Optimal October!



  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy weekend all!

    I have a saying "that's what money is for"...so if you hire an expert go for it!

    Pre-Covid I had my hair "done" every week at the Aveda student training salon (all of $16.00). For a couple of hours, I was pampered and came out feeling refreshed by some girl talk, and my hair, which normally looks like brunette tumbleweed looked awesome all week. I felt guilty about it..but then I realized: That's what money is for...an experience. Plus, you're giving someone income in a time when that is especially important!

    So, Plant Friends is everyone doing the Fuhrman 10 in 20 plan (is that what it is called?) I'm doing the anxious mother plan...and while it isn't helping my sleep much, there's no appetite.

    Plus, I'm going on news rationing. No more than one news source a day, once a day...and I'm choosing the one which is the least Chicken Littleish.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Austin, I don't use all the Panda Planner has because it was overwhelming, but I do like the daily part. I may just make up my own daily sheet, but I think the act of writing it down, as opposed to typing in a computer, especially with fun colored markers, is beneficial. It makes me focus on the good stuff and goals.

    Magic, thinking of you! Hope you are having a good day. I think your idea of hiring help to organize and declutter is awesome!

    Shred, I am not doing the 10 in 20. I think I have it from years ago, but it is too many recipes and cooking for me. I am doing the 6 week plan from Dr. Fuhrman's book Eat to Live. The first week wasn't perfect by any means. A few pretzels here, a glass of wine there. I just can't seem to get myself together lately! But at least trying to focus on the 6 week plan is helping me make better choices and tame the snack monster.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Austin, Chef AJ has a few interviews with Dr. B you might be interested in...she did them when his book first came out. Just YOUTUBE it under chef AJ and Dr. Will Bulsiewicz. It should come up.

    Glad I could inspire you, Mihani. I am very excited about working with a professional. I just keep spinning my wheels...and it really is too much for me. I am hopeful this will turn out totally FAB...and she can help me with the rest of this house. Trust, me, I am going to be ruthless. I am really going to cut back on so many containers in the kitchen...and stuff I just do not need. My kitchen is always a mess cuz there is JUST TOO MUCH STUFF for my little itty bitty home.

    Food is not so great...I am stress eating...just three more sleeps and I can finally get some answers.

    Wishing all of you a the sweetest of evenings. TTYL Hugs to everyone.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Sunday! A good week, and down several lbs since I resumed my commitment. This time I'm going to avoid my traditional pattern of : Oh, I've got this..a little extra here or there won't matter.

    Something I've learning is that this journey is a little like my journey with cigarettes (I used to be a 3 pack a day smoker). It took me 14 attempts to quit including attempts at hypnosis, group stop smoking classes, non-smoking spa weeks, snapping a rubber band on my wrist every time I reached for a cigarette.

    I don't think of any of those as failures. It seemed that once I reached kind of a critical mass of strategies, motivations, habit modifications it got to the point where I could finally come up with a strategy that worked for me (reducing my cigarette consumption by one each day.)

    So, even when I have "failures" I think I'm still succeeding in the journey.

    Okay, philosophy spouting off for this weekend!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Super post, Shred! It's all about learning and figuring out what works best for each individual...there is no such thing as a one size fits all.

    At work...brought all plant based...but not all WHOLE FOODS. I know I will deal with whatever comes down...but it's just this frickin waiting that has me in knots. Tomorrow I am going to see if they can set me up with my portal from the doc. That was supposed to have been done two weeks ago. Maybe there is something in there that will give me peace of mind.

    Teleconference Tuesday at Two... 10/13 my birthday...how nice! LOL <3

    Love and hugs to all of you! TTYL B)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi All... still super busy with work and trying to manage stress better.

    Shred... awesome that you quit smoking. I still will pick up a pack of cigs now and then on a weekend. Sometimes that leads to a week or so of struggling with cravings all over again. Not smart of me.

    Hang in there Magic... you'll know more tomorrow. Thinking of you.

    I am going to see if my boss will be okay with me working from home today. Still so much to do that I brought home and could use some quiet time to work on the rest.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hello, all!

    Magic -- We are so pulling for you, and are so happy for you that the wait is over tomorrow.

    Thank you for the pointer to the Chef AJ interviews with Dr B. I will check those out!

    Shred -- Your post about finding the path that works for you is SO inspiring! Thank you!

    You asked what everyone was doing. I, too, am doing the 6 week plan from Eat to Live.
    B-green smoothie (broccoli, blueberries, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, psyllium), goji berries, almond butter
    L-turnip greens, garbanzo beans & fire roasted tomatoes; zucchini, raw chopped onion, chopped tomato; steamed mushroom & carrot; small mango
    S-1/2 apple & cashews
    D-chopped salad (red bell, green bell, radish, celery, grape tomato, cucumber, green onion, 1/2 apple, avocado, lime juice), goji berries, almond butter

    Mihani - Hang in there as regards work. I'll be thinking of you!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Thank you my sweet dear friends. Wait is almost over.

    Hanging with Lulu. 🐾🐶🐾

    Will check back as soon as I know.

    Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Thank you my sweet dear friends. Wait is almost over.

    Hanging with Lulu. 🐾🐶🐾

    Will check back as soon as I know.

    Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Hey, sweet Magic -- We are all thinking of you today, wishing you all the best, and so glad you have Lulu there to keep you company.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    edited October 2020
    Hi Magic, was thinking of you today and checking in. Hope all is well and give Lulu an extra cuddle from me.

    Busy day. A little work to get emailed out yet tonight then I am going to unload dishwasher, have a salad for dinner, and get to bed early. Storm last night had my old pup all stressed out and he wouldn't let me get to sleep until past midnight.

    I better go get on the work first thing before I decide I just don't care! >:)

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Hi Magic, was thinking of you today and checking in. Hope all is well and give Lulu an extra cuddle from me.

    Busy day. A little work to get emailed out yet tonight then I am going to unload dishwasher, have a salad for dinner, and get to bed early. Storm last night had my old pup all stressed out and he wouldn't let me get to sleep until past midnight.

    I better go get on the work first thing before I decide I just don't care! >:)

    Your purple devil made me giggle, Mihani!

    @magic71755 -- We are thihking of you and Lulu and wishing you well.

    How are you doing this week?

    I have eaten on plan today and am off for a walk!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    So sorry I did not write! I think I started to and then I got sidetracked or something because I just came back in to check with you guys and I saw I didn’t write anything.

    The news is there is some kind of mass there and we have to do another test and have a probably a biopsy but he doesn’t do this he’s sending me to a specialist

    He can’t tell me definitely because he needs a test but he doesn’t think it’s cancer he thinks it’s probably fluid but he can’t be sure so he sending me someone he works with that does lumps and bumps but he’s really a spine doctor but he does lumps and bumps and that’s what he kept saying him so I’m going to have an appointment with him
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I want to thank you guys so very much for being so thoughtful and caring. Now it’s a waiting game until they call me for my appointment and I told them at work that whatever day they choose and whatever time they choose I’m taking that appointment so I’m not waiting any longer.

    I was a little bit freaked out after the telemedicine appointment but I talk to my best friend since kindergarten she happens to live 20 minutes from me and she called me down and told me let’s wait and see what the results are there’s no need to worry now until there’s something to think about or worry about so she really did get into my head and help me out so I’m feeling a little bit better

    I love you guys thank you so much❤️❤️❤️
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Had a list of people that I had to contact as soon as my appointment was over and you were on that list and I know I went into MyFitnessPal but I must’ve been sidetracked by a phone call or something and I didn’t finish writing you guys please don’t think I wasn’t thinking of you because I was I just must’ve gotten sidetracked I’ll talk to you soon
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Magic, that's good news that he doesn't think it is cancer, but I am sorry you have to start another waiting game for the next appointment to add to the anxiety. I'm so glad you have a good friend nearby you can call on for support, and we're all here for you too!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Magic, that is such great news!
    No grumps here about not having checked in earlier. We are just glad to hear that the news sounds cautiously good. I am sorry about the waiting for that next appointment. Maybe think of it as -- the fact that they are keeping you waiting is good news -- they don't think it's urgent!
    It is so great you have such a good friend living so close.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Good morning, plant-based friends!

    I am drinking my coffee and getting ready to do some catch-up today.

    Magic - I am thinking of you and sending you best wishes for calm this morning.

    I am about to go run some errands and otherwise get lots of work done today! That includes shopping, as I am starting to run low on plants to eat!

    I am feeling better about my diet and health. I have been staying away from my problem foods, and that is getting easier. Some of that is time, but I am also feeling better physically, which reinforces staying on track. So I am continuing on the Dr F Aggressive Weight Loss Plan from Eat to Live.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Hello Plant Tribe!

    Magic: Thinking of you!

    I'm taking a course in nonfiction creative writing, and we each have to chose a topic, and mine is "My Pandemic", ow my family and I are handling the pandemic..and I listed the good things that have come out of it so far...and my Plant Tribe being one!

    I've had no appetite lately and I'm just embracing that and not worrying about it. All I really want is Kodiak high protein waffles and tart cherries...so weird, but I'll take it.

    The pandemic has focused my family inward, and me inward as well. This class lasts through November, then I've agree to participate in a Zoom piano recital in January, and then I need to get cracking on some other goals.

    I'd love to come out of this 17 lbs lighter, able to do a full hour of interval training on the elliptical trainer, and with 18% bodyfat.

    Thinking of you all!

    (Oh, and I'm starting every morning differently. No more news...just finding the happiest songs I can today was theB52s Love Shack.)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hey Austin! Hope you got all your errands done and had a productive day. Glad you are feeling better as you get back to full on Dr. F plan. I am not there yet, but much much closer than I was. I had a very social week which involved wine and munchies 3 times (which equals the total of social events this whole dang year prior to this week) but nothing else coming up now so I am going to buckle down completely. I will say that I feel much better mentally after having some social time and seeing friends face to face (properly distanced of course) and just feeling like I was connecting with people in real life instead of only phone and texts. And not people from the office! I love my boss and co-workers, but we're all pretty tired of each other after this past 8 months. LOL

    Shred, glad your writing class has started off well. Very productive and fun way to use some pandemic time. I used to play piano! I love music so much. I was never great at piano or guitar but I enjoyed it. I used to have a wonderful singing voice but years of smoking did that in. What a stupid, expensive, health-destroying habit, but I have to admit I still cave once in a great while if I'm around friends who smoke.

    Magic, thinking of you!!! <3
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited October 2020
    Morning, lovelies 💜👻💜🎃💜👻💜

    Back to work today...no word from doc on follow up appointments...not sure if calling in will do any good.

    My organizer comes Tuesday and Wednesday...we are working on the garage. Wish I would have thought of this on my vacation...dopey me.

    Once garage is completed...and I am in the the mood in getting rid of stuff, we can do the living room and dining room. Kitchen needs a whole reorganization to make cleaning up easier. Then it’s the guest bedroom...dumpsville. Oy vey!

    I made a mixture of Gardein ground pretend meat...the original...with beans, corn salsa, corn, salsa, cumin...poured over a bed of chopped iceberg. Kinda good!

    I got up before alarm cuz I was having an anxiety attack. Better, when I’m moving around.

    Thanks ever so for your support dear ones. Seems my head is pre occupied lately.
