Goals for the next 3 weeks?



  • WThyme
    WThyme Posts: 78 Member
    My goals for this week include:
    1. log daily, stay within calories and be active daily
    2. Hit a weekly goal weight of 173.5 by next Monday
    3. Have my house mega, super cleaned to put on market to sell by next Monday

    This past week I managed to keep up with #1 (logging, calories, activity) and I also hit my weight goal for today. I'm looking forward to burning a lot of calories this week getting everything in the house super clean. (Floors, windows, walls, appliances, furniture...)
  • sndral
    sndral Posts: 9 Member
    @lemurcat12 I am so new to Keto dieting.
    My biggest problem is trying to find out how many grams of carbs, fat and protein I should be eating a day.
    My height is 5'2", Weight 168, Walk 4 miles a day.
    No matter what calculator I use, I get confused, help!
    At the moment I’m not super focused on exact %s or low carb, but I tend to naturally eat fairly low carb since I avoid refined sugar and processed grains. MFP makes it very easy to keep track of total carbs, fat, & protein.
    Whatever initial goals you set, consider it a work in progress, which you will adjust as you learn what works for your body. I personally like using ketostix early on when I’m starting a strict low carb phase to verify that I’m not eating too many carbs. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/a19995740/ketone-strips/
    My goal for the next 3 weeks is to exit 2020, the same way I entered it - alive! Thus, I’ll not dwell on how this holiday is ‘different’ from past holidays & instead find joy in what I do have.
  • njmomma7422
    njmomma7422 Posts: 13 Member
    @Thank you
  • backinthesaddleagain57
    My goal is to keep doing what I am doing. Since April 27th of this year I have lost 83.4lbs. I stepped on the scale that day and said WTF?? or something like that:) I am counting calories and intermittent fasting. We have been quarantined almost all of this month. My husband came down with covid on December 4th. Our health dept. released him to go back to work yesterday. But, my son and I have to stay quarantined until Dec. 24th. 10 days after his release to go back to work. I am walking as much as I can every day on the treadmill.
  • shannonkelly08
    shannonkelly08 Posts: 138 Member
    I would love to reach 159...currently at 164 so it might be too aggressive but I'll give it my best shot!!!
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I know me, and I'm not going to set myself up for failure and plan for a loss between now and December 31st. But I will log. And exercise every day for a minimum of 60 minutes (even on my "rest days" the dogs still need to be walked). And keep my calories, on average, at maintenance level. In other words, if I have a rockin' good time and go way over on a couple of days, then I'll cut back the following couple of days. After Christmas I'll get back down to business and lose these stubborn few pounds that I've gained since hitting goal three years ago. Its not a huge amount; my clothes all still fit. But I know its there, and it needs to dealt with.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    If I can just maintain my weight and not binge eat....that will be the best Christmas gift ever!
  • kwgrandma
    kwgrandma Posts: 59 Member
    My ultimate goal is 140, presently 162, down 3 since last week. December can be tough for many reasons. I will try to hit my goals daily, but will try not be too hard on myself if I fall short a day or two.

    My daily goals:
    - walk daily
    - 2-3 lbs dropped by YE
    - water, water, water

    It’s good to consider our smaller goals AND to recognize circumstances that might hinder reaching those goals.

    Remember, if you’ve had a bad day, begin again tomorrow.

    Be well.