Due in April, final stretch. Hehe.

Despite being close to the end of my pregnancy, I thought being part of at least an online group focusing on a healthy diet would be nice. Had a scare thinking that I had GD, but turns out it's 100% related to what I eat and totally controlled that way. That being said, I try to stay in the lower carb range for pregnancy. I usually don't go over 150 in a day. Also found out how incredibly linked drinking enough water and healthy blood sugar levels is. Just thought I'd start a conversation, introduce myself and get something going here. 😊 My name is Rebecca, I'm having a boy in April and I'm a Texan through and through.


  • Savilamo
    Savilamo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Rebecca! Thanks for sharing, I'm due in April with a baby boy too 🥰 Glad your sugar can be diet controlled! I agree on the water intake too. I drink so much water lately I've been leaving gallon jugs in my car/ work cuz I go through water bottles too fast! I feel more energetic though and refreshed, and of course it's good for baby too :] I think it helps with swelling too cuz I haven't had any leg swelling.
  • metalmeow1
    metalmeow1 Posts: 111 Member
    Congratulations to you both! I'm due in September. Anything in particular you notice that helps with energy dips? I'm always tired 😭
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    Oh yay not long to go for you then! Exciting!