Weigh in 04/21 - 4/27

Lastchancelj Posts: 1,382 Member
LW: 229.9
TW: 230.4

Ok. So yesterday was a bad day for food, a great day, but a bad day for intake. Yesterday was our first in person company meeting since January of 2020. Most of our company team members are fully vaccinated and we did keep distances and I had my mask on, except for when I ate. The company meeting included breakfast. So I had my Starbucks drink on the way over, 1/2 an egg sandwich, fruit, some fried potatoes (the burrito thingy wasn't that great so I skipped it). Since I was near downtown, I coordinated with my escrow officer to meet for lunch, since her office is just down the street and again, I never get down there and she's a rock star. For lunch I had a burger and only 1/2 the fries at lunch. I was so full when I finally got home, that for dinner I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats and blueberries. But I felt puffy all day/night. I think the sodium at the restaurant. We'll see tomorrow if it holds or goes down.

So, the company meeting was exciting. I've told you we're actually almost sold out of all lots to sell and it was exciting to see the new developments coming down the line (which I'm involved in that part as well and I better get moving on it or we will be sold out). But it was fun to see on the screen and hear other employee's reactions to the updates. I forget that I'm pretty in the know with where things are with the company so not many surprises. Until it came to anniversaries. I had to submit a pic as it was my 20th in March...I was going to submit the one with me in the wheel chair, torn acl and broken arm. remember? anyway, I opted for the one with my son and son in law at my son's wedding and they were both in their USMC uniforms. So the person who celebrated 18 years is our COO. and we go way way back - a few builders back when we'd worked together at another builder from 94-98. Well HE gave my little anniversary speech...and he made me tear up...he was so sweet. Now, I have to tell you, we butt heads often and in we're in meetings at least twice a week and I often swear after some of our meetings he's gonna fire me this week...but he said some very endearing things that just oh my gosh. Anyway...and then the son of the owners (keep in mind he was only 16 and did not yet have his DL when I started) and he said that to everyone as he delivered this massive bouquet of flowers. It was so sweet. It's really hard to hear positive things about yourself from others.

Anyhow, Horrible activity and not the best at food intake as noted above. Today I ordered poke and had my tuna and salmon.... I guess I hadn't checked in over the weekend. Saturday my other daughter Audrey came up and we just hung out and visited. We got our toes did in the am (MIL had some balance issues when we were leaving, but she's fine now). We ate entirely horrible all day...and sat on the couch and watch WandaVision all day. It was a great day together and I would do it again. Sunday hubby and I had some shopping to do, but somehow we lost track of time and i never got to my meal prep. So all of the veggies I ordered are still piled up in the refrigerator. With the meeting and all yesterday, I came back to my desk and had 4 hours to do 9 hours of work...lol. And for some reason I was exhausted. I sat in the back and fell asleep reading... Yes, the weather is gorgeous right now, in the shade! The sun is warm but the shade is beautiful. Evenings are in the 60s/70s so we are able to sleep with fans in the windows. I love this time of year. This will change in the next week or so.

Sarah - I'm hoping you're feeling better and whatever was happening has passed.

Sheesh - so happy to hear of your family visit (sad that they're back home already). The pic of the sleeping grands was so sweet I love when we tire them out (usually we're just as tired) but watching them sleep just melts my heart. Slightly jealous of the the trainer...again I haven't done anything to go in that direction either.... NOT jealous of the laundry and cleaning. Speaking of - I broke down today and ordered the Brava Jet M6 from iRobot. That dang thing can clean my floors. So I'll have Roomba to sweep and then Brava to clean the floors. I ain't got time for that! This won't help with laundry, but at least I won't have to push the floormate all over...LOL.

Kelly I hope you the vaccine will be available to you soon and then make the choice to get it. Hubby still won't get it, but I do feel better about having received it. I've been thinking about you and the strike and fingers crossed all goes well after day 60 and you can be fairly compensated and back to work all five days.

Here in AZ everything is wide open now. Many of the businesses are still requesting masks to enter and shop. The restaurant yesterday had us wear our mask to our table and then we could remove if we felt comfy. I imagine all of the kiddos sports will be resuming here as well...though I don't know what sports they play in the summer here. It would normally be the end of the spring sports. I saw on the news that the splash pads are re opening and the public pools. The city is opening at a reduced capacity.


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,155 Member
    LW: 134.4
    TW: 133.8

    A reduction, and I'm happy with that and with the fact that I logged food, drank 8 glasses of water, and kept my intake pretty good, and got a day with my trainer Monday. Tuesday, I did a really good cardio workout, and trainer is coming again tomorrow. I'm almost finished with all the laundry and remaking the beds. I have robes for adults and kids for the hot tub, and along with towels that makes for a lot of laundry. The grands also love to pull out a bunch of sheets and make "forts". It's adorable, but the laundry takes a week, lol! I wouldn't change a thing though. :D

    Kelly, why is Canada not getting more vaccine? I hope it's not because the U.S. is hogging it. It's been so trying to get through this pandemic! We're not done yet . . the numbers are still around 70K new cases per day here, and the variants are getting more scary. The one from India will probably require all of us to get a 3rd vaccine once the makers get one formulated for that variant, and possibly others. I read that there are about 37% of Americans who will not get vaccinated. Ugh. If that number holds, we won't get to herd immunity and will have this with us for a long time to come, and the longer it's around infecting people, the more variants we will get. It's demoralizing. Sometimes I just refuse to think about what I can't do, and try to focus on what I can do. Hubby really wanted to go see a movie today in the theater. He checked online and got an afternoon time for that "Godzilla v Kong" (very few choices). When we got there the theater was locked. We're not sure whether they'll reopen. So, things are going to take time to resolve, and I don't know if it will be exactly the same ever again. Anyway, I feel your pain, and I'll say some prayers that Canada will get up to speed on the vaccine. And, hopefully you'll get to 60 days quickly and get the company strike behind you.

    Lois, I'm glad you get the recognition you deserve by your company. Those flowers are gorgeous, and how nice that they do so much for your anniversary. I'm envious of your beautiful weather as we are still cooler than we should be. But, we need the water, so we'll put up with the occasional rain and cool temps. I did get all my patio furniture out for the kids visit, but the cushions will survive a bit of wetness. I can't wait until I can sit out there and sun myself!

    Sarah, looking forward to your post. I hope you're feeling better.

    Well, it's very late and I know I'll be getting my kitten kicked tomorrow by my trainer, so I'd better try to sleep,
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    LW: 131.2
    TW: 130.2

    I am quickly logging today's weight. Yesterday it was actually a bit lower, but I'm going with today's. Sorry to be tardy yet again, but lots of things have been going on. In a nutshell, hubby had a rather serious eye injury on Friday night, we lost a close friend to a stroke, and work has geared up a bit due to the J&J pause. I promise to come back as soon as I can to fill in the details, but while I'm waiting for a meeting to begin, I wanted to just get my weight in, say hello, and let you know that I'm thinking of you all. Don't even have time to read your posts yet, but I hope everyone is doing okay.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 704 Member
    Sarah - I'm sorry to hear about your husband's eye injury! I sure hope everything is going to be alright. He'll be in my thoughts, as will you, as I'm sure this is a stressful time. I'm also sorry to hear that you lost a close friend. Stroke's are scary. Big virtual hugs.

    Lois - those flowers were beautiful! Congratulations on your anniversary. I agree, it is hard to hear others say positive things about yourself. It's weird, it shouldn't be like that. You'd think it's harder to hear negative things, but honestly, sometimes I find it equally hard. Maybe it's because sometimes we don't fully believe the positives about ourselves. Sad isn't it.
    I didn't know that your husband didn't get the vaccine. Is he against it completely? Or is waiting for a certain time? Just isn't a priority? I'm just curious.

    Sheesh - Hopefully your trainer didn't kick your kitten too hard lol That statement made me laugh.
    Honestly, I'm not sure why we aren't getting as many vaccines. I think it's political for sure. And it has something to do with the fact that we don't manufacture them here, like you guys do. Our eligibility criteria is still quite high as well. For Pfizer or Moderna, it's 50 years of age and older, unless you're First Nation's, then it's 30 years of age. (I'm Metis, but that doesn't count as First Nations) As of yesterday, they added front line police officers and firefighters 18 years of age and older. Then the acute care facilties, testing site people, personal care homes, homeless shelters, etc all are eligible. For AstraZeneca, it's 40 years of age and older... which still isn't me until October. Shawn is eligible for AstraZeneca, but really doesn't want to get that one if he doesn't have to. He's close to being eligible for the other 2 anyway, so he'll wait. We don't have Johnson & Johnson in our province and I think Canada has a limited supply anyway. Plus now that there is a hold on them, we'll see what happens. I sometimes feel that even with the vaccine, that life is going to take a long time to get back to "normal". Like when will we ever be able to travel again?? We have our annual cabin booked for July in Ontario, but if it was right now, we wouldn't even be able to go because they closed the borders to Ontario because their cases are so high. It's sad... but you're right. Although it's hard sometimes, I should just try focus on things I can do and not the things I can't.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    Okay gang. Almost six hours later, and my eyes are still fully dilated, but I am going to try to log. (I had an appointment this morning to have that little retina tear that was repaired in May 2007 checked. Almost 14 years later and all is still well, but since they have to hyper-dilate my eyes to see it, and since I'm sensitive to the drops anyway, it means pretty much the loss of a day.)

    And now mentioning eyes, last Friday night we were watching the Nats game from earlier that we had taped and Randy was playing with our male cat Teddy. It was a peek-a-boo game he has played with Ted since he was kitten. But that night, hubby did not have on his glasses and he got Ted super wound up, and so when hubby lifted his head from behind the arm of the love seat, and said "I see you," Teddy reached out and bopped him and a claw caught him in the eye. He immediately knew he was in trouble so we set out for the emergency room around midnight and then to the all night CVS for antibiotic drops and pills. He was told to see his ophthalmologist on Monday.

    Well Monday came, but when he called the eye doctor's office, the receptionist said none of the doctors could see him until next Friday. He explained that this was an emergency eye injury and she put him into a message system. He expected a triage nurse to call him back--but no one did. So he called our primary docs and their office arranged got him an appointment with another ophthalmologist. Turns out the injury is pretty bad. It did not get his cornea, so it will heal, but it will take some time and it may cause him to have increased astigmatism in that eye.

    He write a letter to his regular eye doc and sent it be registered mail. It's likely he never even got the message, but it's scary to think that the front desk has not been trained to handle emergencies. I mentioned it to my retina doc today, and he said he was actually having a meeting this afternoon with hubby's doc about a mutual patient's case and that he was going to mention it to him. We'll see, but I still doubt that hubby goes back although the doc in that practice get high marks.

    In the middle of this, we di get to have dinner on the porch with our fully vaccinated friends, and it was so good to finally see this couple in person.

    Because work has been very hectic and we're going to be done one person after today, there were days when i didn't make 10K steps, but I managed to walk every day and log my food. I think the big difference and what has allowed me to go down a bit is not eating really late at night. We have dinner kind of late because of our schedules and then having a really late night snack was keeping me stuck. Once I let go of that snack, the scale began to move. I'd like to lose about 5 more pounds and then stay steady for a while. I know it's not going to be easy to do either one of those things.

    My goal for this week is to find just 15 minutes sometime during the day to get some movement in. As it stands, on work days, I sit from around 8 a.m. until around 7 p.m. and then do all my moving after that.

    It was good to read all of your posts. Sheesh, I loved that pic of the kids snoozing after their outing. Just hearing about all that laundry made me tired, but I the good thing is that you burned a lot of calories lugging all those sheets to the laundry room. Hubby and I laugh about the workout we get brining a basket of clothes from the basement laundry up to the second floor!

    Kelly, first thanks for the hugs! My friend Joyce was a great lady. They moved to the Portland area a few years ago, but for a long time, they were part of our close network. And I relate to the COVID woes.. I know it's tough to continue with so many restrictions, but hang in there. I hope that soon Canada gets more vaccine. Even here, we are struggling. First the issue was getting enough vaccine made and setting up the sites. Now the challenge is to get a large enough percentage of the population vaccinated to make a difference. And I can imagine that the work strike is getting to you. I've never been in that position, but I've worked under uneasy conditions due contract issues. I hope it ends positively for the workers.

    Lois, congrats with the job recognition. I think you and I are both overly dedicated workers at times and you're lucky to have an employer who recognizes your role in their success. I worked for one company for a long time, too, but they were not as good about recognizing people---unless they were high-ranking managers. I can just see you now, though--squirming when the praise was being offered. LOL Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts and don't forget to take time for yourself.

    Well, my eyes are wearing down now, and I'm sure this is full of typos and missing words, but I know you can figure it out. I hope everyone has a good weekend. We do need to have some sort of check-in goals or something to get us focused, but I'm just too unfocused at the moment to do more than nod in that direction. Ideas?

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ok. I saw this and had to share with everyone. Have a great Monday. I’ll jump back when I can
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    Love the meme, and boy isn't that the truth? I have been experiencing a lack of energy that is more than I've felt in a long time. Friday, I was wiped out due to the hyper-dilated eyes and systemic reaction I have to that type of med. But I expected to be back to normal on Saturday, or even better since I got a lot of rest on Friday. But I could barely slog on Saturday. Every time I sat down, I fell asleep. Thankfully, Sunday was much better and I got several big tasks done here at home and also made it to the mall to walk since it was once again chilly and--you guessed it--raining!

    Yesterday, I did my outside hilly walk, but still lacked more than a thousand steps making 10K. I got on the treadmill to get those in, but got a call from my sister, then dinner, then attended a zoom meeting, and once again--no gas left in the tank.

    I so hope this period of low energy soon passes altogether. Do you ladies ever run into these times?