What is your fasting experience? Are you interested in fasting?

rjason1986 Posts: 29 Member
Let's discuss our experience, interest in and any questions one may have about Intermittent fasting and fasting in general


  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Hello. I am glad you started this group

    . I have been doing keto for about 5 months. I have type 2 diabetes and have been able to remove one medication. I have lost some weight but it is slow. I actually log on cronometer because it links to my devices and is easy to use but I enjoy the forums and groups at mfp

    I recently saw a graphic on insulin levels and how they stay up after you eat. I want to eat meals instead of grazing and am thinking of a 16:8 fast for weight loss. I usually wait awhile from waking to eating a meal so it might not be too hard. Tonight I am going for 14 hours and will go from there

    I am getting conflicting advice about what I can put in coffee from it must be black to bulletproof. I usually put a lot of cream I think I will start with cutting back to 1 Tb cream
  • rjason1986
    rjason1986 Posts: 29 Member
    lorib642 wrote: »
    Hello. I am glad you started this group

    . I have been doing keto for about 5 months. I have type 2 diabetes and have been able to remove one medication. I have lost some weight but it is slow. I actually log on cronometer because it links to my devices and is easy to use but I enjoy the forums and groups at mfp

    I recently saw a graphic on insulin levels and how they stay up after you eat. I want to eat meals instead of grazing and am thinking of a 16:8 fast for weight loss. I usually wait awhile from waking to eating a meal so it might not be too hard. Tonight I am going for 14 hours and will go from there

    I am getting conflicting advice about what I can put in coffee from it must be black to bulletproof. I usually put a lot of cream I think I will start with cutting back to 1 Tb cream


    Here is something to help. I've heard more than100 calories breaks a fast. More than 50 calories breaks a fast. Personally I haven't really noticed much of an impact. I was drinking cream in my coffee and still managed to lose weight with IF during my fasting window. On average about 2lbs a week. Also, Jason Fung says that it's ok. So go ahead. Also, Bulletproof coffee can be made with Grass-fed butter, Ghee, Cream, coconut or MCT oil. It's a lot of info to take in and of course personal opinion plays a roll. So just do what works for you. I'm sure that things will work out in the long run!

  • rjason1986
    rjason1986 Posts: 29 Member

    I am Jason. I'm 5'10 34 years old and I have been doing Keto/Carnivore/IF/Fasting for about a month straight now. I have no known medical conditions but I am severely overweight and according to my BMI chart I am obese. I joined MFP as a way to watch my caloric intake in hopes that I would start to reduce my weight. I also starting researching Intermittent Fasting/Keto/Carnivore/Calorie restriction and Fasting. To which I learned that I was most likely insulin resistant.

    I started off doing IF and still eating what I wanted. I lost a little bit of weight. I changed into Keto/Carnivore and I lost more along with calorie restriction. I moved from doing my regular IF to incorporating a 24 hour fast into my schedule. From there I did my first fast. During that time I lost 11lbs. With IF, one 24 hour fast and regular exercise I kept the weight off.

    I am currently on my second fast which I am considering extending to about 5 days to maximize the benefits of not only weight loss but Autophagy. Currently I have lost another 6lbs, 1lb of which was Visceral Fat. My current weight is 252.4lbs. I started July weighing 270lbs. My ultimate goal is to lose 80lbs of body fat and drop down to 190 maybe even 180 depending on what my BFP is and work my way back up with weight training.

  • JillianRumrill
    JillianRumrill Posts: 335 Member
    I started off fasting fairly frequently fir spiritual purposes and now iincrporate a 36hr fast once a week. I also did a 3 day fast last month which although for spiritual reasons it got me out of a rut. I notice it made a very strong change in me where now if i do eat a heavy meal, I feel sick. Like nauseous. Not complaining very happy I did something to hopefully permanently keep my appetite in check. Before making any kinda change i was RECKLESS with food. Now I respect my body much more
  • Rhiannonmueller5599
    I started off fasting fairly frequently fir spiritual purposes and now iincrporate a 36hr fast once a week.

    Nice. I've been reading about Catholic Benedictine fasting practice, OMAD and 2MAD on feast days, and definitely now offering my fasts for certain intentions. Food is definitely an unhealthy detchment for me. OMAD, confession, and spiritual reading has helped with that.

    Was hoping to find a Catholic OMAD group - no luck.
  • TASoto
    TASoto Posts: 25 Member
    I just joined this group for encouragement
    I am not new to fasting, just recently started 16/8s the weekends are my downfalls, I just need fasting to stay discipline