Sick & need advice

Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
So I've gotten a cold. Been sucking down water & broth in addition to food. I noticed I have been eating way more than usual, not because I feel hungry but I think out of comfort from being sick? I think I convince myself that when I'm sick I'm excused of any obligations/ restrictions (ex. I don't need to brush my hair or follow my diet) lol. Does anyone else do this too? I mean I'm following Keto in terms of what I eat but not about how much. My carbs went way up( my limit is 25). Yesterday was 46 and today is already 21 & it's only the afternoon!

What should I do? Fat fast? Some other kind of fast? I feel bloated, sneezy & such. Any advice?

(cross posted)


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    My advice is to eat what you want and get to feeling better. This is a short term illness, but can drag out if you don't take care of yourself.

    That and zinc. Get more zinc.