).
When I think of being disciplined by my mom as a child, I hated it haha. I definitely did not appreciate it. But as an adult, I am so grateful for all the things she taught me. Even though she isn't a Christian, she has deeply embedded in me habits and thought processes that are helping me navigate my Christian life, especially through this difficult time I'm facing right now. It has taken facing my current hardship for me to really appreciate what my mom taught me and disciplined me for.
I have the most thoughts regarding 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. When I read about our bodies being the temple of God, my mind goes to the first 5 books of the Old Testament. Think about the instructions God had for building the tabernacle - they were excruciatingly detailed! He had exact dimensions, materials, where to put what, etc. And He called for the best of the best materials to be used. He gifted two brothers with expert skill to help with the decor. God had very specific requirements for who could serve in the tabernacle, and when they did not observe it they were burned up by God! Now that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, do we put that much detail into the care of our bodies??
When I think of being disciplined by my mom as a child, I hated it haha. I definitely did not appreciate it. But as an adult, I am so grateful for all the things she taught me. Even though she isn't a Christian, she has deeply embedded in me habits and thought processes that are helping me navigate my Christian life, especially through this difficult time I'm facing right now. It has taken facing my current hardship for me to really appreciate what my mom taught me and disciplined me for.
I have the most thoughts regarding 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. When I read about our bodies being the temple of God, my mind goes to the first 5 books of the Old Testament. Think about the instructions God had for building the tabernacle - they were excruciatingly detailed! He had exact dimensions, materials, where to put what, etc. And He called for the best of the best materials to be used. He gifted two brothers with expert skill to help with the decor. God had very specific requirements for who could serve in the tabernacle, and when they did not observe it they were burned up by God! Now that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, do we put that much detail into the care of our bodies??
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