Shrinking Assets - November 2020 Team Chat



  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    edited November 2020
    Good Morning. I am your other captain... along side my bestie @Beka3695
    I am 38 and have an 18 year old that graduated during the pandemic and moved out into his own apt in the middle of August.
    I do have some furbabies. Peter is my bestie (my 5 year old boxer/hound).
    Then I had Pretzel (opossum) which I released coming up on 2 weeks ago. I do think I saw him last weekend as I have never seen an opossum by my house before.
    I have gone from 237 to 132, and currently am 170. I have only have a few goals this month. 1. Snap a picture of anything before I eat it then post it here the next day as a collage. 2. No alcohol Tuesday - Thursday nights. 3. See 16... something again on the scale. I am tired of just chilling in the 170s.
    Oh and Burrrrrrrrrrrr... Ohio got its first few snow flakes yesterday! I am NOT ready.

    Edit. My breakfast I posted was eggs, sausage, pepper, red chili flakes, spinach and tomatoes. This morning I added in some hot sauce and goat cheese. Super creamy and yum.
  • ShowKitten
    ShowKitten Posts: 434 Member
    I’m Steph/Showkitten, 31 living in Scotland with my husband, baby (that’s new to say!) and 3 cats. I was originally in this group In 2017 when I went from 255 to 190 in time for my wedding in October 2017.

    After that, though, a few major things happened. I lost one of my cats who I adored, I got diagnosed with a chronic pain condition and we realised that although we really wanted kids we couldn’t afford it for a few years. So, I was extremely heartbroken for a number of reasons and just ate.

    I’ve been trying since then to get weight off but not got below 220, which is where I was last year before we started trying for a baby. I figured this was going to be super happy time as FINALLY we were getting a baby but it took me a long time to conceive so I ate rather than exercised as I was sad. But back in January we got our positive when I was back at my very highest of 255. Yay. I also came off painkillers that are notorious for making weight loss harder.

    Baby Quinn is here now and is 5 weeks old and I really want to be healthy for him. I weighed myself a few weeks ago and I was at 245 so that’s my starting point. Been having a bad few weeks too though, as although we have our gorgeous boy we’ve also lost two family cats in the last month, one after a very long illness and one very suddenly. I’m also struggling not getting to see my parents so much due to COVID. So I haven’t properly started eating well and slipped into my comfort eating ways. It can’t continue! Which is why I’m so excited to be back here. Hoping you can all keep me on the straight and narrow 🤞

    My goals for November are just getting back into good habits and logging food again 💪🏻 long term I’d love to be back under 200lbs.
  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    Hi team, I am brand new to this group and challenge. I am looking forward to supporting and participating because I think it will help with my accountability. I live in Idaho and am 36 years old. Married with an almost 2-year-old toddler. This summer I hit my highest weight at 207 after getting some great results last fall - I just totally let it all go. Now I am back to tracking and working out, but I am trying to keep my calorie intake as high as possible while still losing so that it feels sustainable. This week I have stalled and am just feeling really frustrated by the scale even though my measurements are down. I am continually trying to reframe my mindset and stay focused on long-term success instead of the short term. It's SO hard somedays! My goal weight is around 150, and I am currently at 193. I typically do resistance/weight training 3x per week with walks for cardio 3-5x per week. Please add me as a friend! I really want the added support.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    ShowKitten wrote: »
    I’m Steph/Showkitten, 31 living in Scotland with my husband, baby (that’s new to say!) and 3 cats. I was originally in this group In 2017 when I went from 255 to 190 in time for my wedding in October 2017.

    After that, though, a few major things happened. I lost one of my cats who I adored, I got diagnosed with a chronic pain condition and we realised that although we really wanted kids we couldn’t afford it for a few years. So, I was extremely heartbroken for a number of reasons and just ate.

    I’ve been trying since then to get weight off but not got below 220, which is where I was last year before we started trying for a baby. I figured this was going to be super happy time as FINALLY we were getting a baby but it took me a long time to conceive so I ate rather than exercised as I was sad. But back in January we got our positive when I was back at my very highest of 255. Yay. I also came off painkillers that are notorious for making weight loss harder.

    Baby Quinn is here now and is 5 weeks old and I really want to be healthy for him. I weighed myself a few weeks ago and I was at 245 so that’s my starting point. Been having a bad few weeks too though, as although we have our gorgeous boy we’ve also lost two family cats in the last month, one after a very long illness and one very suddenly. I’m also struggling not getting to see my parents so much due to COVID. So I haven’t properly started eating well and slipped into my comfort eating ways. It can’t continue! Which is why I’m so excited to be back here. Hoping you can all keep me on the straight and narrow 🤞

    My goals for November are just getting back into good habits and logging food again 💪🏻 long term I’d love to be back under 200lbs.

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your furkids!! I only have fur children and I lost 2 of them very close together (within a week of each other) back in April. One had hemangiosarcoma and we were super focused on her and her chemo. Then another one started acting distressed and we took
    him to the vet and he had leukemia....

    We were devastated to lose 2 so close to each other. I have 7 furkids left and I know I will fall off the wagon after I lose each one of them. The hardest part about having furkids is that you know that you’ll outlive them. 😔
  • krobinson9721
    krobinson9721 Posts: 6 Member
    PW 174.6
    CW 171.5
    LTD 33.5
  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    Hello -very thankful to have been assigned to such a warm & supportive group. I’m Tanya-I live in rural Ontario, Canada. My highest weight was last month @ 257 ...I’m ready, strong-willed and want to make a change for the better. I’ll be 44 in a few weeks and I want to turn a corner on my health. I’m married and have 2 kids (11,14) -I have many pets...4 cats (including a Maine Coon-Meow!) and 2 wieners, who are living & comical, but can often be little jerks. I’m alcohol-free for a month -staying on this till Christmas. Today I did something fun -a cold plunge into the Great Lakes -I’m a Finn, so it is in my blood. Of note, my flare-up in my shoulder/back/wrapping around to my chest & ribs ...was gone! I’m going to be easing back into physical activity next week -just trying to lay the foundation around my food & habits (work through lunch and late and commute).

    Age: 43.9
    Height: 5'6
    Highest weight: 257-October 2020
    Current weight: 248
    Goal Weight: 155
  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    Completely forgot to weigh in yesterday so Tuesday is my new weigh in.

    PW 154
    CW 157
    LTD 35
    GW 115
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Here's yesterday's food.
    Drink wise: I had one cup of coffee, 1 glass of diet tea, 2 glasses of water, 2 glasses of wine. I know, way under my water yesterday.
  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    Tuesday check in day!

    Previous weight: 193
    Current weight: 191.8
    LTD: 15.2

    While I did lose weight this week, I was up last week (pre-challenge month) so I was pretty disappointed. I know I need to reframe this and look at my overall success. I'm so glad to be in this group and hope it continues to provide the motivation to move in the right direction - that's what it's all about, right? Make it a great week everyone!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Hi guys! I want to apologize about being absent lately. I will be back in Florida tomorrow night and things will hopefully be more normal again.

    The last few days have been crazy. Last night I caved to stress and binged. I ate so much crap!!! I’m up 4 lbs from Saturday.

    I know I haven’t eaten 14k cal over maintenance, but I’ve not been healthy either. I have not logged since Friday.

    This is a trend that must stop IMMEDIATELY!!! I am so proud of my 9 lb month last month. I do not want to ruin all the progress I’ve made.
  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Hi guys! I want to apologize about being absent lately. I will be back in Florida tomorrow night and things will hopefully be more normal again.

    The last few days have been crazy. Last night I caved to stress and binged. I ate so much crap!!! I’m up 4 lbs from Saturday.

    I know I haven’t eaten 14k cal over maintenance, but I’ve not been healthy either. I have not logged since Friday.

    This is a trend that must stop IMMEDIATELY!!! I am so proud of my 9 lb month last month. I do not want to ruin all the progress I’ve made.

    I'm new to this group, but just want to say; it's a new day! Drink as much water as you can and flush out the sodium and whatever else is causing you to be up - because obviously, you didn't gain that much. You've got this! 9 lbs in a month is inspiring to me! Don't let the bingeing turn into more days, just keep moving forward.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    Were steps going to be recorded?
    Or are we not doing this anymore?
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    @Beka3695 I feel you!! These last two days have been awful for my eating habits. REMEMBER - we are stronger than we think. We got this!!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Since we have several new folks I wanted to share this.

    ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ This would not have been possible without this group!!! You are my family!

    I love this visual display. You are rocking it!!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:
    PW: 150.2
    CW: 150.2
    LTD: 16
  • ShowKitten
    ShowKitten Posts: 434 Member
    Dogmom1978 wrote: »
    ShowKitten wrote: »
    I’m Steph/Showkitten, 31 living in Scotland with my husband, baby (that’s new to say!) and 3 cats. I was originally in this group In 2017 when I went from 255 to 190 in time for my wedding in October 2017.

    After that, though, a few major things happened. I lost one of my cats who I adored, I got diagnosed with a chronic pain condition and we realised that although we really wanted kids we couldn’t afford it for a few years. So, I was extremely heartbroken for a number of reasons and just ate.

    I’ve been trying since then to get weight off but not got below 220, which is where I was last year before we started trying for a baby. I figured this was going to be super happy time as FINALLY we were getting a baby but it took me a long time to conceive so I ate rather than exercised as I was sad. But back in January we got our positive when I was back at my very highest of 255. Yay. I also came off painkillers that are notorious for making weight loss harder.

    Baby Quinn is here now and is 5 weeks old and I really want to be healthy for him. I weighed myself a few weeks ago and I was at 245 so that’s my starting point. Been having a bad few weeks too though, as although we have our gorgeous boy we’ve also lost two family cats in the last month, one after a very long illness and one very suddenly. I’m also struggling not getting to see my parents so much due to COVID. So I haven’t properly started eating well and slipped into my comfort eating ways. It can’t continue! Which is why I’m so excited to be back here. Hoping you can all keep me on the straight and narrow 🤞

    My goals for November are just getting back into good habits and logging food again 💪🏻 long term I’d love to be back under 200lbs.

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your furkids!! I only have fur children and I lost 2 of them very close together (within a week of each other) back in April. One had hemangiosarcoma and we were super focused on her and her chemo. Then another one started acting distressed and we took
    him to the vet and he had leukemia....

    We were devastated to lose 2 so close to each other. I have 7 furkids left and I know I will fall off the wagon after I lose each one of them. The hardest part about having furkids is that you know that you’ll outlive them. 😔

    I’m so sorry for your losses too, it’s so heartbreaking. I agree with the outliving, it put me off getting more pets for ages until someone told me the key is to remember that although they’re only with you a short time it means they’re whole life is a happy one for having you in it. ❤️

  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    @showkitten holy moly, amazing check-in, lady! So inspiring!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Yesterday's food
This discussion has been closed.