Juicy July!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021

    You Tube: Well Your World He also has a line of SOS free products, he came up with...very professional...sells them on his website. Excellent!

    BTW, that is not how he started out. He started out this way because his mom got a high cholesterol number and he was plant based chubby...so he researched and now a total Plant Based freak...(I say lovingly)...his earliest youtubes are super...he got a friend of his on board and he lost a ton of weight.

    The products just evolved about two years ago, starting with cheese sauce and mushroom gravy. Now, he has a whole line of them. He was just at a conference...not sure which one but one with all the big wigs and he sold products there. He is the real deal! A sweet guy, who believes passionately in WFPB way of life.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Hi all, trying to finish some work today. I was lazy yesterday and took a nap earlier today so I am way behind! Had a lot of rain from early morning hours until almost noon. While I love the rain the changes in weather stir up my headaches. Still need to do a couple more loads of laundry.

    Tammy, your summer bungalow sounds lovely and serene. I order the Dr. McDougall soups from his rightfoods website. Cheaper than the stores. I always keep some at the office for lunch emergencies.

    Thanks for all the links you share, Magic. Now just to find some time to watch some videos!

    B – skipped it
    L – leftover red lentil and cauliflower curry from the freezer
    D – will be a big ol’ salad and an apple

    Okay better get back to work!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Aw drat! Lost all of my typing. I hate it when that happens!

    Tammy, I can totally picture your bungalow. It sounds wonderful and it's so cool that it has that family history. Safe travels.

    Nanc, I went through a major Gardein phase a few years ago. I had to go cold turkey because things were getting out of hand. Yummy and easy! I went through a lot of beefless burgers and chick'n tenders.

    Hope your headache has cleared up, Mihani. Happy you got in a nice nap! Good 'ol red lentil and cauliflower curry! Probably my most made recipe to date.

    We purchased some starter plants this year as well as growing some things from seed. The bell peppers plants we bought turned out to be jalapenos. We eat jalapenos, but they are so cheap in the store. We spend way more on bell peppers. Still okay. I find it cool when anything grows that we can use.

    I'm taking advantage of the sunny weather to turbo-charge my fleece drying. It takes several baths of hottest tap water and soap, then I spin it dry and lay it out flat in the sun in laundry bags. Much better than having it hanging off of everything in the bathroom! I've washed, dried, and prepped some more Romney fleece and have Cotswold and Teeswater drying in the sun.

    Not sure what we'll be having for dinner tonight. I'm going to make some baked tofu which can be used for a sushi bowl, spaghetti, or pretty much anything else. It is so versatile....actually I take it back, I think the baked tofu is my most made recipe. Our homemade spaghetti sauce is up there too.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    I hate when that happens, Carla! I've lost long posts before and it's very frustrating. I make baked tofu quite often too.

    Still working like a maniac. Did manage to get out and get my hair cut today. All the color is definitely out now. It is gray but I actually like it and have been getting a lot of compliments. I have curly hair anyway so I don't have to do anything but comb it out and fluff it up after my shower.

    A full week of the new treadmill in the morning habit. I admit I skipped it over the weekend, but I got back at it yesterday morning. I just wake up thinking okay have to get up and get on the treadmill. Magic, I watched two Chelsea Mae videos while on the treadmill this morning. She's fun.

    B - oats with the usual goodies
    L - not good
    D - big ol' salad, a handful of pumpkin seeds

    About that lunch. I had a container of leftover yummy stir-fry and brown rice with shelled edamame that I took to the office. I got busy and stressed and grabbed a couple handfuls of pretzels around 11:00. Then I wasn't hungry for lunch but a couple hours later had an apple and an evolve shake. Sigh... this is not a good habit! If I was really hungry at 11:00 then I should have just eaten my lunch not got into the pretzels. Next time I will make the right choice! :)

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    Good morning!

    Things are hopping! There's a lot of great stuff to catch up on here.

    I am working to build (rebuild) my routine, starting with early rising. Yesterday's victory was being up at 5 and getting in meditation and a long walk before the day started. Today I slept in a bit, but am still going to get in the meditation and a long walk.
    After that -- a green smoothie for breakfast. I have an appointment after that and will take an apple and cashew snack. Beans and greens for a late lunch and big salad for dinner.

    Yesterday's food was off the rails. Vegan snack bars figured prominently. Tasty but high in sugar for me, and I can feel it today.

    Mihani - I am with you on meat no longer being so appealing. It's
    Carla, your work with fleece is all fascinating!
    Magic -- thank you for the videos. I'll try to get in a treadmill session tonight so I can watch a couple!
    Tammy -- it is so great that you caught your issue early and that things are projected to go well. Your great diet will hopefully help a bit.
    OK, off for that walk before I run out of time. I'll catch up more this evening!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Hi Austin... yeah those vegan bars. I call them candy bars with good PR. Good job getting back into the groove. I have been skipping my meditation/mindfulness too often in the evenings and need to set that habit in stone because it really does help.

    Going to be working most of the weekend. It's crazy busy and I see no end in sight. I keep hoping it will slow down but nope.

    B - oats with the usual goodies
    L - leftover stir-fry with brown rice, edamame and a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds
    D - will be a big ol' wrap... lots of veggies in an ezekiel tortilla

    Gotta run. Still have to reply to some emails and try to get a little work done yet tonight.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Sorry for this very fast post...but,

    I remember watching this guy on You Tube...thought he was interesting...but stopped for some reason and unsubcribed. Lo and behold...Lauren Toyota posted this the other day...

    These guys made it big...they have a line of foods in Sprouts...seriously, Plant Based foods are so on the rise...these guys are YOUTUBE stars...and now:


    ^once you get to this site...go to the very bottom and click on red arrow. Man, you got a dream? Well, then go for it. Anything is possible. This is soooooooo very inspiring to me!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Good morning. I slept in until 7 a.m. and have managed to fritter away two hours so far puttering around the kitchen and debating on grocery delivery. I really ought to just go to the grocery myself. I have so much work to do this weekend though, and not sure I will have time to cook.

    I made cheezy chickpeas last night but I ran out of nooch! I thought I had another bag of it but nope. So I only had half what I needed. I quick soaked some cashews and blended them up with some of the aquafaba and used that in place of the other half cup of nooch. It was actually really good, better than the original recipe. Now I think I'll always use half nooch and half cashew cream.

    Today's plan...
    B - steel-cut oats with blueberries, chia/flax mix, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, hemp hearts
    L - leftover cheezy chickpeas over steamed kale and chard, an apple
    D - big ol' salad, baked tofu
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Managed to get off my lazy behind and go to the grocery! Got lots of yummy produce including broccoli and watermelon. I was on that broccoli kick for about a month earlier this year and I'm craving it again. And the watermelon this year has been so good! I also got a cantaloupe. And 2 big packages of blueberries on sale. I have been buying tons of berries while they are cheap. I rinse them well then let them dry and freeze what I won't use in a few days. Saves a lot on buying frozen which can be pricey.

    Planning to make a big batch of steamed greens with mushrooms, and a pot of black eyed peas with cabbage, carrot and onion. Plus a sheet of baked tofu. Those are all easy and fast so I will have time for that, and will have plenty of the black eyed pea dish to freeze for future meals. I've been good about setting up frozen entrees lately. Better than store bought by a long shot and makes dinners on tired days easy.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I've gotten out of my daily posting routine. And Joe made 2 more cherry pies...but we gave one to our neighbors. I stepped on the scale and gasped...so no more cherry pie and lots more bowls for dinner with greens! Sushi bowl or fajita bowl tonight!

    Here's a little piece I'm working on. It is taking forever because it is all hand-dyed and hand-spun, but next up I'm doing entry rugs and that will be with commercial yarn and a power tool so much faster.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    That's so cute, Carla! Can't wait to see it when it's finished.

    Worked from home today and got a few headachy files off my plate. I wish I could get to where I was working one day from home every week. I know my boss hates when I'm not there but I'm accessible and able to help remotely with critical things that come up.

    B - avocado toast with arugula and tomato
    L - big ol' salad
    D - leftover cheezy chickpeas and broccoli, watermelon
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I got in on some broccoli action yesterday with a big veggie bowl. There's leftovers and Joe has a work lunch so I'll probably have that this afternoon too. We've been doing a lot of sushi bowls lately, so it might be time for a fajita bowl tonight. Bowls work well for us because it is easy to throw in lots of fresh greens and veggies, and there's always something warm in there which is what Joe wants in a dinner.

    I'm practicing with my new rug tufting gun before embarking on a rug wall hanging. I planned to do a few trial bits and move right into a rug, but it turns out it is more difficult than it looks! It is easy to tear the cloth if you don't turn the gun in the right direction while you're tufting, and you have to use the correct pressure. I'm waiting on some cheap yarn to practice with so I'm getting all of my work done now so that I have a big chunk of time on Friday to devote to rug making.

    Take that one day a week at home, Mihani! Your boss would hate it more if you quit! Tell him those are the options :)

    Happy Hump Day!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Howdy y'all... I left work a bit early. Secretary is off tomorrow through Monday so I will be stuck in the office later while she's gone. Ran a few errands and home to relax tonight before facing the office with no secretary!

    B - oats with the usual goodies added
    L - big ol' salad, handful of pumpkin seeds
    D - will be a wrap loaded with lettuce and veggies, pinto beans, salsa

    I'm into my third week of hitting the treadmill in the mornings. I have missed a few days but feel like I'm starting to get into the habit. The alarm goes off and my brain tells me better get up and get on the treadmill. I don't feel like it's a set in stone habit yet, but maybe getting there. Quite honestly I'm now getting more steps in the morning than I often got in an entire day before starting this. My job is so sedentary and I'm at my desk 9 hours then often working more hours at home, not to mention usually at least one day on the weekend. It seems to be helping with stress at the office too, and I feel less tense when I'm getting some movement in first thing. I do get up and move around during the day of course, but mostly I'm sitting.

    I've been watching some more Chelsea Mae videos while on the treadmill thanks to Magic. I often get bored with videos, but she's actually really fun.

    Not pushing it yet, because I want to make sure the morning treadmill habit is firmly established, but I really want to start doing strength training again. I enjoyed that when I got into it a few years ago, and loved feeling strong. It seemed to make me so much more energetic all around. Plus must admit I miss that toned look and it helped a lot with weight/fat loss. I still need to lose about 30 pounds to get where I'd like to be. I'm much happier and healthier where I am than I was 8 or 10 years ago, but need to work on these last pounds, most of which I put back on when I quit strength training.

    Okay better get busy doing something around here before I settle in with a book for the evening.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Oh, and to Carla... I am a big fan of bowls too! Lots of greens (raw and/or cooked), tofu or beans, maybe a grain or some slices of sweet potato, cooked veggies, sometimes a sauce or dressing if the other things in the bowl aren't spiced/sauced already.

    I'm so intrigued by all your projects. I am not very good at that type of thing so I don't really try. I realize not everyone can have every talent, but I do wish I had at least some artistic talent!
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member

    Hoping everyone is doing well!!! My husband's surgery went well and now has physical therapy appointments until the end of the year..He needs help with a lot of things since he restricted to using his left arm only( right arm is in this big brace/ sling thing). Long road ahead before he's cleared for full range of motion..The 2 knee tears that were fixed at the same time are cake in comparison. He was back at work a couple of days after the surgery. A lot of his job is meetings, scheduling, budgeting and computer work. He's lucky that he also has a great boss that is very understanding.
    My mom ended up in the hospital 2 days after my husband's surgery..Uti that made her sick. She is on the mend and is currently at a rehabilitation/skilled nursing facility for physical therapy to get her strength back..She is suppose to come home on the 27th.
    Mason🐶 is doing well and needs daily walks to rehab his knee.
    I know they say when it rains it pours, but everyone is doing well and on the mend so I'm very grateful thankful for that..
    Thanks for asking everyone!!!Grateful/thankful for all of you as well😊
    I too crave things when I read all the menu's and pretzels are one of my favorites. Once I start the bag usually wins.lol.
    Have a great night everyone looking forward to reading what's new with everyone. I can't believe it's almost August....

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Free Live Show this Saturday...I will be back with more info...

    But two times a month they have a subscription show $15.00 a month...recipes are SOS free mostly. YOU get a PDF of the recipe after the show. You have access to all 70 previous shows once you sign up.

    But this Saturday's show is F R E E ! 3rd Anniversary Birthday Bash!

    I so recommend it...here's the free link to sign up:


    Well Your World has a YOUTUBE channel...always free. Here's that link:


    Thinking of adopting a WHOLE FOOD VEGAN DIET for your health? It's less complicated than you think to transition from an unhealthy standard American diet to a healthy whole plant food diet. I'll help you get there faster than I did so you can reclaim your health and get back to what's most important in life...happiness. Check out the channel for super simple cooking videos, whole food plant based recipes with no oil, interviews, and discussions about real vegan health!

    New videos every Tuesday. LIVE WEEKLY YOUTUBE SHOW EVERY other THURSDAY AT 4PM PST.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Made Sarah's Vegan Kitchen recipe for egg (tofu) salad...unbelievable.

    Sharing with coworker tomorrow...sooooooo sooooooooo BELIEVABLE!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Fantastic job sticking with the treadmill, Mihani! I've been doing a minimum of 2 walks with Ruby and Radar every day, and a 3rd walk with them or 30+ minutes on the treadmill about half of the time. As I always say to Joe, you never regret going for a walk.

    Subscribed to Well Your World on you tube, thanks Magic. I have an mock egg salad I really enjoy too, made with garbanzos. Perfect for hot weather and nothing in there that would spoil, so it would even work well for a picnic.

    hawksgirl, I am glad you are staying positive with all of the recovery going around you and involving you...nice that everyone seems to be on the mend even though there's been a lot of surgery and hospital time around there.

    The fajita bowls we had last night for dinner were amazing. Loaded that bowl down with good stuff. The only improvement for next time would be more fresh greens, as some of the ones I had went bad and we couldn't use them. The cheesy sauce is made with a fresh jalapeno blended in and it is a new fave. I used roasted yams and pinto beans in place of the usual baked tofu which I've been relying on too much lately.

    My new rug tufting gun is a lot of fun! So much faster than doing it with a hand tool. I'm starting to get the hang of it, and that new cheap yarn I got for practice is working really well. I'm looking forward to using the big chunk of time I set aside for it this morning while it is cool out...no A/C in the studio and a metal roof.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,974 Member
    Hi all! Got through the last two days without our secretary. She's gone through Monday so I only have to get through one more day. Brought lots of work home to do this weekend.

    hawksgirl, so glad you checked in! I am happy to hear your husband is on the mend and Mason's recovery continues to go well. Sure hope your mom does well in rehab and is back home soon.

    Thanks for the link, Magic. I will check it out this weekend.

    Carla, I am happy that I'm sticking with the treadmill. I never liked getting up and exercising in the morning, but I just had to make myself start doing it with work being so overwhelming. I was driving home every day thinking okay I'm getting on the treadmill tonight for sure, but week after week (heck month after month) went by and I'd get home and feed the dog, get some dinner, sit at my desk here at home for a couple more hours, and then think oh I'm too tired... I'll do it tomorrow. Rinse and repeat daily. :p

    What's in your fajita bowls? I assume sauteed peppers and onions? What else? Glad you are having fun with the rug tufting.

    I am going to do some cooking tomorrow while I do laundry. Plan to make baked tofu, bake a couple sweet potatoes, big pan of sauteed greens with mushrooms and onion. I have kale, collards and beet greens. Salads this week are red and green leaf lettuce, carrot, beet, radish, green onion, savoy cabbage, zucchini. Think I'll make the miso ginger dressing again. I might officially be addicted to that stuff. I'll also make some rice or cous cous for my dinner bowls.

    Oh, I kept thinking there was something I meant to ask. Have any of you tried the mushroom powder in place of mushrooms? I seem to recall that Austin said she has used it. The organic certified packages are pretty spendy! I am wondering if using the powder would meet Dr. F's recommendations and how much you'd need in a day to do that. I love mushrooms, but I hate cleaning them. I mean hate. They are my least favorite veggie when it comes to preparation. Many many years ago, back in high school, I worked in a produce department at a grocery store and they were my least favorite veggie to package and wrap then too, and I wasn't even required to clean them! LOL

    <3 y'all
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2021
    Afternoon, mates! <3

    Carla, thanks for subscribing to WYW's youtube channel. That's super!

    I just have to continue to sing the praises of Chelsea Mae Vegan...now, I am listening to her podcasts. FABULOUS! She is just a natural...and keeps you interested the whole time. Have no idea how she does it. Do not take my word ... here are her reviews:


    She constantly gives James Clear, Atomic Habits credit for his book! She loves it. She has a couple others...I will mention later. But if you're washing the dishes, on the TM, just doing stuff...play her PODCASTS! You can thank me later.

    Love you guys!