
katbourne Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2021 in Social Groups
it will be 1 year since I had my sleeve on 7/28/21... I have lost almost 75 lbs and want to loose 25 more (to start) although I feel amazing i've been stuck at the same weight for 3 months.. Started tracking my food and working out at the gym while getting in 10,000 steps a day.. thinking it would help and i'm up 5lbs...what on earth is happening!!! so frustrated!!


  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    You're working the program! When we get moving, it's builds muscle which weighs more. Have you recorded your inches, I'll bet you're losing inches and not weight.
    When I stall, it's usually because I'm eating improper balance of foods, too much fat for example. I go back to basics to get me kick started. I still have a pesky 9 pounds to lose. My bariatric therapist keeps telling me to trust the process. Its long and arduous. But oh so frustrating,!
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    You have done amazing! You may be stalled but you will get there. Tracking is a big help. I know because my weightloss is slower when I don't track... which is often... >.>
    You got this!
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    It's my surgiversay day! Greatest gift I gave myself. It's been a long, hard journey, but sooooo worth it!
    HW 265
    SW 257
    GW 150
    CW 152
    Thank you all for, especially @spangadora for kind words and lots of support. tky7fydejv6v.jpg
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    Happy Surgiversary! You are a huge inspiration and a great support! <3