Downsizers - December 2020 Team Chat



  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    CHECK IN: WEEK 2 (Monday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 Water ✔️
    🍽Calories /Tracking✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    MON 12/7: 15,000 (spin) + 11,036 (circuit training) + 10,440 = 36,476

    You're so bloody inspiring, I wanna be like you when I grow up!!! ^_^ <3
    Monday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Steps: 2,611
    Sleep: ❌
    DBF: 0

    I just got back from doing some shopping with my daughter. She parks in the furthest spot she can find from the store. I guess it gave me a few steps. My sleep was an hour less than my goal as I had to get up early to get my granddaughter to school.

    I had a slight binge last night. I have my 2 year follow up with the eating disorder clinic next week. It should be interesting.

    Have a super day!

    My wife parks right next to the entrance where possible, so I don't get to do that, but I make up for it in the stores, because I forget things a lot so have to keep going back and forth.... aaaaaand with stores having one-way aisles, it's a lot of power-walking up and down haha.

    Sorry you had less sleep, I find the food is louder when I am over-tired.

    I hope the ED clinic goes well next week!

    PW 244
    Cw 240.6

    Steps- 30mins walk + 45 mins cardio kickboxing

    Amazing loss for the week!!! <3

    iradi8 wrote: »
    PW: 216.0
    CW: 214.7
    LTD: 37.9 pounds

    Great job! Wonderful loss <3
    lelbarou wrote: »

    Hi Tanya, sorry that you have been feeling so icky lately. You mentioned being really tired and tummy issues. I actually felts super ridiculously tired on the weekend and was wondering what's up with me. Could it partly be the change of weather to winter?
    But that doesn't really explain the tummy issues-hmmm.
    Personally I have IBS so my tummy is a bit funky sometimes due to food sensitivities.
    Also, if you are like me stress and emotions have a big impact on my digestive system! Like for REAL GURL! So, if you might stressed or experiencing more emotions it can really disrupt the tummy! At least for me!

    I want to comment first of all for reaching your 25% goal of your total weight! And since we are twins! Twin power activate! I am closing in on 45 pounds I think. So I am in a similar situation as you and I never thought of it that way. That really has motivated me even more! Thank you so much for this!

    Finally, congrats for making it into the top three of the highest individual weight loss for our group! WOOOOHOOOO!

    Thanks love, It could be the weather, I thought it could've been. Also it's just one of those things, when you take some vacation, your body just goes into sick mode haha. I'm just grateful I didn't have to work while feeling this sick!!

    Today is better though, thank goodness!

    My anxiety makes my tummy bad, and there has been some drama lately that might have some effect! I guess working on my meditation more is in order! That might help :)

    And thankyou for the congrats!!!! I was like "finallyyyyyyyyyyyy" haha. This week I'll be back to the middle of the group, and that's ok, just need to plug along. I'm down like 24lb since I joined this fabulous group in October, and that's amazing!

    I felt really down on myself lately, because I keep waking up fat, lol. (or so I keep joking to myself) like, I didn't get this size overnight and I won't lose the weight overnight- even though that would be lovely haha. So I just have to be patient. And when I realised that I'm nearly a quarter of the way there- most of that in less than 2 months, that made me feel so much better!!! <3
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    After feeling pretty good yesterday, today not so much, this must be the up and down I hear about with this Covid thing.

    While I was taking one of my naps today, I dreamed of a thick, rich Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, of all things! haha. Ever since then, it has been on my mind, so even though I didn't have the calories to use, I did it, I made one and enjoyed it. I am cheating with those calories because it was high... so I put those calories on tomorrow. Does anyone else ever do that? I figure it all calculates in the end, right?

    I haven't given up on doing this weight loss, not at all, but at this point, I just need to feel better and have energy to do what I need to do. I'm thinking of doing the Lemonade Diet to try and jump back into this, not to mention fresh squeezed lemons is Vitamin C. :) It really isn't a diet, but more of a cleansing system, though every time I have done it, I have never followed it to a T, but it has jump started my weight loss a couple times over the years.

    Anyway, hope you all are staying safe and well.

    Peeeeeeersonally for me, I don't switch calories to different days. I used to. But then it would cause me to undereat the next day. But, saying that, that's just a personal thing, and if it works, and you aren't restricting the next day- go for it, love! That's the beauty of these things, is it's all individual and all personal. When I last lost weight, I ate SO MUCH food. Pasta, rice and potatoes were a free food, and it worked for me. But people couldn't believe it! And there are some people that could just *look* at my food and they would gain, haha.

    I have missed peanut butter- haven't had it in a while. I could just eat it with a spoon on it's own, so it's one of those "danger" foods for me, so I enjoyed that PB and J sammich through you ;)
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    PW 329.6
    CW 325.8
    Loss- 3.8 (lol I can never be accused of not being consistent, that's the exact same loss 4 out of 6 weeks haha)

    LTD- 49.2lb

    I am officially nearly 25% of the way there! Started with 200lb to lose.

    I'll check back in later all, just grabbing breakfast :)

    I'm all the time thinking HOOOW are you doing that? :o

    Honestly, I track like crazy, probably don't eat enough for what my body needs and I exercise a lot.

    I was at a consistent weight for a long time (around the 360lb/163kg mark) and that was even working a few days a week, but my activity was very limited, and I was eating about 1400 calories for breakfast alone (fast food) So we are talking probably a 2500-3000 calorie count a day.

    So now that I'm eating around 1500, exercising nearly every day and even just getting active in the hours that I'm not exercising (steps on the spot, when my fitbit tells me to move)

    I'm also substituting things, and weighing and measuring. So for example- if I eat rice- I only have a cup. I don't pack it full, just put the cup in and whatever sticks in there, I eat. And right now I substitute spaghetti for zucchini (courgette) strips and stirfry that up all nice.

    I know my weight loss will slow down eventually (mind, saying that, when I lost weight about 8 years ago, my average was about 2.5lb every week, and even lost 3lb on the week I got to my target weight, so who knows!)

    I think my food diary is open to friends so you're more than welcome to take a look :)

    Wow! That's an impressive change 😊
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    12/8 Steps 10,044
    I am thankful for the step challenge. I did not walk on the treadmill yesterday and only took my dogs on a short walk last night. I was just under 10,000 late at night, so I walked around for a little while to make sure I made my 10K:)
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member

    Exercise min 44
    Lifting 35 Min
    Stand hours 15
    Steps 9,858
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 12/8: 15,247
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    For Christmas, that will be my "cheat day" although I really don't think I will go much over if at all, I didn't overdue it for Thanksgiving.
    Also, for bread...that is a big struggle for me too. There is a bread I buy here that is half the calories. So eating 2 pieces of this bread is equal to one piece of regular bread and it takes care of that craving. I think it is 35 or 30 calorie per slice. I am out right now, so I can't take a picture of it. but it is advertised as 30/35 calorie per slice right on the package in big letters/numbers.

  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    After feeling pretty good yesterday, today not so much, this must be the up and down I hear about with this Covid thing.

    While I was taking one of my naps today, I dreamed of a thick, rich Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, of all things! haha. Ever since then, it has been on my mind, so even though I didn't have the calories to use, I did it, I made one and enjoyed it. I am cheating with those calories because it was high... so I put those calories on tomorrow. Does anyone else ever do that? I figure it all calculates in the end, right?

    I haven't given up on doing this weight loss, not at all, but at this point, I just need to feel better and have energy to do what I need to do. I'm thinking of doing the Lemonade Diet to try and jump back into this, not to mention fresh squeezed lemons is Vitamin C. :) It really isn't a diet, but more of a cleansing system, though every time I have done it, I have never followed it to a T, but it has jump started my weight loss a couple times over the years.

    Anyway, hope you all are staying safe and well.

    I use a spreadsheet with my health coach and I try to come within 5 grams of my macros each day. Some days are better than others. It’s ok to bank carbs and fat for a splurge just meet your protein goal and as long as everything averages out for the week you will lose. Weight watchers does or did the same with its points system. It’s nice because one bad day doesn’t make you feel like the week is blown and you can plan for things you know are coming up.

    I am not sure what my macros should be or exactly what that even is.. though I think it is protein, fat and carbs? right? I have a very hard time meeting my protein. I find the only time I do even come close is when I do the protein shakes, but they are not very tasty, so I hate doing them. Here lately, I am over on calories every single day. Hoping once this virus passes I can get back on track.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Todays check in 12/9
    Weigh ins are Friday

    Steps 1249
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: WEEK 2 (Wednesday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 Water ✔️
    🍽Calories /Tracking✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    WED. 12/9: 14,911 (walking) + 9,790 (circuit training) + 14,000 (spin) + 12,470 (kickboxing) = 51,171
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 You said: "Another amazing loss! What are some of the things you are doing to have consistent losses?"

    Thanks:) I am eating just under 1800 calories a day and rarely go over. I eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calories for the day. So, I measure and weigh food a lot. I make sure to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. If you look at my logs, you'll see that I log everything that goes in my mouth:) I am really trying not to eat anything after about 8PM. That's hard because sometimes I get hungry. If I'm really hungry and it's late, I'll sometimes go have a few grapes or a couple of Ritz crackers. That usually makes it go away. Sometimes though, I just want to eat, especially late at night. That is a hard time for me, but I do not want to have to log calories that will make me go over 1800 for the day and then everyone will see because my diary can be seen by friends:) Accountability helps me.

    My house is full of chips, cookies, baked goods, chocolate candy, yummy coffee creamer, snacks, etc. I have been with my husband for almost 28 years and he's been the same weight since I met him. Ugh. Not fair! He eats cookies and milk late at night or a big bowl of popcorn. He almost always eats late at night on the sofa in front of the tv. My daughter is a great baker and loves doing it. It tastes good and looks pretty. She's very creative. I'll have a little bit, but really try to limit myself to just a little. The last time she made chocolate chip cookies, though, I had one and then another and then another. They were so good. I couldn't stop myself at one or two. I think I had four and then forced myself to stop. My son loves pizza and sometimes cooks the frozen pizzas. Smells so good. I'll usually have one piece and a salad. So, it is really, really hard. If I lived by myself, it would be so much easier! But, I love having my kids at home a little while longer. With Covid, they are at home from college.

    I have found that listening to podcasts at night when I get in bed really helps. I've found a bunch of good ones about weight loss and living healthy. Oh, also I walk just about every day. I make sure I get in 10,000 steps whether I walk or not. When I walk on the treadmill, I use the incline and put it up and down throughout my walk. I will take a day off here and there, but I won't take more than one day off because I'm afraid that I won't get back on. I have bad knees, so I have to be careful what I do exercise-wise.

    I didn't mean to write a book! This is so hard, but I know that I am healthier. My resting pulse is now in the 60s. That and the weight loss keep me going. I love that there are so many people on MFP that have been logging food long term and have sustained their weight loss. I am happy to be here in this group. I think that will help as well!

    This is just what i needed to read. Thanks😊 I have been always thinking that life wasn't fair. My parents are both really thin and they love eating chocolate, donuts and everything else and they have the opposite problem, they can not gain weight. Since I'm living with my girlfriend I took her cravings. I always have the same issue, I end up with the cravings of the people that I'm surrounded with . Its really weird.
    And sometimes I think that my failure is because I'm not alone. But that's not it. Is easier yes. But I have been living alone for 3 years and I will still buy some unhealthy food for me.
    It really helps to see that we are not alone.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    After feeling pretty good yesterday, today not so much, this must be the up and down I hear about with this Covid thing.

    While I was taking one of my naps today, I dreamed of a thick, rich Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, of all things! haha. Ever since then, it has been on my mind, so even though I didn't have the calories to use, I did it, I made one and enjoyed it. I am cheating with those calories because it was high... so I put those calories on tomorrow. Does anyone else ever do that? I figure it all calculates in the end, right?

    I haven't given up on doing this weight loss, not at all, but at this point, I just need to feel better and have energy to do what I need to do. I'm thinking of doing the Lemonade Diet to try and jump back into this, not to mention fresh squeezed lemons is Vitamin C. :) It really isn't a diet, but more of a cleansing system, though every time I have done it, I have never followed it to a T, but it has jump started my weight loss a couple times over the years.

    Anyway, hope you all are staying safe and well.

    I use a spreadsheet with my health coach and I try to come within 5 grams of my macros each day. Some days are better than others. It’s ok to bank carbs and fat for a splurge just meet your protein goal and as long as everything averages out for the week you will lose. Weight watchers does or did the same with its points system. It’s nice because one bad day doesn’t make you feel like the week is blown and you can plan for things you know are coming up.

    I am not sure what my macros should be or exactly what that even is.. though I think it is protein, fat and carbs? right? I have a very hard time meeting my protein. I find the only time I do even come close is when I do the protein shakes, but they are not very tasty, so I hate doing them. Here lately, I am over on calories every single day. Hoping once this virus passes I can get back on track.

    Lol- you got it right. MFP gives does set your macros and it’s a decent place to start if your interested. They also have some articles on it. I HATE protein shakes too but I found one that I really like. Premier protein makes a cafe latte flavored protein shake and it tastes just like having an iced coffee. It even has caffeine in it! Sometimes, I add an extra shot or two of espresso to really bump up the buzz. It’s only 180 calories and gives you 30gms of protein. It’s available at Costco if you’re in the US.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post December 9
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 110oz
    Steps 9401
    Exercise 45min walking video

    Yesterday the kids had a little play date with a few friends from school, so we went to a playground. After we arrived and the kids ran off to play one of the other moms looked at me and said "you are looking really skinny", and asked what I was doing. I was very shocked because I figured none of the other parents from the school probably noticed my changes. I guess I was wrong! It felt really good.
    Moments like those are the ones I bring foremost to my mind when I'm battling cravings and stuff. That and my goal I have of getting below 200 for the first time since I was 12, by the end of the year.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,582 Member
    I am really struggling with the bread. It is the only thing I binge on and I am doing that at night. I need to keep it in the house as my husband takes a sandwich with his lunch and has toast in the morning. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I may have already said this, but my kids eat a ton of bread all week too. I try to plan ahead and break up the loaves into freeze zip lock bags. I put 4 slices in each quart bag and put all but one in the freezer, so it's out of sight (all the other loaves/buns/bagels are also in the freezer). I leave just one zip lock at a time in the fridge so I can make them each a lunch or toast in the mornings. I hope that helps!

    Carbs are so hard to stay away from. For me, I am a big sweet tooth (cake, chocolates) and also love chips, popcorn, dips. They are my kryptonite😣

    When we get our groceries on Saturday I am going to try this with the bread. Chips are hard for me also I only bring snack size bags at a time. That would be harder for you with kids at home.

    8th December

    * Track/ under calories/no restricting - ✔️✔️✔️
    * 2L water ✔️
    * "fresh air" count- 15 ✔️
    * midnight bedtime ✔️
    * Awake and out of bed by 9am ✔️
    Steps- 1714 :'(:s

    Hi guys, sorry also for being MIA yesterday, except for my weight check in. I felt sick again, and it was a long, busy day.

    I didn't do any exercise at all, and those steps aren't 100% accurate. I took my fitbit off for a while and forgot about it. I was probably closer to 4000 steps. But since that's not even CLOSE to my 10k target, I'm not that bothered.

    Going to grab a coffee and sit and read about what you all got up to yesterday :)

    I hope you are feeling better today. If you still feel sick please get a covid test. I am worried about you.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,582 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 You said: "Another amazing loss! What are some of the things you are doing to have consistent losses?"

    Thanks:) I am eating just under 1800 calories a day and rarely go over. I eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calories for the day. So, I measure and weigh food a lot. I make sure to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. If you look at my logs, you'll see that I log everything that goes in my mouth:) I am really trying not to eat anything after about 8PM. That's hard because sometimes I get hungry. If I'm really hungry and it's late, I'll sometimes go have a few grapes or a couple of Ritz crackers. That usually makes it go away. Sometimes though, I just want to eat, especially late at night. That is a hard time for me, but I do not want to have to log calories that will make me go over 1800 for the day and then everyone will see because my diary can be seen by friends:) Accountability helps me.

    My house is full of chips, cookies, baked goods, chocolate candy, yummy coffee creamer, snacks, etc. I have been with my husband for almost 28 years and he's been the same weight since I met him. Ugh. Not fair! He eats cookies and milk late at night or a big bowl of popcorn. He almost always eats late at night on the sofa in front of the tv. My daughter is a great baker and loves doing it. It tastes good and looks pretty. She's very creative. I'll have a little bit, but really try to limit myself to just a little. The last time she made chocolate chip cookies, though, I had one and then another and then another. They were so good. I couldn't stop myself at one or two. I think I had four and then forced myself to stop. My son loves pizza and sometimes cooks the frozen pizzas. Smells so good. I'll usually have one piece and a salad. So, it is really, really hard. If I lived by myself, it would be so much easier! But, I love having my kids at home a little while longer. With Covid, they are at home from college.

    I have found that listening to podcasts at night when I get in bed really helps. I've found a bunch of good ones about weight loss and living healthy. Oh, also I walk just about every day. I make sure I get in 10,000 steps whether I walk or not. When I walk on the treadmill, I use the incline and put it up and down throughout my walk. I will take a day off here and there, but I won't take more than one day off because I'm afraid that I won't get back on. I have bad knees, so I have to be careful what I do exercise-wise.

    I didn't mean to write a book! This is so hard, but I know that I am healthier. My resting pulse is now in the 60s. That and the weight loss keep me going. I love that there are so many people on MFP that have been logging food long term and have sustained their weight loss. I am happy to be here in this group. I think that will help as well!

    This is so inspiring! I need to start listening to podcasts. Do you have any google ones to recommend.

    scribb wrote: »

    Exercise min 44
    Lifting 35 Min
    Stand hours 15
    Steps 9,858

    Do you have an Apple Watch? If so what made you pick this over say a Fitbit? I know several people in the group have one and it is really intriguing.

    For Christmas, that will be my "cheat day" although I really don't think I will go much over if at all, I didn't overdue it for Thanksgiving.
    Also, for bread...that is a big struggle for me too. There is a bread I buy here that is half the calories. So eating 2 pieces of this bread is equal to one piece of regular bread and it takes care of that craving. I think it is 35 or 30 calorie per slice. I am out right now, so I can't take a picture of it. but it is advertised as 30/35 calorie per slice right on the package in big letters/numbers.

    I have the weight watchers bread which is 50 calories but it is whole wheat. I truthfully don’t like whole wheat but I only toast that bread. Garry eats a white bread so this could be part of my problem. I think I am going to buy a loaf of the WW bread in white and see if that works. I know white bread is not the healthiest but it is worth the shot.
    CHECK IN: WEEK 2 (Wednesday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 Water ✔️
    🍽Calories /Tracking✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    WED. 12/9: 14,911 (walking) + 9,790 (circuit training) + 14,000 (spin) + 12,470 (kickboxing) = 51,171

    You must be tired after all that. What an amazing exercise day! Inspiring!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post December 9
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 110oz
    Steps 9401
    Exercise 45min walking video

    Yesterday the kids had a little play date with a few friends from school, so we went to a playground. After we arrived and the kids ran off to play one of the other moms looked at me and said "you are looking really skinny", and asked what I was doing. I was very shocked because I figured none of the other parents from the school probably noticed my changes. I guess I was wrong! It felt really good.
    Moments like those are the ones I bring foremost to my mind when I'm battling cravings and stuff. That and my goal I have of getting below 200 for the first time since I was 12, by the end of the year.

    Those are the greatest moments. It is great that you use them to beat those cravings!
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    Yesterday's totals

    Steps 18,108 which included a 30 min run
    exercise min 84
    stand hours 14
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,582 Member
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Steps: 2,698
    Sleep: ✅
    DBF: 1

    I loved all the ways you are going to tackle Christmas and eating. I am still working on a plan. Right now we are able to have 10 people gather so it will be at my daughters. If we get moved to the next level of restrictions you can only have 5 so we will be at home. We have a celebration Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and Day. I am going to use some of your tricks in my plan.

    Steps are low for yesterday and I suspect they will be again today. I am going to do some packing today. I have made my mind up to declutter even more than I have all ready. So maybe I will get steps from the packing.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,028 Member
    Morning All... I apologize for not being supportive ...still have a is day 3 ..I am over it ...Caught up on everyone's steps will put them on the spreadsheet when my head is not bursting like a volcano ...I hope everyone else is doing good ...going back to the couch
This discussion has been closed.