TEAM: Gutbusters (May)



  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,480 Member
    Kenyaa3 wrote: »
    @frankwbrown How are you?

    I'm doing fine, @Kenyaa3, thanks! Diet wise, I've been doing only so so. My birthday was this week and I really celebrated, so I expect I'll be at least a pound heavier tomorrow than last Friday.

    I had a good morning swim today, but I missed my morning walk (today and yesterday). I need to walk this evening, after it cools off, to get back on track with my walk challenges -- the challenge is only a mile a day for the month of May, but I'm a couple miles behind already as of yesterday.

    I've been scouting locations to practice solo pickleball; I need a good smooth wall to bounce the ball off of. I'm curious to find how quickly (or slowly) I get in shape good enough for team play. I'll be taking it slow, cause I can't let it interfere with my walking and swimming.

    So I'm off to a slow start for May, but that only makes me more determined. :smirk:

    Good luck to everyone! :D
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    @Colleen790 and @Shawtytel April thread closed---join us here now!

    @Shawtytel I would LOVE a challenge; i just love the daily check in's!
  • Shawtytel
    Shawtytel Posts: 103 Member
    Everyone ready for May? We did great last month. Let's keep pushing towards our goals.

    @Keepingtrack1234 - Do you have any challenges in mind? I was thinking step challenge and/or water challenge.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,480 Member
    Friday, May week 1
    PW: 253.2
    CW: 254.3 (-0.43%)

    Off to a bad start for May, so off to swim now.
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Happy Friday team! I've actually had a good start to May (sorry @frankwbrown - maybe we balance each other :) ). Work is doing their annual step challenge for the month of May - so I'd be in good shape for a step challenge here! I hope you all have a good end of the week and a restful, relaxing weekend!
  • Kenyaa3
    Kenyaa3 Posts: 203 Member
    TGIF!! @frankwbrown Happy Belated Birthday! Glad you celebrated, that’s what you’re supposed to do. 😁 Not a huge gain at all. You’ll lose that in 10 minutes, lol.

    @Calli1616 I’m doing a step challenge at work too and I’m so competitive lol so it’s helping me out a great deal.

    @Keepingtrack1234 you deserve it!! Enjoy!! You’ll bounce back as always.

    This weekend is gonna be long and stressful. So much to do and not enough time. I’m going to try and prep my meals so I won’t end up stress eating. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Have a great weekend team.
  • melodie1082
    melodie1082 Posts: 185 Member
    edited May 2021
    I’ve been on night shift all week . Hubby took me out to dinner and went off plan a tad.
    SW 241 sat weigh in
    CW 241.6
  • Shawtytel
    Shawtytel Posts: 103 Member
    May/Week 1
    SW: 164.2
    CW: 160.0
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Saturday week 1 May
    PW: 199.5
    CW: 201

    Sorry team - I am in the worst rut and can't seem to pull myself out. I went from 220 down to 200 ish and now I am up and down the same 3 pounds for almost a month. :(
    Tomorrow starts a new week ....
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,480 Member
    33gail33 wrote: »
    Saturday week 1 May
    PW: 199.5
    CW: 201

    Sorry team - I am in the worst rut and can't seem to pull myself out. I went from 220 down to 200 ish and now I am up and down the same 3 pounds for almost a month. :(
    Tomorrow starts a new week ....

    It happens; don't let it defeat you. Just refocus on your goal and what you need to do to get there.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    May week 1
    PW 175.9
    CW 175.9
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
    May week 1
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hi team and Happy Sunday and happy Mother's Day!

    First, check it out! Gutbusters RULED April! Special shout out to @Shawtytel!!!
    April results (pretty awesome!)

  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    edited May 2021
    Sunday weigh in's from:
    Saturday from: @Bahamas51
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Missing Weights Week 1:


    Will close the week Monday, please log weights today.
  • Jodee2021
    Jodee2021 Posts: 60 Member
    PW 187.4
    CW 187.8
  • Shawtytel
    Shawtytel Posts: 103 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms.
    Thanks @Keepingtrack1234
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,912 Member

    PW - 177.7
    CW - 176.7

    A day early on reporting, but tomorrow is going to be a little hectic. Have a great start to the week everyone!
  • Kenyaa3
    Kenyaa3 Posts: 203 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you all had. Great Sunday!!
This discussion has been closed.