Right - what should I be doing?

MrBecky Posts: 55 Member
Hello, I'm new to this group. I've basically read too much about how good lifting heavy stuff is not to give it a go.

But - I'm not particularly fit. I always hated sports and PE lessons at school and consequently have always been far too inactive.
I'm really not that strong, I can't do even one proper push up or sit-up. I'm working at the push ups.

I'm not gonna lie, lifting heavy weights really scares me! I think it's the only thing that will really change my body though. I've tried running/jogging and it's not for me. It really hurts my knees, and I've just had nearly a two week period of not being able to do much exercise due to the latest bout of bad-knee-itis.

I'd need to do something with dumbells rather than a barbell as I don't have a lot of space/money.

Can I even start anything ike this yet or should I try to get to a certain level of fitness first?
What equipment would I need to buy?
What would I do, how many times a week?
I'm already eating 1850ish calories a day - would I need to up this?

Sorry for my barrage of noob questions.


  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    bump, I have similar questions!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    If space and money are both concerns you could consider looking into You Are Your Own Gym which is a body-weight training program.

    Google that and start there. You should be able to do well for a while on that program.

    Regarding your caloric intake, that's going to depend on how things go as you start that program. I would leave your intake as is for a while after beginning the program so you can monitor how your weight changes. You may get an initial stall in weight due to fluid fluctuations when you begin training.
  • MrBecky
    MrBecky Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you!

    I have downloaded this on my Kindle and will have a read :-)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Good luck. I'm locking this thread now for administrative purposes.
This discussion has been closed.