Weigh In April 14 - 20

Lastchancelj Posts: 1,340 Member
LW: 231.4
TW: 229.9

A REDUCTION!! I will take it!!! I was a wee bit better with food intake and water intake. I think that's made the difference for me. Not much in activity...kinda in a slump like Kelly - not really giving a F.

So I did get the 2nd shot and believed I didn't have any reaction. HOWEVER in looking back, I drank way more caffeine/coffee last week - almost every day...and that's not my normal pattern. I attributed my sluggishness to pushing so hard on Monday and Tuesday in preparation for my injection late Tuesday morning and potentially being down Wed/Thurs...and believing or convincing myself that I now had to prepare for being down Thurs/Fri...seemed like every day I was waiting to be sideline and it didn't appear, until Saturday morning. I slept in quite late and had zero energy or ambition to do much of anything. So I sat on the couch or in back reading or watching shows. Hubby didn't have any energy either but he had been doing additional workouts. So, who knows, but maybe the injection did cause me to be a bit more fatigued than I thought.

I had to go into the office to train a new sales person yesterday and so of course I side tripped to see Rhea before going home. So glad I did as she's going to be heading up to her other grandma's this weekend. She was so cute on Sunday, she had mama help her put her shoes and socks on, she wanted a sweater and her backpack. After she had donned all of that, she told Mama and Dada go Grammy and Grandpa! Where are you? So they said we had to facetime and apparently she had a meltdown. I didn't see the first three attempts and finally caught the 4th one (I was meal prepping). Anyhow, she didn't look happy to see us on the iPad, but she didn't want to say goodbye either. Turns out she was cutting a molar and didn't feel well and wouldn't take a nap. So after FT with us, she went to her room and went to sleep. I told my son that going to Grammy/Grandpa is her code for , we need to go for a long drive so I can go to sleep...lol. She was super smiles yesterday when she saw me. When mama took her out of her car seat, she ran to the front yard and then ran back towards the house with a big smile...Grammy's truck! and smiles. Did I mention she smiled? Anyhow we had dinner and played a bit. I had to leave before her bedtime alarm rang. It was a great day.

Kelly - I loved your posting about weather in Winnepeg and I'm sorry you're having such fluctuations! That is insane! So happy to hear your parents are getting their shots. Hopefully it will open up to the rest of you soon.

Ok...since I trained yesterday, I need to get caught up as I addressed 0 emails yesterday. I'll check in later.

Hope all is well with you!


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,971 Member
    LW: 131.4
    TW: 131.2

    Hi, everyone. I am racing out of here and have only a second to log my weight, but I didn't want to be a day late again. I'm thinking of you all, and will be back to chat as soon as I can. I overbooked myself with a class today. Hate to do that on a day off, but my work program offered it to our task force members for free, and I didn't want to look ungrateful. LOL
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,127 Member
    LW: 134.4
    TW: 134.4

    At least it's the same weight. My Cali family is here visiting this week. . we've been having way too much fun, and I'm so tired, but in a good and happy way,. It is SO GREAT to see them again in person. Being fully vaccinated is wonderful. DIL is also fully vaccinated and son is tested weekly, so we feel safe together. Their kiddos are so good about wearing masks when we go out anywhere. They're totally used to it . . even the 3 year old. We're mostly playing at home, in the hot tub, feeding the ducks at the pond, etc. And grandma cooking . . tonight we ordered Door Dash so I got a break. We went to the Rec Center today for the kiddie indoor pool which was not crowded at all and masks going in and going out. Friday we're going to an outdoor "Tulip Festival" near our daughter's and new SIL's home, and then to their back yard afterward for pizza. We'll wear masks for all of that.
    They're driving back to Cali on Saturday. Somehow our son drives straight through . . 12.5 hours! I can't do it.

    I'll "get back to it" after their visit. Hugging my kids and grands has really cheered me up and made my commitment to keeping myself fit and healthy and having the energy to chase and keep up with these kiddos. They are so fun. Anyway, I did squeeze in time for a shower and to weigh myself today, and was pleased and a little surprised to see the same weight. It feels like a win for me this week.

    Congrats on your reduction, Lois! And, I'm so glad your fully vaccinated! It's a liberating feeling . . although we aren't totally done with this pandemic yet. My sister's kids went through the whole year and then fell down on mile 25 of the marathon . . her kids are all getting Covid and passing it on through their families :( She is so mad and worried. I just want them to all stay away from her and her hubby . . they've going through enough!

    Kelly, we've had mixed weather too. We had some snow today while the kids were in the indoor pool. The week has been such a mixed bag of sunshine, rain and show. It's so confusing for California kids, haha. And even though the forecast for Friday was originally sunny, it has now turned to 40% chance of snow. Send good thoughts for our tulip festival outing. Anyway, there's not a dang thing we can do about the weather, so not worth the worry. Hang in there Kelly Small goals like your water intake is doable. I can't take it all on at once, so baby steps is the way to go.

    Sarah, congrats on your reduction as well. Keep up the great work. . you've done so well. What is your goal weight? Maybe you're already there.

    I've gotta run . . it's almost my bedtime and I need my sleep for another babies chasing day tomorrow, lol!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,971 Member
    Hi, everyone. The past few days have been nuts, with extra work hours, nonwork meetings, dealing with tech issues both with home and office equipment (that is never ending it seems) and to top it off, I have not felt up to par this week. I started having stomach pain on Sunday night and it was pretty constant on Monday. But I had no fever and no rebound pain, so I decided to wait and see if it got worse or improved. It stayed about the same for a couple of days then started to resolve. But through it all, and even now, I just don't have my normal energy. Unless this improves, I'll bite the bullet and go see the doc. I worked 10 hours yesterday, zoomed with some friends, had dinner and found myself on the treadmill at 10:30 feeling like a zombie. I made it just short of 8K steps and could go no more. That's just the 4th time in 7 months that I haven't made my 10K, but it bugs me not to have my usual oomph!

    Sheesh, it's so good to hear that you've finally been able to see the Cali kids and grands. I know how much this visit meant to you. And 12.5 hours on the road! Oh, my. It was about 10 hours to my folks in NC from here if we stopped once for gas and once to eat. And for years, we'd do that and arrive with some energy to spare. But the last few years, and now to see my sister and BIL--we break the trip and stay over about halfway. Mentioning siblings, I do hope that your sister and BIL do not get COVID from their kids. One of my nephews also got COVID and I held my breath for my sister, with her bad health, too.

    Lois, congrats on that good reduction. I hope the zero energy is just from the shot and short-lived. Glad you got a visit with Rhea, and I hope you're finding some pockets of time for yourself among all you do at work and for your family.

    Kelly, little goals are good. I find that if a goal is too big, the normal ebb and flow of life (like extra work, bad weather, some unforeseen something to take care of) will derail it and get me into negative thinking. This week, I have tried to assess my day and look at what I got done rather than what I didn't. And that helped.

    Sounds like we're all battling the weather a bit. Snow for two of us, heat for one of us, and never ending rain for one of us (me)! In fact, it has been gloomy here all week, and I think this might continue into the weekend. At least we have our first dinner with two other couples who are also fully vaccinated to look forward to on Sunday. The two women in these couples are artists, and I sometimes feel a little "less than" in their company. I can draw chemical structures, but I cannot draw a stickman!

    Oh, and Sheesh, you asked about this a few days ago. The loveseat finally arrived back from the upholstery shop on Tuesday. He did a great job, but took a long time (7 weeks, I think). During the process, we moved a big chair down from our master sitting room and the color of that looked much better than I would have thought. Made me kind of wish we had chosen sage rather than doing the loveseat in cream again. Should, woulda, coulda!! Wish I had your designer skills. :smile:
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,127 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hi ladies, thought I would jump on for a few minutes to tell you my Cali family is back home :'( and I miss them already. I'm still catching up on washing bedding, groceries, etc., but we had such a fun visit. I was more tired than I realized and I slept in Sunday and today. Yesterday I had my cleaning ladies come (vaccinated and/or masked) and my trainer (vaccinated) also came back! It was so wonderful to see her again. She looks great and we had a lot to chat about . all while she worked me pretty hard. I'm feeling it today, but it's a good feeling. I'm really glad I did some strength training during the past year or I would be in bed all day.

    Sunday, I started logging my food again. I had started drinking 8 glasses of water as my small goal the previous week, and did pretty well, so I decided to start logging food next. Baby steps. I can see why I've gained after logging. I've gotten used to a much higher calorie intake, and I know it's going to be a hungry few weeks when I cut calories. I plan to shoot for 1,200 in order to lose fat, and even at that it will take a while and I'll have to exercise also. Oh, the joys of being short and older. :smirk:

    Sarah, I'm concerned about the reason for your stomach pain. Maybe write down the symptoms and situations when it happens. It could be from stress with the "nuts" time you're having with your job. Anyway, I'm thinking about you, and I hope you can keep that job stress at bay. The weather here finally turned sunny, but it's still pretty cold, and I know you don't like the treadmill and neither do I. Today, I might do an aerobics video, or venture out with layers on. Hopefully we can get our walking outside soon.

    Lois, how's it going for you? Phoenix weather looks like it's heating up now. I wish I could get myself in gear for a week's food prep like you do. When you do that, do you know about how many calories are in the meals? That would be so much easier.

    Kelly, your weather looks on again off again also. . springtime there is like it is here. Also, I was wondering if your strike ended and if it ended well for the workers.

    I'm feeling a bit more "ready" to get myself in the groove lately. I know I'll feel better when I'm taking good care of myself physically. We know it's never going to be easy with work and family demands, but we still have to and want to do it. So, I'm just getting my mind set for plugging along with these small goals. I'll be back tomorrow to weigh in.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,127 Member
    By the way, I forgot to mention that the weather was cold and a bit snowy on the day we had tickets to the Tulip Festival, so I called them (Thanksgiving Point) and changed our tickets to the dinosaur museum they have there. Inside and with masks, and the 5 year old boy said, "so we're not going to see flowers but dinosaurs instead?!? Yay!!" We had a very good time, and went to my daughter's and new SIL's house for pizza afterward (they live near there). He had his daughter that day and she came also, and she (9 years old) and our 8 year old granddaughter really hit it off! We had to pry them apart to make the 30 minute drive back home.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,127 Member
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 689 Member
    Aww that's so great that you had such a great visit Sheesh!! Those kiddos look exhausted!! Also that's so great that you were able to get your trainer back and your cleaners. Helps feel like normal life again.
    I have to say, I'm so very jealous of all of you spending time with family and friends. We're soooo far behind on our vaccines in Canada, it's ridiculous. I think that's part of the reason that I have no 'get up and go' right now. It feels like 2021 is a write off, just like 2020 was. There's nothing to look forward to and the things we are looking forward to, we're not sure if we'll even get to do them because of new restrictions being introduced all the freakin' time. Super frustrating. New restrictions were just introduced yesterday again. We can only have 2 designated people in our house, only a maximum group size of 10 people outdoors, retail stores can only be at 33% capacity... are among the new ones. The kids hockey was finally cancelled but we still haven't got any money back and we're not sure if Soccer or Ball Hockey will even be approved as of yet.
    Sheesh - our strike is still happening. We're on day 43 or something of our rotating strikes. I'm pretty much off 1 day every week, but don't know what day it'll be until the night before. We're sticking it out, waiting to get to 60 days in order to apply for arbitration or until the company offers something worth looking it (which is highly unlikely because of government interference)
    I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I'm going to assume it's probably around the same. I have been getting more walks in and have been putting time in helping with the basement, but my eating hasn't been super fantastic. Again, I'm trying to drink more water and just get some activity in daily.