Monthly Post for April 2021



  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    edited April 2021
    @melaniecheeks That is a cute dress! But shopping is good, too. ;)

    @mamainthekitchen Glad you got your gardening done and that your rash cleared up! I am in the Sam boat with snacking in the evenings. Gotta get that under control.

    @Meghan509 Enjoy your weekend! I hope you get a lot of use from the new patio furniture.

    I am going to get my share of the gardens around our house taken care of today. My husband is the big gardener, but I have a couple of flower beds that I like to take care of. I salute gardeners like @mamainthekitchen ! I am not one of them. @melaniecheeks I might just plant some pansies in your honor!
    Have a good weekend, everyone! Stay healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Re snacking: it’s to the point, for me any way, that by 8:30pm I’m in front of tv, jammies on, blanket on... and then I’m not sure if it’s my mind that wonders what I can snack on, or my hands that want to still be moving, busy doing something. Holding a bag of whatever with one hand and reaching in grabbing with the other is keeping them busy plus all the chewing keeps my mind at ease...? Does that make sense?? Maybe I should do nothing all day long so that the evening will not be such a shock to the system! Ha! ;) I’m certainly not hungry!!! I used to do my nails each night, use an orange stick, apply creams etc... maybe I need to get back to that! My nails are looking rough with all the gardening! I know I can fast, I can eat low carb, count calories etc... my failing is when I’m watching tv (and I’m not giving that up!!). Sigh.

    Kate plant some herbs!! That’s how I started!!!! Find a spot that gets sunny mornings and shade by noon. I use tubs (3in each tub) to keep them contained. Plant chives, cilantro, parsley, oregano, thyme, rosemary etc!! Even regular mint... it’s awesome with cucumber in a glass of ice water!) All of those are easy & useful; throw regular curly parsley finely chopped into garden salads your boys won’t notice and it’s a delicious way to get more iron! Use them in marinating! Plus, all of those look AMAZING in a mason jar as ‘flowers’ !! Oregano blooms tiny pink flowers! Ooh and basil!! Think homemade pesto!!

    Hope all is well with everyone!
    We’re forecasted with rain for about ten days now! We’re in more lockdowns again... rain plus lockdown equals some nasty inside chores!! Travel bans now include the ferries, so my little town is quieter! Good news for me I finally have my appointment for my shot on Thursday!!! Yippee

    Enjoyed some nice snapper last night with garlic, butter, fresh lemon juice and tarragon.... delish!

    Whoops this was long....
    Happy weekend people!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @mamainthekitchen That is what one of my "flower" gardens is. I have chives, sage, lavender. I just re-planted rosemary, dill, fennel, thyme, and, new this year, a couple of ornamental pepper plants. I use everything except the dill and fennel. I plant that for the butterflies to lay their eggs. They love it and they are so pretty! My other garden has a bunch of shade perennials, hostas, calla lilies, and something else I can't remember. I also have a bulb garden with different bulbs that come and go through spring to fall. My husband does the heavy vegetable gardening and does all of the border flowerbeds. He is a much more dedicated gardener than I am. When he is gone, I will make all of those perennial beds. (and hire a lawn service LOL)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    Looks like I forgot to check in before the weekend. Sorry about that! LOL

    Friday and Saturday were sunny and beautiful. Sunday we woke up to rain but it cleared up and became nice with spurts of sun. I'll take it. This week we are due to get in to the 70's!

    LOL @melaniecheeks with pansies!! :)

    @mamainthekitchen and @KateNkognito (and Melanie) thanks for all the gardening and plant talk! I have access to a small area where I can plant some vegetables, but I am not sure what to do. I might plant some basil and a few tomato plants, the kind you buy ready to stick in the ground from Home Depot or Lowes. My gardening knowledge is limited. My family used to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. I vaguely remember helping out with that.

    Our landlord and her husband have a huge garden here of beautiful bulbs that have popped up all over the place. We have tulips, daffodils, crocus, and lots of others who I don't know names of. Beautiful! We also have a blueberry bush! She said if I pick a little each month and freeze them, it would be enough for a pie. :p

    Still been a little windy and cool for the new patio set but soon! I picked up some plastic plates to use outside when we are eating out there. I don't want to have the big plates get broken.

    Hope you guys have a great day! See you soon! -Meg
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday!

    Not too much happening here. Sunny and beautiful out. Supposed to hit 80 degrees F tomorrow. Weee!

    Hope you have a great day. Stay well. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Wow kate you’re more of a garden than you think you are!!!! Awesome! Herbs are so great looking just as a plant! I’d like to know what you do with the sage??? Curious minds!

    Meghan is bringing out the shorts people!! 80deg!! I had to put some new annuals under cover cause we’re expecting a monsoon the next few days!!

    Haven’t had time for a walk by myself lately... too busy! Would love a day to just stay in bed!

    Midway thru the week.... hi to all & hope y’all are fasting and staying healthy!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Today was the Monday-est Wednesday EVER! That's all I have to say about that.

    @mamainthekitchen I use the sage with pork chops. Sage, garlic powder, and onion powder mixed in a little butter and spread on the chops then grilled or pan seared. Yummy! I hope you get a nap day!

    @Meghan509 I think you are getting our weather from last week. B) Enjoy the warmer weather!

    This has been a quick week so far! I need some prayers and positive thoughts for some job opportunities. Hoping to hear something soon. Have a great rest of the week! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    The week and the month are almost wrapped up. That flew by!! Warmer weather is on the way.

    Hope all is well and things are not too crazy for you, @mamainthekitchen

    @KateNkognito that pork chop recipe sounds fabulous! I love sage. Yum! You got it, positive thoughts and vibes your way.

    Not much happening here. Wednesday was crazy with work sigh... S'ok happy to be employed.

    Bought some new melamine plates and accessories for the outside patio. Excited to use those outdoors soon! Raining here today, cloudy tomorrow and then a nice weekend on tap.

    Have a good one and see you all soon. Stay well!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Kate your pork chop recipe sounds really good I’m definitely gonna try that!!!

    I love those melamine plates for summer... they’re fun! I have one small oval one that looks like slice of watermelon! Your patio is going to be awesome meghan... crossed fingers for summer weather for you soon!!

    It was suppose to rain for 10 days straight round here! So I thought, good, get those chores done that I’ve been neglecting... but no.. it’s warm and sunny! I should not complain!

    I’ve had to bake for my M&D lately... dad likes dessert and moms cast is still on. So I’ve eaten a few items along the way or when I visit I have something with lunch or tea... this is why I was heavier as a young adult! I blame my dad! Haha.... well, I guess it’s me actually eating! I’ve made lots of salads lately and grilled meats/chicken etc... still have the problem of snacks... so in short, I’ve done nothing to change my habits!
    Really got to get back to a solid 5:2 system!! Kate: you still doing alternate?? Just read that format of fasting is really good for people.

    Time to sleep! Got my shot today!! Woo hoo! Feel fine, bruising feeling is about it!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member

    Boy, what a crazy day it has been!

    Went in to the office today to help out with some office moves and a new person who will be starting on Monday. Nice to see people in person, for sure. Back home now having a coffee and looking forward to when this work day is done! UGH!

    We have another WINDY day today! Our poor little wind chime keeps getting taken down. Don't want to be a nuisance to the neighbors. LOL

    I hear you, @mamainthekitchen I am struggling lately as well. Tried to mix it up a bit and do a more relaxed low carb WOE but when you are eating stupid cr*p on the weekends it really doesn't do much good. :(
    Planning to go back to salads for lunches and less low carb wraps, nuts, and bars. Too much processed stuff is not working and the scale is not happy sigh... Also need to relax a little on the weekends. Carbs have not been my friend lately.

    Congrats on your shot!!

    Hope all is well in everybody else's neck of the woods and you have a nice weekend. See you soon!