
debnjk Posts: 7 Member
Hi, folks. I'm Deborah.

Looks like this group hasn't been very active for a while. Did you all forget about it? (ADHD joke) 😁

I was dx'd in 2002 at the "ripe old age" of almost 32. In the last 19 years I've learned a lot about ADHD, been involved in a number of groups, and worked to spread correct information about ADHD to the general public and find the 80% of adults with ADHD who aren't dx'd and think they're just failures. πŸ€—

I'm married, with one kiddo, who I homeschool. He's currently 12. We're all shiny as the day is long. Hubs is the only one who isn't dx'd, but if he doesn't have it, I'm the Queen of England! Pretty certain he is Hyperactive type. I'm Combo type, leaning towards Inattentive. I suspect son is Combo type leaning towards Inattentive also, but it's a little hard to tell while he's still a kid. He may be on the AS as well, or at least has tendencies that way, which I think he got from my dad as hubs and I don't seem to have them. πŸ’Ž

Sorry this is getting long. Time to get up and stretch, run around the house, or grab a glass of water. 😝

Okay, back to it.

MFP and weight loss, etc:
I've been on MFP since April 2020, and I've lost 36 lbs. I've got 16 lbs to go to my goal weight, but the last 20 are really kicking my butt (as in, I've really been struggling since I got to the last 20). I lost almost 20 lbs last year in the time it's taken me to lose 4 this year. βš–οΈ

I've tried getting friends to join me, but only one has, and she doesn't have ADHD so she doesn't understand the struggles. So I decided to see if any of my tribe were on here, and here you are. Hoping we can help each other to break through whatever is holding us back. ❀️


  • franiexp
    franiexp Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I hope it's ok I joined. I'm not diagnosed. I'm in the process of having my children, two sons ages 10 and 7, diagnosed. But the more I read up on it for them the more my life makes sense...

    In health I tend to get distracted and or just forget to do things, like log my meals. I have to have this app on the front page of my phone so I can be reminded. The only positive I think I have is I can eat the same thing over and over and not get tired of it, so meal prep could work... if I remembered to do it.

    I just think it would be really great to get ideas from others who would be more likely to understand my sporadic use of the app.
  • franiexp
    franiexp Posts: 4 Member
    And after I post I realise this was posted in 2021.... x-D