Balancing Personal Health/Wellness with work stress

Brkoch93 Posts: 4 Member
Can anyone here share any helpful tips for focusing on personal health and wellness while also dealing with the stressors of this crazy school year?


  • cathyjog50
    cathyjog50 Posts: 25 Member
    No real words of wisdom. I have found working out before school has helped my mood tremendously. I also try not to take my work home in the evenings. Sometimes I have to, but I enjoy leaving it at school. This is NEW for me. Usually I bring a ton of work home each night.
  • Lorgarz
    Lorgarz Posts: 5 Member
    I am right there with you. I am still trying to find that balance. I have not been able to manage my time as well as I would have hoped. I am still trying to make that me time so I can fit exercise in. I am doing good about leaving right after work. I just need to balance for my work/life/self care balance. I think it is just making those decisions.