Exercise Equipment: What works for you?

MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,996 Member
What types of exercise equipment does everyone recommend and why?

I’ll start.
I love my NuStep. I do not love that it cost as much as a used car. :(
I do love that it is extremely disability friendly

I have a balance disorder. The NuStep has a step through design and a solid grab bar. We also ordered the extra wide seat which is extremely comfortable.

The controls are intuitive, which helps my husband. He has dementia, and was an athlete. A runner and an (almost) 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. But he can’t go anywhere by himself anymore. And I can’t walk across the room without support. So he’s been using it for a year now. His blood sugar is much more stable. His A1C is down even lower. And his insulin use has been cut in half. He’s even experienced some reversal of his diabetic retinopathy. Which almost never happens

And me? I sort of noodled around on the thing. An exercise every few days…. Until February when I woke up with numb feet. Big shock - diabetes here too. My only risk factor was my weight. :(

Anyhow, I got serious with it. Within a month my glucose was well controlled, and I’m practically running on the thing.
