March 2021 Monthly WL Challenge



  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie, 5'4
    SW: 281
    CW: 233
    GW: 228
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 233
    3/12/21 =229.8
    3/19/21 =228.7

    Total WL for the month =
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Aw thank you guys you're so supportive <3 It's my birthday next weekend so I'm feeling determined to conquer April and am setting myself the challenge of logging everything I eat for the entire month ^^
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Right on! My birthday was earlier this month, but i had pizza and cake, i just worked out extra leading up to it. I think i lost iver 3lbs that week too, if I'm not mistaken. Enjoy it!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    That's brilliant, good job :D
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 407
    CW: 398
    GW: 385
    LTGW: 190

    Weigh-ins: Sunday
    3/7/21 =398
    3/14/21 =394
    3/21/21 =388.8
    Total WL/G for the month=

    I really had an amazing week, I kept to my plan, knew what I was going to be eating, exercised ,drank my water and it showed. I know every week will not be like this but I am glad I am making the right choices to do this
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Fantastic! 10lbs since March 7 is amazing 👏
    KEEP IT UP 😁
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Thank you, sadly its because I am so heavy that its a big number.I'm not evening outing back that much cals, I been sticking to around 1300-1600, I just been doing more exerting and drinking more water. I really didn't think it was that much, I have two scales so I had to get one both to make sure the number was right lmao
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Don't sell yourself short, that is great progress! You're getting in lots of steps too
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    wow, I have so many typos in that messiah lol I am so sorry. I tend to type to fast and not look over my messages before I send them lol.

    Thank you, today was a low day because my aunt came to visit so I didn't go for my walk, but tomorrow I'm back at it
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie, 5'4
    SW: 281
    CW: 233
    GW: 228
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    3/5/21 = 233
    3/12/21 =229.8
    3/19/21 =228.7

    Total WL for the month = -3.8
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Not the best, but I'm not complaining. April is around the corner, which means more outdoor walks for this girl 😉💪

    🎈Great job this month everyone 👏👏
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 407
    CW: 398
    GW: 385
    LTGW: 190

    Weigh-ins: Sunday
    3/7/21 =398
    3/14/21 =394
    3/21/21 =388.8
    Total WL/G for the month=13lbs. I reached my goal for the month. Woo hoo so excited. Can’t wait to see what April brings
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi all. I just joined this group and its too laye to participate in marchs challenge but i look forward to April's challenge
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    @dixigal2484 awesome, welcome!
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    @Skittles2183 you did amazing!
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    @Gnawcraft happy birthday week! How'd you do hun?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Welcome Dixie