Have any of you read "Change your Brain, Change your Body" by Daniel G. Amen M.D?

TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
Good Friday Morning Ladies!
I just came across this Book and Videos on YouTube addressing changing the brain in order to change the body, just curious if any of you have read this and if so, what are your thoughts?
As a therapist, I know that the body goes wherever the brain takes it, so it makes sense that we need to reprogram the brain so that we can lead the body to health and wholeness.
I know that this is a basic principle but one that requires work. Any thoughts?


  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    I have read it but it has been years ago. I have read several of his books! I would love to have one of those brain scans that he does at his clinics.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Me too Sarah, I would love to get a brain scan at his clinic, and thank you for responding.
    I just got the book on Audible and excited to delve into it. I also ordered his book, The Brain Warrior's Way cookbook. I love neuroscience and do a lot of work with clients building new neuropathways in the brain through Hypnosis and Guided Journeying.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,432 Member
    I haven't read it but it looks interesting.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    TaosLiz wrote: »
    Me too Sarah, I would love to get a brain scan at his clinic, and thank you for responding.
    I just got the book on Audible and excited to delve into it. I also ordered his book, The Brain Warrior's Way cookbook. I love neuroscience and do a lot of work with clients building new neuropathways in the brain through Hypnosis and Guided Journeying.
    Wow....that sounds so interesting...hyponosis and guided journeying. I always wondered if hypnosis would help me. You will have to let us know how The Brain Warriers Way cookbook is. Is there a lot of vegetarian recipes in it?
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    I meant to say Hypnotherapy, and it has worked on all of my client through the years, although for some people it takes time (2-3 sessions) and trust to get to the point that it is effective. Guided Journeying is also very powerful, tapping into the subconscious/spirit consciousness. Both techniques help in expanding consciousness and changing the brain to work for us. And yes, I will keep you posted on the BWW cookbook. It looks like it does have a lot of vegetarian dishes and side dishes.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Good morning tmbg1, I will let you know what I find out. There are all kinds of YouTube videos with Dr. Amen about the book and topic.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    I've had a long hobbyist/amateur interest in neurosci and cogsci more generally, but have not read Amen's book(s). As recreational reading, I generally don't seek out the more self-help-oriented titles, but more the general science type, case study reports, and some other things like that. (I'm not criticizing the self-help side, it's just a reading taste-preference thing . . . and perhaps I'm mis-perceiving what this book is.)

    I have no doubt of the basic premise, that there are interventions that can change one's body via brain health and thought patterns. I'm not a great dualist, so tend to look at body and brain as one thing, when it comes to health, particularly - especially now that early results suggest that things like gut microbiome diversity influence neurotransmitter levels, and that sort of thing.

    Stepping back into a more dualistic view, though, it seems to me as if this is something that can flow in either direction, that the body can lead the brain to some extent, or vice-versa. At the most pop-sci trashy level of phrasing it, "fake it 'til you make it," changing behavior to change thinking, can work, I think. (I admit, I'm not a therapist like you are, so know way less.)

    I've been here on MFP for a few years now (in maintenance these days), and it seems like different people take different paths into this sort of bodyweight/fitness life change, some more via the cognitive side, some more via the behavioral (buttressed by "will power", which of course is a limited-budget kind of thing).

    I'll be interested to hear your assessment once you did more deeply into Amen's work, as clearly you know more about this area than I do.
  • TaosLiz
    TaosLiz Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Ann, thank you for such a thoughtful response. And Congratulations on your success and maintenance! I agree with all that you have stated. My approach to healing is wholistic and therefor so is my approach to studying/researching all facets of how each part of the body works together.
    And yes you are correct, there have been great strides in understanding gut health and mind health. Everything is interconnected. And we agree again on the fact that there are various paths into the bodyweight/fitness life changes that we need and desire. We are fortunate to have access to a lot of research.
    I am currently working on my PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. Part of my studies is in the relationship between the mental, physical/biochemical, and consciousness/spiritual self.
    It is all so fascinating! This journey with the extra weight offers me another opportunity to explore the M/B/S connection and research from various sciences. Dr. Amen makes some amazing points and I am interested in what he has to offer.
    And there is some validity to Fake it until you make it, however, most success comes through focused reprogramming of the brain. I have found that through Hypnotherapy, Guided Journeying, Subliminal Programming, Binaural beats, and Iisochronic tones support the physical efforts made for optimal health. This is accomplished as you have noted through an overall commitment to health and wellbeing.
    Thank you again Ann for your feedback and input.
    Here are some examples of the above.
