Introducing myself

INTJmom Posts: 15 Member
Hello! I'm a 40 year-old homeschool mom of 3. I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds. Right now, I'm in "phase 1" of my weight loss: losing the pandemic pounds. Phase 2 will be taking off the weight that crept on before 'Rona hit. I'm 5'0" and looking to get down to 107 lbs. or so. It's where I feel the most comfortable with my body. I welcome new friend requests. I hope y'all are having a nice weekend or very early Monday, depending on which hemisphere you live in.


  • DaFibble
    DaFibble Posts: 152 Member
    Good luck on your journey. I have 30lbs of pandemic weight to lose, too!

    I've used MFP before and it worked. The trouble is I never expected the hardest part to be maintenance, which is where I fell down. This time I'm prepared for the long haul!