To plan or not to plan?

slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member

Do you all write out your menu plan each day of the week or not?


  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    I personally plan all my meals and snacks throughout the week. That way I can see in advance what's going to happen during the week. I can plan for the times I'm going to be at work or running errands and take portable food with me, as needed. And, I like to grocery shop ahead of time.
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    I plan to plan much more than I had been before. Even with WW I wasn't planning (nor tracking) but I'm being diligent and hope it persists! MFP is awesome and I'm glad I got back into it so hopefully I can do the planning and tracking I need to know where I'm going right or wrong.
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    Also, I use Plan to Eat. A great website for recipe storing, meal planning and shopping lists based on such
  • trishalong84
    trishalong84 Posts: 27 Member
    I try to plan, I make a menu every week, but nothing ever goes as planned! Instead I just keep what I like on hand...I have eggs or cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, soups or leftovers for lunch and try to cook a healthy low-carb meal for dinner. It's the leftovers that kill me! I hate to throw out food, even when I think I'm cooking small, there seems to be so much leftover and my hubby is a picky leftover eater. I started creating meals and putting them in the freezer in the appropriate portion size but now I need to keep a list of what is out here...out of sight/out of mind
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    @trishalong84 I know what you mean about cooking too much. I can't seem to adjust to cooking for a family of 3 instead of 7!i did find some great 1/2 c and 1 c freezer to oven storage but I too need to make a list!
    @spangadora I will have to try your app. I've been uai G whisk app for planning, recipes, and grocery list, and really like it, but I wish it had a check off for each meal I stick to throughout the day. It's my own personal OCD...... ☑
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    We get EveryPlate meal kits. They are already smaller portions. Now that I can have things like ground meats I can start to have a bit more of the meal again and save the rest for my lunch the next day. Hubby has been having one serving for dinner and one for lunch the next day. It's really cost effective for a meal kit service. The produce is not always very good but I have always supplemented with added veg anyway.

    The Plan to eat thing has a 30 day trial. They also usually have a great deal once a year around Black Friday. I have been a paying member for 3 years now. So well done.
  • trishalong84
    trishalong84 Posts: 27 Member
    @spangdora I just looked at the app you suggested, Plan to Eat. That is right up my alley! I'm going to download it and try it next week and see how things go.
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    So far my planning has been non-existent... I just eat what I feel like whipping together when I feel like it. I'm worried... Am I already falling back into old habits? I haven't lost any weight in days now.

    It's disheartening.
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    My dietician told me it's not a loss stall until it's a couple of months. In this journey days are really not what matters for overall weight loss, but weeks and months. What's important day to day is what we do with the day. Generally eat healthy, small portions, follow the food plan. I don't know if meal planning is right for everyone. It is for me, because it helps me control my feelings, emotions, and habits. But, for others, I'm sure it would be a chore to do so.
    Don't worry about the daily weight loss, look at your overall loss and aim for the future loss!
    You've got this!
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks. I do generally like meal planning and know it would help me tremendously overall. With eating properly and regularly but also to build routine, which I do well in. I need to stop weighing myself so often... It's detrimental, I know it. But I'm so eager to see the change! Gah! My constipation was relieved yesterday so I was excited to see a drop but I was still up almost a pound from last week... I know this is a journey, not a short walk... I need to calm because I am already getting in my head about it. Time to talk to the therapist again.
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    @spangadora I know exactly the feelings you're expressing! I feel the emotional struggle is worse than the physical one (which is difficult by itself!) for me it's so important to have someone to bounce thoughts, emotions, successes, and worries off of. I'd go insane without people to help! I weigh myself way to much! But I only record once a week, that helps me to look back and see I am making progress. A lot of self talk there!
    Constipation is truly a hard physical thing. I have colon problems normally and so low fiber and constipation is worrisome at best. Truly ask your Dr about Miralax and other laxatives. It changed my life!
    Keep up the great work!
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    Yep, IBS-C here... I've had Miramax in the past. Right now he's added a couple of weeks worth of the stool softener and I'm trying to bulk things up with metamucil a couple of times a day. Two tsp a day basically in between meals. I'm also trying to squeeze in some acorn squash when I can. I'm not a fan of beans unless they are very sweet maple and molassesy... So not going there.