SW or Premium? have you done both?

geto2010 Posts: 20 Member
Hi All :smiley: I’m now 48 an from Somerset in the UK, I lost 3 stone going to Slimming World (UK) 3 years ago, since then I’ve put it all back on! :blush:

So now taking the bull by the horns and doing this with MFP Premium. We generally all know what we should and shouldn’t be eating, however that’s a different story in real life situations. An old Dr told me once 'everything’s fine in moderation, just we choose to excess'. Too true in my case!

Had a good week last week, but over moderated at the weekend, of 5 lb loss in 5 days, weighted again Monday morning and put 3 of those back on. So sat that there and logged every morsel and drink that went in my mouth over Friday night, Sat & Sun. I was gob smacked that id had taken on 4246 Cal one day and 3954 the other! So, what to do about it, I didn’t log much over the weekend, so will be deffo logging as I go, will give me a kick in the derriere not to eat or drink it!

Always like a discussion and or help where I can, so feel free to add me and ask away. :smiley:

Good luck on your progress!


  • Chanda_7
    Chanda_7 Posts: 15 Member
    I struggle with the weekends too! I have to be incredibly mindful of what I eat. I try to pre-track everything to maintain focus.