Downsizers - December 2020 Team Chat



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Hi everyone. Quick stop here before I go to the fysiotherapeut.

    Steps @Megan_smartiepants1970
    day 3 24.057 steps
    day 4 12.718 steps
    day 5 8.904 steps
    day 6 11.720 steps

    P.W 133.5 kg = 294,3 lbs

    You didn’t enter your CW. Awesome steps!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Case0099 wrote: »
    CW 217.4
    PW 221
    LTD 27.6

    I guess when I voiced my frustrations about not losing last week, my body and scale took note for this week! :)

    Keep voicing those frustrations! Awesome loss!
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    12/1: 6,924 steps
    12/2: 3,687 steps
    12/3: 8,311 steps
    12/4: 2,981 steps (left my fitbit on the charger :neutral: )
    12/5: 4,084 steps

    Tomorrow starts my day fulfilling my personal development plan! I am feeling pretty excited about it too! What are some things that you guys do to remind you to stay on track?! I actually started a squat challenge with my co-worker and when we get downtime we walk/jog around the ER doing exercises in between laps. I am loving it so far!

    Accountability helps tonnes. Having friends ask me "how is such-and-such going?" then I have to do it haha

    Also- I set goals with my therapist every week - smart goals to help me get to my end goal, whatever that might be, that really helps.

    How did your first day go????

    I really think I do well with daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. I know it sounds crazy, but it has helped in the past. The first day went well...I forgot my lunch at home but I ordered the healthiest possible meal that I could and I fasted in the afternoon. My co-worker was there yesterday but she was pre-occupied with other things but I still walked laps in between patients to get some decent steps in.

    Today was not as good as yesterday but I woke up feeling like crud. I had a terrible headache from the minute I woke up and made it worse by forgetting my glasses at home. *facepalm* I came home and laid down for most of the day before making myself get up to make the kids some hamburger helper. (I'm not mother of the year today lol) Anywho, I have an interview (?) with someone tomorrow for diet and gym training. We will see how that goes. I really need to whip myself into gear because this isn't the life.

    Despite being tired, my head still hurting, and being congested (I have terrible sinuses and get recurrent infections so I am 98% sure that I am starting to get one) I am going to go on a walk/run. I think the fresh air will help rid me of the stress that I have going on and also make me feel better physically. It certainly can't hurt right?

    I'll be back after my walk to check-in. (Sorry for being so long-winded lol)
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    12/6 steps 10,518
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Steps for 12/6: 8,167
    Steps for 12/7: 9,217

    I think I am coming down with a sinus infection and haven't felt great all day. :( I did feel better after a nice evening walk with my dog though :) I am starting to feel it again though, if nothing else, it is just a bad head cold. Tomorrow I am off from the hospital and the surgery center but am doing my annual gift wrap for a dear friend. Likely won't get a lot of steps in but I will get lots of stretches in because she buys a TON of gifts every year and I end up in strange positions trying to wrap them beautifully.

    I will check in at some point tomorrow while I am there and fingers crossed, I will be feeling better!
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    7th December

    * Track/ under calories/no restricting - ✔️✔️✔️
    * 2L water ✔️
    * "fresh air" count- 10 ✔️
    * midnight bedtime ✔️
    * Awake and out of bed by 9am ✔️
    Steps- 4339 ( plus 30 min of circuit training, which my sheet works out as 5970) = 10,309

    Workouts- 1 out of 4 for the week

    I tried to do a circuit training video on my wii, and I'm really glad I did the step conversion, because after the training, in the stretching, i felt light headed and gross. I've been feeling grotty all day. Still feeling rough after yesterday I guess.

    Looking at the exercise to step converter, it seems accurate with the dancing I do on the wii, so I am going to maybe take off my fitbit when I exercise because sometimes it makes my wrist irritated.

    My wife was having a tough day. She lost her mum about 17 months ago and she has found it really hard. Some days are better than others. So I encouraged her to get showered and dressed and we went for a little drive. I even, somehow, got her to sign up with my dentist. She hasn't been in YEARS has a lot of problems with her teeth. So first appt is booked for next Tuesday. I forgot though that I have an appointment with my endocrinologist 45 min later, on the phone probably, so I won't get much freedom to talk, sadly. But I do want to talk to him about seeing a dietician or a nutritionist.

    Anyway, tonight, I am going to go to bed early. I have my usual appointments plus a few calls, and speaking at ANOTHER recovery meeting, so my time is limited. But I am grateful!

    I just hope this bloaty feeling leaves before I have to step on the scales in the morning lol

    Stay safe all <3
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »

    12/3 11375
    12/4 13,866
    12/5 4,421
    12/6 10,777

    Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Taking some time to stop obsessing over my lack of motivation to fix the problems with my eating while still working out of coarse. I am in the last week of my program. The new one that starts in two weeks has an interesting new piece of equipment that I ordered. Weighted cordless jump rope.

    Don't be sorry love, you have to do whats best for you! The cordless jump rope sounds interesting!!!
    Monday check in on December goals:
    1. Loss a lb a week: lost 2.4 this week
    2. 2 Dr Pepper limit:drank too many
    3. 20 oz of water every day: needs improvement
    4. Run 5 mins without stopping: made a minute
    5. Exercise every day: missed Saturday
    6. Log food and no binge eating: logged everything and only a small over eat on Saturday
    Happy Monday

    Sounds like a great week overall!!! Wonderful loss!

    I truthfully haven’t been feeling the greatest since Friday. It started with pains in my stomach on Friday. Saturday I was exhausted and feeling slightly nauseous. Yesterday I was missing in action most of the day as I was super tired and my stomach was and still is nauseous. I actually gave in and had several naps over the weekend and that’s not like me. Maybe there is a stomach bug on the go.

    You should be very proud of yourself with the progress you have made. Maybe start having a complete rest day one day a week. That way you are ensuring you are not overdoing it.

    I have barely gone anywhere, so not sure how I picked up anything, but it's possible. Sorry you're not feeling well either. Yeah I felt like that yesterday, just rested mostly, with the odd little walk here and there.

    Today I still feel a bit crappy, just need to rest and keep hydrated, and do the best I can.

    Hoping tomorrow is better for both of us love!!

    And yes, usually when I close, I don't do a workout. I know I'm still on my feet but at least it's not strenuous. I definitely need to take it easy especially when I'm not feeling 100%

    dabbers18 wrote: »
    Hello just a quick 1 tonight as I'm so tired due to work.

    My goodness that is a lot of steps! Hugs, hope you get a good rest!
    Checkin 12/6
    Weigh in day is Fridays

    Steps today 1123

    I hope to get on the treadmill tomorrow. I feel as if I maybe on the downside of this virus, didn't stay in bed as much as I have been today.

    Glad you're feeling a bit better hun.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Dec. 5 and 6
    Dec. 5
    Tracking -yes
    Exercise - yes
    Steps - 6911

    Dec. 6
    Tracking -yes
    Exercise - yes
    Steps - 7492

    Weigh in - Dec. 7
    PW 329.6
    CW 324

    Guuuuuuuuuuuurl!!!! You are rocking this!!
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Checkin 12/7
    Weigh in day is Fridays

    Steps today 1979
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    edited December 2020
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Will check up and check in later this morning
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    PW 329.6
    CW 325.8
    Loss- 3.8 (lol I can never be accused of not being consistent, that's the exact same loss 4 out of 6 weeks haha)

    LTD- 49.2lb

    I am officially nearly 25% of the way there! Started with 200lb to lose.

    I'll check back in later all, just grabbing breakfast :)

    Awesome loss this week and LTD! You are amazing 🤩
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    12/8 steps: 10,010
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post December 7
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 110oz
    Steps 9034
    Exercise 30min walking video

    I was so snacky yesterday for some reason, resisting all the foods was hard. Got through it though. Last night I was short on steps by about 1 thousand so I stepped in place by my bed until I hit my goal before climbing in.
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