Downsizers - December 2020 Team Chat



  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday
    CW: 248.4
    PW: 248.6

    Should probably have been a gain--I'll take it though!
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 12/9: 15,173
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Morning All... I apologize for not being supportive ...still have a is day 3 ..I am over it ...Caught up on everyone's steps will put them on the spreadsheet when my head is not bursting like a volcano ...I hope everyone else is doing good ...going back to the couch

    Sorry about your migraine. I know all to well what you are going through. Take care of yourself
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    Recent steps

    12/8: 9879
    12/9: 5444

    I have multiple medical appointments this week for me and my daughter so time has not been on my side.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    12/9 steps 11,389
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    Morning All... I apologize for not being supportive ...still have a is day 3 ..I am over it ...Caught up on everyone's steps will put them on the spreadsheet when my head is not bursting like a volcano ...I hope everyone else is doing good ...going back to the couch

    Migraines are the worst I haven't had one in quite while, but I used to get ocular migraines at one point---scared the bejesus out of me. I couldn't see, just color blocks and like white noise on a TV screen.

    I hope you feel better soon ❤️
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    12/5 12,058
    12/6 6,192
    12/7 3,282
    12/8 5,182
    12/9 6,457
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post December 9
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 110oz
    Steps 9401
    Exercise 45min walking video

    Yesterday the kids had a little play date with a few friends from school, so we went to a playground. After we arrived and the kids ran off to play one of the other moms looked at me and said "you are looking really skinny", and asked what I was doing. I was very shocked because I figured none of the other parents from the school probably noticed my changes. I guess I was wrong! It felt really good.
    Moments like those are the ones I bring foremost to my mind when I'm battling cravings and stuff. That and my goal I have of getting below 200 for the first time since I was 12, by the end of the year.

    Ahhh that is so wonderful. I can just imagine how it felt and I can totally see how it is inspiring. I bet you will be hearing this more and more.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Steps: 2,698
    Sleep: ✅
    DBF: 1

    I loved all the ways you are going to tackle Christmas and eating. I am still working on a plan. Right now we are able to have 10 people gather so it will be at my daughters. If we get moved to the next level of restrictions you can only have 5 so we will be at home. We have a celebration Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and Day. I am going to use some of your tricks in my plan.

    Steps are low for yesterday and I suspect they will be again today. I am going to do some packing today. I have made my mind up to declutter even more than I have all ready. So maybe I will get steps from the packing.

    For Christmas I am going to have some "gentle" rules or otherwise I will be having a constant conversation in my head about to eat or not to eat. I think I will have a time frame during which I can have 1 of everything I want, but then cut it off early. I will be somewhat planned about when I eat my favorites, and space out the rewards, (rather than eating pie at 12 and again at 4) I also try to not keep any left-overs.
    That's a great idea to declutter and I think I will be working on that, too. It seems like when I declutter it helps a lot with my mental state. Good luck - You have a lot to look forward to!

  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I got my copy of Beck's book "Diet for Life" and have started reading it. As previously shared, I've been working on the muscle to improve a habit and it is not only helping with my saying no to food, but also it is making me aware of the muscle used with spending, teeth cleaning, etc. In reading the book, I notice that I'm feeling a little scared...I'm not sure what this is about, but it feels a little lonely to think I will have a void of the things I'm giving up...or changes I'm making. They say not to give up the food you want, but I am giving up the action, such as binging and eating for comfort. Even being afraid is premature because I really haven't gotten into the program, I just noticed I'm already having feelings about it.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Yes, we are big Blake Shelton fans, he cracks us up! I know we shouldn't feel like this, but we feel like we "own" him, being from Oklahoma. I will throw in that his x wife, Miranda Lambert, has done a heck of a lot for the animal rescue community in the state. She helps our rurally, where it is really needed and I just saw she is offering 15 grants to shelters along with helping with vet bills of those in the music industry who have been affected by covid - awesome.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    At/Under calories: Yes

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: No, over 220 calories since my journey began in September!

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    Weigh In:

    PW: 173.4
    CW: 171

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Greetings Downsizers! It's almost the end of the year, so the other Moderators and I thought it would be interesting to survey everyone in F2F and hear what you think. It's a simple survey - 10 questions only - I hope you'll take a few minutes to answer. Thanks!


  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    azkunk wrote: »
    After feeling pretty good yesterday, today not so much, this must be the up and down I hear about with this Covid thing.

    While I was taking one of my naps today, I dreamed of a thick, rich Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, of all things! haha. Ever since then, it has been on my mind, so even though I didn't have the calories to use, I did it, I made one and enjoyed it. I am cheating with those calories because it was high... so I put those calories on tomorrow. Does anyone else ever do that? I figure it all calculates in the end, right?

    I haven't given up on doing this weight loss, not at all, but at this point, I just need to feel better and have energy to do what I need to do. I'm thinking of doing the Lemonade Diet to try and jump back into this, not to mention fresh squeezed lemons is Vitamin C. :) It really isn't a diet, but more of a cleansing system, though every time I have done it, I have never followed it to a T, but it has jump started my weight loss a couple times over the years.

    Anyway, hope you all are staying safe and well.

    I use a spreadsheet with my health coach and I try to come within 5 grams of my macros each day. Some days are better than others. It’s ok to bank carbs and fat for a splurge just meet your protein goal and as long as everything averages out for the week you will lose. Weight watchers does or did the same with its points system. It’s nice because one bad day doesn’t make you feel like the week is blown and you can plan for things you know are coming up.

    I am not sure what my macros should be or exactly what that even is.. though I think it is protein, fat and carbs? right? I have a very hard time meeting my protein. I find the only time I do even come close is when I do the protein shakes, but they are not very tasty, so I hate doing them. Here lately, I am over on calories every single day. Hoping once this virus passes I can get back on track.

    Lol- you got it right. MFP gives does set your macros and it’s a decent place to start if your interested. They also have some articles on it. I HATE protein shakes too but I found one that I really like. Premier protein makes a cafe latte flavored protein shake and it tastes just like having an iced coffee. It even has caffeine in it! Sometimes, I add an extra shot or two of espresso to really bump up the buzz. It’s only 180 calories and gives you 30gms of protein. It’s available at Costco if you’re in the US.

    I use the premier protein shakes also, I've tried the little premade cartons which I actually like but I am not one of those people who can deal with paying that much for a drink. I don't do fancy coffee's or even soda because I think they are too expensive. I do once in awhile indulge in a vanilla milkshake from some fast food restaurant, once in awhile.
    I do use the powder for Premier Protein shakes. I also have a dark chocolate one [different brand] I just don't really care for them much. I did use half a scoop of my protein shake mix this morning and mixed it with 1 oz of cream cheese and some plain greek yogurt and made myself a topping for my bagel. It was pretty good. I guess I just need to play with that shake mix and see what I can do with it, since just that little bit upped my protein today, almost double of what it has been the rest of this week.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Todays check in 12/10
    Weigh ins are Friday

    Steps 5253
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hello team. Quick check in for me as it’s been awhile. It makes me smile to see how active everyone is in our team and how supportive you all are for each other.

    I’m sorry I haven’t been active this month at all. I’ve let myself step away and kinda just keep to myself. On the 9th it was the 7 year anniversary of my moms passing. That along with my current grief of losing my brother in law and nieces and confinement and my mom in law going through depression and a Covid scare (false positive test) its not been easy to focus on my own weight loss goals. Fair warning I am coming in with a gain tomorrow. Sorry 😔

    I am trying to keep my head up but is been hard as it’s been for so many of us this past year. I don’t know about you all but I’m so ready for this year to be over and turning the page on one of the worst chapters of my life.

    Any who catching up with my steps. I don’t remember the last time I posted them so here they are for the week...


    Sat - 6,843
    Sun - 2,453
    Mon - 15,115
    Tue - 16,115
    Wed - 20,661
    Thu - 17,616
    Fri - coming soon
    Sat - coming soon
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    At/Under calories: Yes

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: No, over 220 calories since my journey began in September!

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    Weigh In:

    PW: 173.4
    CW: 171

    OOPS: The above dates are for December :D:D
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member

    Reflections/Gratuity: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    My smartwatch has been acting up.... for the last few nights, it has me sleeping for 14+ hrs!! I have averaged 7.5 to 8. It also stopped counting steps on Tuesday... I'm not upset at all. It was only meant to be an interim solution. Thank goodness it was cheap, lol. At least it is a cute watch. How's that for making lemonade out of oranges!! Well that's what this crazy smartwatch situation feels like. I think Santa might be good to me this year..... :D:D
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    check in for Dec. 9 and Dec. 10
    Dec. 9
    track- yes
    exercise - yes
    steps - 6779

    Dec. 10
    Track - yes (way over - binge)
    exercise - yes
    steps - 6397

    Had a huge binge last night. After my interview, I just crashed. Instead of being able to relax, I just felt nervous and like I was crawling in my own skin. Wanted to do anything to escape that. I made it through most of the day and then binged at night. This morning I feel really down. Also, I'm not sure if MFP, at least on my main page is for me. I didn't even want to enter my walk from last night. Actually I didn't because sometimes I just don't want to engage with others. Also, someone said something which I thought was so judgmental. It wasn't even to do with weight, but it felt like a really mean spirited comment. I can unfriend the person, but they have become friends with pretty much most of my friends and are all over my feed.

    Anyway, I'm just feeling down, but thought I would check in.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,916 Member

    6800 steps

    7300 steps

    Walking 73 mins at 2.5, 2.0 incline

    Walking 75 mins at 2.8

    Walking 45 mins at 2.5
    Elliptical 20 mins at moderate pace

    My watch actually stopped counting steps. I am going to gracefully bow out of the step challenge as of today. I'll be back when I sort my smartwatch situation. It will be one less thing for you to have to convert for now. I hope your migraine is better. :)
This discussion has been closed.