March 2021 Monthly WL Challenge

Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
edited March 2021 in Social Groups
Welcome to our new members!

If you are new and want to join in, by all means, please do - we love to celebrate those losses with you! This is the standard format we try to use for these threads:

Name: (if you'd like to share)

My Numbers:
SW: Starting weight before you lost anything.
CW: Current weight at the beginning of the challenge.
GW: Goal weight for the month (what you would like to weigh at the end of the monthly challenge) Try to keep it realistic and SAFE!
LTGW: Lifetime goal weight ( What you would like to weigh at the end of your weight loss journey)

Weigh-ins: What days you will weigh-in; for example, Fridays
3/5/21 = (Fill out after each weigh-in.)
3/12/21 =
3/19/21 =
3/26/21= (final weigh in for the month)
Total WL/G for the month= total weight lost or gained for the month

Let's get it!😎🌞🌈💥


  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 288
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 =
    3/12/21 =
    3/19/21 =

    Total WL for the month =
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 407
    CW: 398
    GW: 385
    LTGW: 190

    Weigh-ins: Sunday
    3/7/21 =
    3/14/21 =
    3/21/21 =
    Total WL/G for the month=
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 288
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 290
    3/12/21 =
    3/19/21 =

    Total WL for the month =

    I've been struggling so much (and since I log it here you all know that which is embarrassing lol). Gaining has motivated me to be less *kitten* though and I've just completely re-done my grocery order that comes on Monday to be a lot healthier. I really want this month to be a success!
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie, 5'4
    SW: 281
    CW: 233
    GW: 228
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 233
    3/12/21 =
    3/19/21 =

    Total WL for the month =
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 407
    CW: 398
    GW: 385
    LTGW: 190

    Weigh-ins: Sunday
    3/7/21 =398
    3/14/21 =
    3/21/21 =
    Total WL/G for the month=

    Ahh I haven't moved so I'm going to try and up my workouts a bit, ( I wasn't doing to much ) try and lower my cals a bit more and drink more water. Plus I am going to take measurements and photos of my self
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Well done Skittles! I should definitely join you on the water thing I barely drink any >_> Might even join you on the photos as much as I'd rather not, probably a sensible thing to do haha :)
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    @Gnawcraft I know I hate taking photos of my self but I know this really helped me last time when I lost 70lbs before. I still felt like I didn't lose anything but seeing photos and noticing clothes fit me better was great
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Oh my god I'm the same! I went from 318 to 255 in 2019 and felt exactly the same. It's only looking at photos now I'm back near 290s I see how much progress I'd made!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 288
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 290
    3/12/21 = 288
    3/19/21 =

    Total WL for the month = 0

    So I'm back to my start weight. I'm also 3 days sober which is a first in 17 years. I am very aware that my drinking problem is a huge part of my weight problem and trying to work on not drinking, eating well and exercising all while keeping the house in decent condition, working and dealing with a number of physical and mental health issues can be overwhelming at times >_> However I didn't do too badly for 3 days in a row which I'm still happy about. I don't intend to drink tonight either and I'd love not to on Saturday but that'll be the biggest challenge. Doing my best though <3

    Well done to everyone else working hard and sticking to it!
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie, 5'4
    SW: 281
    CW: 233
    GW: 228
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 233
    3/12/21 =229.8
    3/19/21 =

    Total WL for the month =
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    I live in canada, so smoking weed, drinking and smoking cigarettes used to be a daily thing for me. I got really sick last February and ended up in the emergency room twice. Once was pneumonia and 2 weeks later was bronchitis. I finally decided to quit smoking after batteling a 20 year habit. This is when i decided I'd replace smoking with walks and healthy meal planning. March 12th my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, March 15th my uncle died of lung cancer and everything shut down here due to COVID-19. My partner also lost his job that day, which was hard because he was the only bread winner. I've been a stay at home mom since my daughter was born, my plan was to go to work once she starts school this upcoming September. I wanted to smoke, but decided it was more important now than ever to commit to being healthy. Being in quarantine made our problems hard to ignore, so we split up in May and he was finally able to move out in July, but while he was here he was not supportive of my healthy eating or my quitting smoking. Also having him home made me wanto drink and smoke weed, once my daughter was in bed. All smoking weed did was make me have munchies and eat more, so i quit weed and cut way back on drinking (I drank on new years eve and then march 4th, for my bday). By August i started to find it hard to get into a workout routine, being alone at home with my daughter all the time. I think the whole pandemic, my mom being sick, the separation all kinda hit me at once. So from august to jan, i gained back 30 of the 50 pounds i had lost. I'm proud i didn't let myself gain it all back. I was 255 in January, i am now 229. Not quite where i was last august at 226, but by this august I'm hoping to be out of 200s. I have built better habits aling the way and ditched some bad ones too. I might not have journeyed in a straight line, but the destination is the same and I've got my eye on the prize. That is the main thing, to not lose focus and find your best way to the finish line
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Thanks for sharing Stacie! I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through so much but you're doing absolutely brilliantly getting back on track <3 Massive well done!
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you so much! With covid and weight-loss we are in this together. It's a hard time for everyone ❤
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 407
    CW: 398
    GW: 385
    LTGW: 190

    Weigh-ins: Sunday
    3/7/21 =398
    3/14/21 =394
    3/21/21 =
    Total WL/G for the month=

  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Way to go!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Go Skittles! great work this week!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Thank you both, I am really trying this time to do better
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 288
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 290
    3/12/21 = 288
    3/19/21 = 292?!

    Total WL for the month =

    Well crap. We did end up with take out twice as we couldn't get groceries delivered but I didn't expect it to be that bad. I'm going to have to go back to logging properly next month as my guesses clearly don't work :'(
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    @Gnawcraft I have noticed when I dash food I tend to gain as well, it could be a lot of salt in the food they use, I also have to now weight and measure out all my food because I was always over eating even when I thought I was doing pretty good eyeing it. you got this keep up the great work
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    That's right! Don't beat yourself up, just keep looking forward, not back. This is exactly why we do weigh-ins, so we can adjust course if we've gone off track a little 😉
    You got this babe!