May Goals

HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
What are your May goals?


  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    My may goals
    - lose 10 pounds
    - drink more water
    - get outside more
  • catwindsor28
    catwindsor28 Posts: 3 Member
    My May goals are:
    * Lose at least 6 pounds (1.5 a week)
    * Ride my bike with the kids 2-3 times a week
    * Log and track each meal and snack
    * Choose water instead of sweet tea
  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    Those are great goals! Sweet tea is so good but water is better! How many Littles do you have? I have 1 little girl myself. 😁 Welcome to the group!
  • britneyd109
    britneyd109 Posts: 331 Member
    My goals are

    * drink more water
    * work on my abs
    * complete my algebra 1 course
    * more family time
  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    Those are great goals! More family time Is so important. Hope you are able to find a balance 😀
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Goals for may...
    Drink more water

    Get back on track with eating right and tracking everything

    Try to get to sleep earlier..
  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    Drinking more water seems to be on everyone's list! That is wonderful that we are all on the same page!

    Kaycoes, every little effort helps towards your goals. Have to tried SleepyTime Tea? That stuff works amazing.
  • live1400
    live1400 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all! My goal for May is to move more and consistently throughout the month.
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Kids is my main man likes to stay up past midnight most
  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    Live1400, there are a lot of videos on YouTube that help you get up and just move! There's walking ones, stretching ones etc. Good luck to you with your goals! Have a beautiful May 🌷🌻🌹

    Kaycoes, oh man, that is rough. We Just got Scar sleeping through two nights ago. I know the feels.
  • live1400
    live1400 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks HayleeSettee! That's a great idea. :smile:
  • catwindsor28
    catwindsor28 Posts: 3 Member
    Those are great goals! Sweet tea is so good but water is better! How many Littles do you have? I have 1 little girl myself. 😁 Welcome to the group!

    Hi! I have two kids- my son is going to be 6 this month and my little girl is going to be 3 in July. <3
  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    Awe, 6 is such a fun age! My nephews were the best at that age. 3 is so busy. Haha, in my human development class ( I am studying to be a psychologist) it has been proven that 3 years of age is the busiest age of our lives. Lol. Enjoy!

    I have 1 little girl, she will be 1 in the 17th!
  • britneyd109
    britneyd109 Posts: 331 Member
    June is approaching fast! Did anyone have body or self goes they were trying to accomplish before Summer started?
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Just wanted to get back to losing these last few pounds. Instead of
    Also I want to create a list of 50 fun things to do before summer ends, with the kids.
    And I want to get all of our familys wellness workbooks done with in 3 weeks..
    Enjoy life and get out and learn to just relax when I can't control the things around me!
  • HayleeSettee
    HayleeSettee Posts: 48 Member
    I am no where near where I want to be! Haven't lost anything and have been so busy with life its been nuts.
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Life gets crazy! Summer gets so busy as well! You can get back on track, I know you'll get there! You got this
  • britneyd109
    britneyd109 Posts: 331 Member
    A family fun list is a great idea. I'm not at my Summer goal weight. I'm happy to say I am 2 pant sizes smaller than last Summer. I count that as a win. We have been struggling with being home bodies since covid. We are working on getting out more with social distancing. We are buying new bikes to accomplish this. We still have some time to put in some more work on our goals. Let's do this!!!
  • kaycoes
    kaycoes Posts: 54 Member
    Yes lets!! Bikes will be fun! Have all of mine on bikes, I can't quite bike with them yet, too hard with the three year old cruising on his, but he's getting there. Maybe soon!
  • live1400
    live1400 Posts: 11 Member
    Ah, yes, bicycles! My six year old son loves to bike. My bike wants a bit of fixing up. I have the parts it's just a matter of taking action to repair it. I guess that would be a near goal - bike repair - hopefully before the end of May.