Downsizers - December 2020 Team Chat



  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Team ...sorry I am just now posting ..haven't felt good all day ...haven't left the house for the past 2 days ...felt light headed nauseous yesterday and today I have just felt blah ....Hopefully will be back to myself tomorrow ...hugs to all

    I hope you get to feeling better soon! Hugs
  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    Hey all! Sorry I've been MIA. Depression is really kicking my butt and I have no motivation to do anything.

    I'll try my best to come on tomorrow to do my check ins and read all of yours xx

    2020 has hit all of us in one way or another. I saw a gorgeous sunrise this morning that made me grateful for today. Small victories are how I get through each day. Hugs
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 889 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday (Friday):
    PW: 248.6
    CW: 252.4

    Bouncing back and forth again.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 889 Member
    12/16: 15,221
    12/17: 17,600

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,640 Member
    Gm Team

    It's weekend yay.I love weekend.haha

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 sorry I have not updated since ...( I don't even remember my last update).

    Today: 38 mins very slow Zumba dance ( was feeling really heavy😅).

    Walk : have to go for a short trip at 5pm. Will confirm the time tonight.

    I do not have anything from 12/15 thru 12/18
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Sorry, that I have not participated for the last week. My boyfriend died of covid pneumonia on his 63rd birthday on December 9th. The funeral and burial were yesterday. It just doesn't seem real yet. We always talked to each other at least three times a day. I will miss the sound of his voice the most.

    Dec. 13 weigh in: 162.8
    I have over eaten and not slept nor exercised for the past week. Will try to start some semblance of routine today to while I work through the grief.

    I am truly sorry for your loss. Hugs!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    PW: 171
    CW: 168.2
    LTD: 25.8

    I have hit my personal December goal early. I wanted to be under 170 lbs., by 12/31. I still have 30+ lbs. to go. It has taken me 3.5 months to get here. I'm really happy that I truly believed I could get here and beyond. I got here, and I'm going beyond!! :):)

    Congrats on reaching your December goal! Very inspiring!

    Checkin 12/17

    Steps today 2219

    I have been going back through the information on MFP looking up my weights and reflecting on this past year. I started off January 1, 2020 at 228 lbs. I have been working on logging my weight journey on a line graph most of the day. This is a practice I plan on continuing into 2021. I'm just trying to come up with a good way to track everything for my own knowledge. I am a visual person as far as seeing my accomplishments in a graph vs numbers.

    Do you do anything that helps you stay on track? Like journal? give yourself gold stars? I'm also planning on doing some meal planning this next year, something I have never ever done, so not sure how that will turn out.

    I love looking at my weights on a graph. The 2 main things that help me stay on track is meal planning and pre logging all my food. By pre logging all I have to do is adjust the serving size when I weigh my food at each meal.

    Also, some people find these coloring trackers helpful:


    You can google: "colouring in weight loss chart" to find one online

    I love this! New apartment, new way to visualize my weight loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Hey all! Sorry I've been MIA. Depression is really kicking my butt and I have no motivation to do anything.

    I'll try my best to come on tomorrow to do my check ins and read all of yours xx

    You take care of you! We will be still here when you feel better!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Weigh ins -Friday
    PW: 229.1
    CW 227.0 (loss 2.1 lbs)
    LTD 42 lbs

    Nice loss! You are back to your 40 pounds lost!

    PW: 177.4
    CW: 177.0

    CHECK IN: WEEK 3 (Thursday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 Water ✔️
    🍽Calories /Tracking✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    THURS: 12/17: 10,024 (circuit training) + 15,749 = 25,773

    Awesome loss and exercise!

    Weigh Day Thursday (Friday):
    PW: 248.6
    CW: 252.4

    Bouncing back and forth again.

    stick with your goals you set this week and you will go down
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,640 Member

    Megan_smartiepants1970 wrote: »
    Weigh ins -Friday
    PW: 229.1
    CW 227.0 (loss 2.1 lbs)
    LTD 42 lbs

    Nice loss! You are back to your 40 pounds lost!

    Thanks Linda ....I am losing because I still don't feel well..haven't walked since 12/14
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member

    My day is going to be all about the move. We are going to get anything else we need new this weekend as we are afraid that our region could move from red to lockdown closing some stores.

    Have a super Friday!

    Good luck Linda, moving is no fun, but the result will be so much better. Excited for your new home. And I think you're approaching this month very well with all the stress considered. You get a fresh start in your new home for the new year!
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    12/16 7,152
    12/17 10,979

    I haven’t worked out in two days and I feel so lazy. My back felt better yesterday then I was putting air in the kids blow up sled and felt something pull again. Feels better again today so if I can gather the energy I may try a stretching video. I probably need an alignment at the chiropractor, this happens to me every once in a while and small injuries keep happening. I had a massage scheduled forever for yesterday as a treat to myself before the kids are off for so long but the snow storm canceled that. I can’t get in now until the 29th.

    I like this meal plan thus far this week, my meals as much healthier, low calorie and low carb. Snacking still needs work.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Food logged for today.
    Over calories. :(
    Slept 9 hours last night.
    Walked 3.05 miles in 58 minutes.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 hope you feel better soon. This is such a rough time of year to be sick with so much to do.

    @lindamtuck2018 wishing you health and happiness in your new home. This is such a tough time of the year to diet and you have the added stress of a move. Take care of yourself.

    @littleflutterby depression is rough no matter what time of year. Hugs to you.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    12/17 Steps 15,124
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Just coming in for a quick 2 day update. It's been a whirlwind of a couple of days with shopping, family time, and holiday preparations!
    Tracked and stayed under calorie both yesterday and today.
    12/17 2947
    12/18 8100
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