Hello Everyone, I just joined your group.

TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
Hello Ladies!
I am so glad to find a group geared toward fabulous older women. Joining MFP is part of my journey of reclaiming my Health and Fitness. I am beginning with a 24 Week commitment and I believe joining this group will help by receiving and offering support. I am excited and motivated.

I have gained 85 pounds due to a stroke and then the medication they put me on (no longer taking it) and then getting COVID, And now the extra weight is causing other health issues. Time to Stop the Madness and get on track with making my Health and Fitness my first Priority.

I look forward to meeting you all! Have a great day!


  • Welcome to the group. :)
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you backinthesaddleagain57! I am relieved and excited to be here. Have a great day!
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member

    Feel free to post any questions..we are here to cheer each other on.

    What's the 24 week commitment?
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,432 Member
    Glad you are here!
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Hi bebeisfit, thank you for the message.
    My personal 24-week commitment is based on Mindfulness research that I found for weight loss, health, and fitness. It is based on changing one’s mindset by changing one’s habits for a set amount of time. This creates new neuro pathways in the brain so that we can begin to think differently as our bodies change physically. The body goes where the mind leads. And by committing to my health and fitness journey for 24-Weeks I will change the trajectory of my life.
    Joining MFP and this group is part of the Support & Accountability that is helpful for success.
    It also includes daily Healthy Eating and Training, Meditation and Visual Journaling, and having fun as I focus on the outcomes and how making these changes will affect my overall quality of life.
    Thanks again and have a great day!
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you tmbg1tmbg1 it is great to be here! Have an awesome day!
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    TaosLiz wrote: »
    Hi bebeisfit, thank you for the message.
    My personal 24-week commitment is based on Mindfulness research that I found for weight loss, health, and fitness. It is based on changing one’s mindset by changing one’s habits for a set amount of time. This creates new neuro pathways in the brain so that we can begin to think differently as our bodies change physically. The body goes where the mind leads. And by committing to my health and fitness journey for 24-Weeks I will change the trajectory of my life.
    Joining MFP and this group is part of the Support & Accountability that is helpful for success.
    It also includes daily Healthy Eating and Training, Meditation and Visual Journaling, and having fun as I focus on the outcomes and how making these changes will affect my overall quality of life.
    Thanks again and have a great day!

    That's fascinating! Feel free to start a discussion and tell us more. Is there a specific website or book that started you on this journey?
  • losemicaroline
    losemicaroline Posts: 742 Member
    Hi Liz! I am glad you found this group. Wishing you great success with your health goals.

    Carol :)
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Hello bebeisfitbebeisfit, I am working on my PhD in Transpersonal Psychology which includes mindfulness so to answer your question, my approach comes from various research articles and books. There are a lot of free articles and blogs online under the search for Mindfulness and Weight loss, fitness, and or Body awareness. There is also a lot of information about CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Weight loss that give you strategies for becoming mindful of your thoughts and ways to restructure your thoughts so that they are positive and support you. I hope this makes sense.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Carol! Thank you for the well wishes and the introduction. I am so happy to be a part of MFP and this group.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    Welcome! Sorry to hear about your stroke - how has your recovery been - if you don’t mind me asking? I joined MFP after weight gain from stress eating after my mom’s stroke. Every day is so different - sigh! Thanks for sharing.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning CeeBeeSlim and thank you for welcoming me to the group. I have almost recovered fully. I ditched the medications after they caused over 50 pound weight gain and turned to balancing exercises and playing online word and number games to help with my mind return to normal. I still have some difficulty remembering words, but doing well. I am so sorry to hear about your mon's stroke. How is she doing? And I understand about stressing over her. I am so happy to have MFP to support my journey towards reclaiming my health and fitness.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,749 Member
    @TaosLiz, I have l also been struggling these past several months so I’m focusing on was to help my stress and what rl has thrown my way.

    I completely understand “ There is also a lot of information about CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Weight loss that give you strategies for becoming mindful of your thoughts and ways to restructure your thoughts so that they are positive and support you.”

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    Wow! That’s so great to hear. My mom had a massive bilateral stroke, and her deficits are almost all cognitive - short term memory, attention, judgment - so it’s 24hr supervision. She is also 81 and had her stroke 10 years ago - but I still play word games with her. Having her be more physically active is a struggle.

    One funny story - post stroke my mom’s social filter is almost non-existent - so there’s a lot of talk about sex - and it’s quite “vivid” for lack of a better word. I had to actually google “stroke” and “sex” to learn more - but the interwebz assumed I didn’t mean the neurological event - but the hand motion. Lordy - the search results - I’m still traumatized but enlightened on certain things!! 😂
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    TaosLiz wrote: »
    Hi bebeisfit, thank you for the message.
    My personal 24-week commitment is based on Mindfulness research that I found for weight loss, health, and fitness. It is based on changing one’s mindset by changing one’s habits for a set amount of time. This creates new neuro pathways in the brain so that we can begin to think differently as our bodies change physically. The body goes where the mind leads. And by committing to my health and fitness journey for 24-Weeks I will change the trajectory of my life.
    Joining MFP and this group is part of the Support & Accountability that is helpful for success.
    It also includes daily Healthy Eating and Training, Meditation and Visual Journaling, and having fun as I focus on the outcomes and how making these changes will affect my overall quality of life.
    Thanks again and have a great day!

    @TaosLiz, do you mean "visual journaling" in the sense of mixed media (collage, paint, etc.), as a form of self-expressive enjoyment? That's a thing I do some, as creative play.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Hello AnnPT77,
    I love it! And yes we are probably taking about the same thing. My process does include incorporating mixed media, collage, and printed materials like positive affirmations, calendar monthly pages, ect.. I use the Canson Mix Media Art Books, (Heavyweight French Paper, Double Sided Fine and Medium Texture, Side Wire Bound, 138 Pound, 9 x 12 Inch, 40 Sheets).
    I have one that I have started for my fitness journey Called Nama-Stay Healthy.
    I have a second one specifically for my career called For the Love of Healing.
    And a third one called Transforming from Within that supports my overall journey and all aspects of my life, Mind, Body, and Spirit.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    TaosLiz wrote: »
    Hello AnnPT77,
    I love it! And yes we are probably taking about the same thing. My process does include incorporating mixed media, collage, and printed materials like positive affirmations, calendar monthly pages, ect.. I use the Canson Mix Media Art Books, (Heavyweight French Paper, Double Sided Fine and Medium Texture, Side Wire Bound, 138 Pound, 9 x 12 Inch, 40 Sheets).
    I have one that I have started for my fitness journey Called Nama-Stay Healthy.
    I have a second one specifically for my career called For the Love of Healing.
    And a third one called Transforming from Within that supports my overall journey and all aspects of my life, Mind, Body, and Spirit.

    Yes, very similar thing. I usually have multiple books going (I belong to a group that in non-pandemic times meets a few times a year to make various sorts of books/booklets and related book-arts stuff). One of my standard general use journals is the 7x10" Mix Media Canson (98 pound paper).

    I'm not very good with themes, except in some of the smaller handmade books/booklets. My main journals are pretty random, from experiments with new techniques to very "constructed" pages (deliberate, planned), to intuitive play. It sounds like your approach is more consistently affirmational . . . I often use mine to work through and let go of negatives that I perceived to be holding me back, so I have some rant pages in the mix!

    My main creative thing in recent years has been jewelry making. I like visual journaling as a sort of free creative play that need not be good for anything, except appreciating the process. The jewelry is more constrained (has to be wearable, look good (I hope!), suit the intended wearer, etc.). I feel like the journaling releases some creativity and playfulness that can help with jewelry outcomes.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Very Interesting Ann, thank you so much for sharing. I love your use of creativity to explore and express your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. And that jewelry making is another creative outlet. I really like that you connect the journaling experience to the release of creativity and playfulness that supports your jewelry making outcomes!
    I was so intrigued that I read your bio just to find out more about your journey. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished and for overcoming some major health issues. I am inspired by your journey. I am just now getting past some health issues and like you years ago, I am tired of dealing with health issues and the excess weight that I have put on.
    Now that the major health issues are behind me, I am motivated to get this weight off and reclaim my fitness, and my energy and vitality...and to keep other health issues at bay.
    Thank you again!