Monthly Post for July 2021



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday!!

    Sorry I was MIA over the weekend. I swear it was just Thursday LOL

    We had a nice weather weekend here. Spent Friday and Saturday at our local beach. Yesterday we visited with my guy's family who were in town from AZ. Got home late last night and slept in today so no gym. Tomorrow. :)

    Sounds like you had a nice weekend too, @KateNkognito! Seeing family is awesome. Looking forward to the December holidays when I get to see my family in Florida. My sister and her husband had a baby girl a few weeks back who we'll get to meet this year!

    Another nice week on tap here. Looking forward to spending more time outside.

    Have a great day and see you soon!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have been running around all day getting odds and ends done. I can't believe it is almost the end of July! I report for inservice on August 2! Last weekend of summer already. I need like two more weeks. A lot of schools are starting early this year. I think it is just in case we have to shut down at some point.

    @Meghan509 I can't believe how fast the weekend went, either! Family seems a lot more precious when you haven't seen them in a while. :)

    Off to finish all the things and stuff! I hope everyone has a great week!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,683 Member
    I am up and rolling... finally. I slept in and I feel much better today. I am not going to fast today. I am just not in the right headspace. I hope everyone is having a great week! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Good morning!

    And just like that it is past 11:00am eastern. LOL Where does the AM go?

    Woke up on time and went to the gym this AM. Finished week 1 of the couch to 5k plan. I will probably start week 2 tomorrow. I like it. :)

    Hang in there @KateNkognito I hear you. Have to listen to you body and mind and do what's best for that day. :)

    Have a good one and see you guys soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope Wednesday is off to a good start for you!

    Went to the gym this AM and did my couch to 5K program again. I am liking it. Kicks my butt but I like it. :smiley:

    Eating clean and sticking to my Mediterranean WOE. Been eating from say 12:00pm to 9:00pm, give or take and drinking lots of water!

    Have a good one and see you guys soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,683 Member
    @Meghan509 Sounds like you are on a roll. The only roll I am currently on is a cinnamon roll. :D

    Not a lot going on here. It is super hot and I am finishing up odds and ends that I haven't gotten to this summer before I start back to school next week. Fun times! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Don't be like me!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks @KateNkognito trying to make the gym a healthy habit. :) Today I am at the office, so no gym this AM. Tomorrow AM we will probably get a workout in.
    Jeez, hard to believe school is back next week! Here in southern New England the kids don't go back until the Thursday before Labor Day. Give or take. Thursday, September 2 if I am looking at that correctly!

    Going to be in the office most of the day as my boss is in for the first time since March of 2020!

    Have a good one and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,683 Member
    Hey, all! Not much going on here, just hot. I'm still scrambling around getting stuff done. My students start the 12th and my children start the 17th. I get to sit through endless in-service for a week and a half. Fun times, I tell ya! Have a great weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Happy Friday and happy weekend!!

    Enjoy @KateNkognito and hope you get to relax a little before next week. :)

    Work day flew by! Hello from the patio. Beautiful night and weekend on tap here.

    See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,683 Member
    We have a baby bluejay in our yard today. We have all been watching the cute little guy (or gal) all morning. I should be doing things, but it is just so cute! I hope everyone else is having a relaxing weekend!